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单词 crow
释义  Related topics: Birds, Colours & soundscrow1 /krəʊ $ kroʊ/ noun  1. [countable]HBB a large shiny black bird with a loud cry 乌鸦2. [singular]CHBB the loud sound a cock makes 〔雄鸡的〕啼叫3  as the crow flies STRAIGHTin a straight line 笔直地,沿直线地 ten miles from here as the crow flies 离这里直线距离十英里 → eat crow at eat(7)Examples from the Corpuscrow• A crow perched on it while they watched, and poked hopefully at the sockets.• Spaced evenly from the bottom up, concentric rings of black crow feathers rise to the top of the cairn.• I knew that there is no death worse for an eagle than death at the beaks of hooded crows.• Since the crow believed that this was Kay, the crow and Gerda traveled to the castle.• When the crow decides to go home, he finds he no longer fits in with crows, either.Related topics: Birds, Colours & sounds, Babiescrow2 verb [intransitive]  1. HBBCif a cock crows, it makes a loud high sound 〔雄鸡〕啼叫2  BOASTto talk about what you have done in a very proud way – used to show disapproval 得意扬扬地说话,夸口〔含贬义〕crow over/about He was crowing over winning the bet. 他在大吹自己打赌赢了。3  DHB written if someone, especially a baby, crows, they make a noise that shows they are happy 〔尤指婴儿〕欢叫 Ben rushed to his father, crowing with pleasure. 本欢叫着跑向他爸爸。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscrow• And I've almost cured her of crowing.• Not a peep is emitted by the Arizona senator who loves to crow.• Nordstrom and his supporters are still crowing about winning the lawsuit.• Three percent is nothing to crow about.• The crowd was crowing over Brazil's easy victory in the match.• When Eisenhower fell into the trap, Khrushchev crowed over his discomfort and demanded an apology or a repudiation of presidential responsibility.• In the early 1990s, east-coast magazines crowed that the Golden State's best days were behind it.• The baby crowed with delight at the toy.crow over/about• Three percent is nothing to crow about.• When Eisenhower fell into the trap, Khrushchev crowed over his discomfort and demanded an apology or a repudiation of presidential responsibility.• North and his supporters are still crowing about the court's decision.• Presidents, governors, senators and representatives all crow about their desire to improve education.• And even if you score a triumph, avoid crowing about your success.nCrow noun  n1. the Crow [P] a Native American tribe that now lives in southern Montanan2. [countable] a member of this tribe → Native American —Crow adjectiven a Crow chiefOrigin crow1 1. Old English crawe2. (1200-1300) → CROW2 crow2 Old English crawancrow1 nouncrow2 verbCrow nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  shiny a black cry loud with large Corpus bird a




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