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单词 Customary
1. Is it customary to tip waiters in your country?
2. It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.
3. In some cultures it is customary for the bride to wear white.
4. Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country?
5. It's customary for the women to sit apart.
6. Yvonne took her customary seat behind her desk.
7. Barbara answered with her customary enthusiasm.
8. He makes his customary visit every week.
9. She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.
10. She found her customary self-possession had deserted her.
11. In the UK[], it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.
12. For once, she lost/dropped her customary reserve and became quite lively.
13. It is customary to give people gifts on their birthday.
14. She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman.
15. It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalize what he has learned.
16. It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalise what he has learned.
17. The customary school year is 219 days.
18. We were presented with the customary bottle of champagne.
19. Whitworth performed with his customary brilliance.
20. We repudiated entirely customary morals, conventions and traditional wisdom.
21. President Herrera, as customary, delivered the opening address.
22. Envy and sour grapes had their customary party.
23. However, contemporary interpretations of customary law largely disadvantage women.
24. It's customary to kiss the bride at a wedding.
25. Berkoff's customary disgust with the human race is here directed at male dominance and brutality.
26. She responded to this outrage with her customary fortitude, refusing medical aid.
27. It was apparently customary for business to be transacted in those early hours.
28. Figures on sepulchral monuments sporting shrouds in place of customary day dress are not so rare as those depicted on memorial brasses.
29. Whatever the case, the sheet would have been wrapped around the body in the customary fashion with top- and bottom-knots.
30. But a family whose lands lay in an area of customary law where partible inheritance was the rule faced considerable problems.
1. It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.
2. In some cultures it is customary for the bride to wear white.
3. He makes his customary visit every week.
4. In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.
5. It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalise what he has learned.
31. Duncan had left Myeloski propping up the bar, drinking his customary vodka and Budweiser chaser.
32. During law school I had the customary yearning to sample what a big firm would really be like.
33. The problem arises mainly in the South, where it is customary for sellers to appoint several agents.
34. It is now customary to consider reading in this context.
35. Over the years it has been customary for the chairman to be re-elected for a second year.
36. Thus in many places it is becoming customary for the congregation to join in the doxology itself, whether recited or sung.
37. Participating independent retailers have an identifying symbol, in addition to their customary title.
38. Their customary practice was to deposit receipts in the night deposit box at that branch.
39. As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings, Albright declined to be interviewed for this article.
40. Witchcraft thus can not be easily applied to circumvent or violate customary norms of behaviour.
40. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
41. They can either follow customary practice and offer cash buyers a discount or charge the credit card buyer a surcharge.
42. It is also customary for employers to pay an annual bonus of at least one month's salary and to provide medical benefits.
43. In Suffolk it was customary until recent years to plough a field in stetches or lands of varying widths.
44. A new State is bound by the rules of customary international law in existence when it acquires Statehood.
45. But Daphne only smiled and, as also was customary, asked after Tina.
46. If an employer is committed to an agreed procedure or customary arrangement regarding redundancies, he should adhere to it.
47. The customary view in remote sensing is the vertical one.
48. The customary thwack on the bottom is still the best method for determining doneness.
49. As is customary, you will be paid a fixed fee for the job.
50. When we stayed at Skail, Father and I fished the mouth of the river, with our customary skill.
51. It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils.
52. It was customary to wear heavy iron or brass rings around their fingers, these being made by the mine smiths.
53. In such cases, it is customary for the Crown to bear all reasonable costs run up by defendants.
54. After the customary slapping of palms and the praising of the salesman over the firm loudspeaker, Stone informed Ranieri.
55. When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices.
56. Therefore in daily training it is customary for each exercise to be performed to the left and right, forwards and backwards.
57. Maynard Bolster, wintering from Kalispell, Mont., is in his customary seat, dutifully keeping score.
58. In the Emmental region the loca customary laws of inheritance differed markedly from most of their neighbours.
59. For that at Olympia, the oldest and most prestigious, it was customary for cities at war to call a truce.
60. However Althusser found it difficult to maintain a Marxist theory of history while avoiding its customary Hegelian form.
61. Carlson felt it unnecessary to return the customary military salute.
62. The customary horse-drawn carriages will be running throughout, and downtown galleries will be wide open to visitors.
63. Gambling and crowd disorder was customary but there is no question that Clarke and his boys were missionaries.
64. These serial bilateral relationships are created both by treaties and the operation of rules of customary international law.
65. The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.
66. The Prince took his customary place before the plain white marble fireplace.
67. It is an ethical or moral judgment in the sense that ethos and mores refer to the customary practices of a group.
68. The harp was brought to her and she took her customary seat by the huge fireplace in the north wall.
69. She thrust the customary tip towards the croupier with a slip of paper wrapped around a plaque.
70. The customary toasts will be cheered with soft drinks which will wash down a modest buffet of sausage rolls and sandwiches.
71. It was not customary for boys at school to attack their masters rudely even in debate.
72. In fact, of course, much of this material bore only a tenuous similarity to its genuinely customary counterparts.
73. The purpose of the supper forgotten by the Corinthians, customary social convention prevailed and divisions resulted.
74. He had disbursed more than was customary with him on the hotel where they had spent the night.
75. The retirement condition encouraged an end to workforce participation on a massive scale and established arbitrary ages as the customary retirement ages.
76. Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.
77. Despite these problems, two-thirds of the children consider the residential street to be safer than the customary street with pavement.
78. According to community workers the police show little of their customary vigour in the hunt for assailants after attacks like this.
79. Otton hitched on to this ride and had so much fun that he managed to stave off the customary platoon with Kyle Wachholtz.
80. Some early petitions in 1788 to the Commons on the slave trade came from county meetings held in customary county meeting places.
81. They argued that the use of atomic weapons violated both conventional and customary international law.
82. Stephen did not stop at the customary place, where they were to meet Lucy, but is proceeding down river.
83. He set about making a longbow with his customary craftsmanship.
84. Such appointments are customary for presidents, although most have broader academic credentials than Bulger.
85. It is customary to print foreign words in italics, so that the name of an organism is usually underlined or italicised.
86. The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting.
87. A customary error committed by aquarists is to cling to the opinion that the Aponogeton species do not require a rich soil.
88. It is not customary to find any detail relating to these indexical features of the speaker in transcriptions by discourse analysts.
89. With customary caution, he is keeping his options open while the issue is still in the political incubator.
90. Dulles did more than make the customary recommendations that the policies of the colonial powers keep abreast of local political aspirations.
91. Ayckbourn develops the situation with his customary ingenuity, but I found it too morally disturbing to be really funny.
92. And, as is customary, the families would erect a mourning tent.
93. Suits, ties, and dresses are customary for a conservative look.
94. It is customary for the man to propose to the woman.
95. When I glanced at Terri, I saw that she too had given in to her customary narcoleptic state.
96. The proceedings began in their customary stately way and then a Colonel Beelitz was called as a defence witness.
97. Even the customary dung heaps and piles of ordure had been taken away.
98. Two of the Volunteers attended, even though they had not received the customary formal invitations.
99. As Christians, arranged marriages were not customary in Mary's family.
100. The servant girl - perhaps in honour of the occasion - was also nude and without the customary middle band.
101. It has become customary to assume that the subject is that which acts and the object is that which is acted upon.
102. Mozart was buried in the customary way in an unmarked mass grave,[] and its exact location has never been discovered.
103. Once this incorrect impression is accepted and congealed, there is no commanding reason to disrupt the customary rituals of their existence.
104. Jufti knot Vastly inferior knot produced by tying the pile yarn around four or more warp strands, rather than the customary two.
105. That is a lie for a start, I think, as I submit to the customary kiss on both cheeks.
106. So all were seen by their subjects in their role as peace-keepers, and also as upholders and definers of customary law.
107. Doubtless when it reopens, its current hesitancy will give way to the customary hectoring manner.
108. After school she went to do her chores, but soon fell into her customary trance of curiosity.
109. During 1975-9 they did settle disputes by threatening violence and by paying compensation, and said that this was customary.
110. Hoddle's pivotal role in Swindon's sweeper system stifled United's customary flowing football.
111. Each guest, as was customary, brought a gift for the bride-to-be, except Perseus alone.
112. It is customary to check patients' blood coagulation before ERCp and correct any detected abnormality.
113. Disparities between areas of customary law could, however,[] be exploited by the ducal administration in Aquitaine during lawsuits.
114. He especially enjoyed this party because it was flouting tradition -- it was four years after its customary time.
115. But troops loyal to the general foiled the attempt and he emerged with his customary grin and triumphal air-punching.
116. The king carried himself with his customary elegance.
117. It administered the customary law merchant.
118. Customary law includes also conventional customs.
119. He expressed his thoughts with customary firmness and logic.
120. De Gaulle summed up the talks with customary elegance.
121. Mr Harper turned a customary recess into prorogation .
122. The scene within was not quite the customary one.
123. Gratuity is customary in this momey ? mad metropolis.
124. It is customary with me to do so.
125. It is customary for boys to emulate their fathers.
126. He arrived with his customary promptness.
127. 'It is traditional and customary in most world cultures to lavish on wedding ceremonies as they are one of the most important events in someone's life. '
128. The customary law deeply influence as Xiangfen town of Rongshui Miao Autonomous county in GuangxiAutonomous region.
129. The commonly used U. S. customary linear unit used on engineering drawings is the decimal inch.
130. Writing - rooms , smoking - rooms , dining - rooms , all the customary facilities[ ], were improvised and primitive.
131. As an informal institution, customary rule serves as the institutional foundation for agricultural labor market and safeguards the operation of the market.
132. In Israel, job hunters have the option of including a headshot with their resumes, whereas that is customary in many European countries but taboo in the United States, Ruffle said.
133. Taken together, these vignettes document what Qutb perceived to be his 'awakening' from the unreflective slumber of customary rural life to a new kind of existence"."
134. The terms of employment must be equivalent to those provided by a Swedish collective agreement or to customary terms and conditions for the occupation or industry.
135. In modern international law, treaties are an important carrier to create customary international law.
136. Architectural or manufactured parts sold for appearance should meet the customary trade acceptance characteristics for that industry.
137. An insurance document will be accepted without regard to any risks that are not covered if the credit uses imprecise terms such as "usual risks" or "customary risks".
138. The poem was one line short of the customary four, so the disciple said: "Master, we are one line short."
139. It is customary to treat Dialectic as an adventitious art, which for very wantonness introduces confusion and a mere semblance of contradiction into definite notions.
140. The people of Hida were unable to pay their taxes in the customary form of rice, and so they gave what they could provide—their craftsmen.
141. A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System, an avoirdupois unit equal to 0.002285 ounce ( 0.065 gram ).
142. Andrew jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was custoMary before his time.
143. It is customary for me to get up at six.
144. Thereof it is of practical significance for re-examining the marine fishing principle of the customary international law.
145. Core International Crimes and Ordinary International Crimes stem from the customary international law or conventional international law, and they are all stipulated by some treaties.
146. The customary law is common phenomenon in the minority region.
147. This procedure is necessary, for the asking of this question cannot be compared with customary concerns.
148. It is customary for the young men to draw lots for military service in this country.
149. In a rough way, however it is customary to distinguish four principal dialects of Middle English: Northern, East Midland, West Midland, and Southern.
150. Unfortunately, his words did not seem to percolate through their bureaucracy with customary efficiency.
151. African continent has been influenced by the culture of no written language for a long time, so the ways of customary law coming into being mostly depend on passing from mouth to mouth.
152. All parties must work together to resolve differences through peaceful, multilateral efforts consistent with customary international law.
153. In the marina, he chose a motorboat with a full tank of fuel and set out across the calm sea, now free of the customary pleasure craft, petroleum tankers, and cross-Channel ferries.
154. Consistent with customary international law, legitimate claims to maritime space in the South China Sea should be derived solely from legitimate claims to land features.
155. The unwritten or customary law of war is binding upon all nations.
156. He held himself erect , and his face wore its customary sardonic smile.
157. Chinese ritualize and celebrate each day in a customary manner.
158. The analysis of data is an interpretive approach, as this is customary in performance analysis.
159. A unit of volume or capacity in the U. S. Customary System, used in dry measure, equal to!
160. For this reason, in order to change the legal status of weak effect, raise the law-abiding awareness and train law-abiding citizens customary, the first to is be institutionally.
161. But across Asia it is not lack of money that keeps people poor: it is misgovernment . In the end, as is customary at Asian summits, little of substance was decided.
162. Mr. Obama bluntly accused China of undervaluing its currency and offered the customary pleasantry — "It is wonderful to see you again" — in his meeting with Mr. Hu.
163. In modern commercial law, because of the transformation from "customary" to "statute Law", the mandatory norms of commercial law began to take effect in the commercial subject law.
164. In recent years, the Tibetan customary law has shown the trend of gradual expansion.
165. According to legend, what did Defoe's pillory audience throw at him instead of the customary harmful and noxious objects?
166. Racily turned out young women subbed little black dresses for the customary lawn - party whites.
167. Under such circumstances, the customary law of ethnic minority also plays a realistic role, to a great extent, to adjust civil order at the basic level besides constitutional law.
168. If the Insured cancels, earned premiums shall be computed in accordance with the customary short rate table and procedure.
169. She put her two hands together in her customary expressive way and pressed her fingers.
170. It may have been shorn of its customary snow-capped splendour(), but it was still a majestic sight.
171. When disputes arise over maritime territory, we are committed to resolving them peacefully based on customary international law.
172. Britain's customary stoicism had been overwhelmed by raw, unbridled grief.
173. The people were probably governed by the customary Semitic law of the desert.
174. He points out that in a train or plane, it's customary to start in the qibla direction but then continue the prayer without worrying about possible changes in position.
175. They interrupted the customary one minute's silence with jeers and shouts.
176. The seller must deliver the goods on the date or within the agreed period at the named port of shipment and in the manner customary at the port on board the vessel nominated by the buyer.
177. Perhaps at this very moment the fearless Mr Simpson is cycling across Iran disguised in his customary burka.
178. Method The village doctors experimental group accepted participatory approach training and group accepted customary training.
179. The binding of international agreements is definite, while the binding of customary international law is subject the will of the country concerned.
180. In the chapter 3, It'summarize the characteristics of the customary law.
181. The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks.
182. As it is customary for a hen to cackle after laying an egg, the chicken raiser accordingly credited the cackler with all the eggs that had been laid.
183. As we adITe to our customary practice, we hope those you will not consider us unaccommodating.
184. The codification of customary international law has been achieved in 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and much progress has been made ever since.
185. It's also customary to provide email addresses for key contact points , as sales and customer support.
186. The latter have lived in a relatively stable social order, and it(social order)has impressed (influenced) upon their souls (and) their characteristic respect for what is customary and of good report.
187. The press gallery have is void of the customary bulky desk.
188. A unit of length in the U.S. Customary and British Imperial systems equal to 12 inches ( 0.3048 meter ).
189. Self - determination has been well applied as a general principle of customary law to international practice.
190. As has become customary in the last few months,[http://] Ferrara is asked to compare Juventus to Inter: ?We know we are a good team and must not be taken aback by this evening's defeat.
191. Shipping unit in this Clause 7 includes customary freight unit and the term "unit" as used in the Hague Rules and Hague Visby Rules.
192. It is customary for a couple to be engaged beforehand and this is symbolized by the groom-to-be giving the bride-to-be a necklace or a ring.
193. In the appendix, it lists some collected stuff of the customary law in Xiangfen town.
194. Customary law plays a role together with the statutory law in the application interpretation of criminal law.
195. He has receding brown hair, his customary designer stubble and azure - blue eyes.
196. Marchetti, by contrast, was required to report information that was unrelated to his customary business records.
197. It is customary to formulate this problem in terms of marriage arrangements.
198. His views was accepted by international community and it was established as a basic principle in the customary international law.
199. This article is to define the humanitarian intervention, analyze traditional humanitarian intervention and conclude that it has not yet become an accepted part of customary international law .
200. Indeed, the development and evolution of customary international law is in a continual state of flux.
201. Oral transmission also includes passage by customary demonstration and imitation.
202. This clause 1.1 shall not exclude customary towage in connection with loading and discharging.
203. Needing a big win to stay in contention, China achieved their target with customary panache.
204. Deliver the goods on board the vessel named by the buyer at the named port of shipment on the date or within the period stipulated and in the manner customary at the port.
205. I was nevertheless participating my intention in the customary exodus from Watts.
206. The rules of interpretation of treaties are regulated and codified by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which is based on the customary international law.
207. A unit of dry measure in the U.S. Customary System equal to 2 pecks ( 17.6 liters ).
208. When a bill is duly presented for acceptance and is not accepted within the customary time, the person presenting it must treat it as dishonoured by non-acceptance.
209. I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.
210. This paper elucidated the means of puffed candied apple, the modification of puffed technology has been done on the basis of customary glytin manufacture.
211. This close relationship has undergone two stages from the customary international law to the stage of the international treaty law.
212. Yet the wretchedness, shame, scandal of the terrible affair upset his customary equilibrium.
213. Do you really think it's customary to tip the waiters?
214. In fact, even the customary vagaries of the British summer have this year been peculiarly disorienting.
215. The closing of the acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including approval of the acquisition agreement by holders of a majority of CHM"s outstanding stock."
216. Method Using two point-speed method instead of customary end-point method and the linearity, accuracy, precision, recovery experiment, clinical application, etc were detected.
217. Our terms of payment are 30 - day credit period, not 60 - day credit. It's customary.
218. From the customary law in remote antiquity to the written law after the Mongolia dynasty, laws were consisted of or reflected the content of protecting.
219. Currently ethnic minority regions still maintain traditional and unique social relation adjusting mechanism which is called customary law.
220. At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.
221. Hong Kong Gratuity is customary in this money - mad metropolis.
222. In modern times, it is more customary to show quarter to a conquered foe than anciently.
223. For each individual, several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.




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