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单词 partition
释义 Word family  noun part counterpart parting partition adjective partial parting part verb part partition adverb part partially partly  Related topics: Household, Governmentpar·ti·tion1 /pɑːˈtɪʃən $ pər-, pɑːr-/ noun  1. [countable]DH a thin wall that separates one part of a room from another 隔墙;隔板2  [uncountable]PG the action of separating a country into two or more independent countries 〔国家的〕分裂,分割partition of the partition of India 对印度的分割Examples from the Corpuspartition• Richard, like a good commander, sensed the uneasiness of the meeting, even through the solid teak partition.• He said they had national characteristics and that partition would be disastrous.• When we hear Frau Braun coming, I hastily drop the gauze over the cradle and hide behind the partition.• Then I heard quiet footsteps moving behind the partition wall.• I almost do not hear the women pleading behind the partition.• The soldiers, so far, had also not taken behind the partition any women with children.• Now they slept with Timmy's cot wedged between the partition and his bed.• When a new item is to be added to the partition, it is added at the top.partition of• the partition of Czechoslovakiapartition2 verb [transitive + into]  1.SEPARATEto divide a country, building, or room into two or more parts 分割;把…分成部分;分隔2 partition something ↔ off phrasal verb DHSEPARATEto divide part of a room from the rest by using a partition 〔用隔墙、隔板〕将…隔开,分隔 They partitioned off part of the living room to make a study. 他们把客厅隔出一部分当书房。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspartition• At that time the country was partitioned among wartime allied powers.• Korea was partitioned at the 38th Parallel after World War II.• Drive 1, the primary master, is partitioned into three.• A makeshift chapel is partitioned off in the corner of the lowest security dorm.• A section at the back of the warehouse was partitioned off.• For large networks, multiple boards can be used to partition the computations even more.• Their aim was to partition the set of pictures by the shapes of the engines and wagons.From Longman Business Dictionarypartitionpar‧ti‧tion /pɑːˈtɪʃənpər-, pɑːr-/ noun [countable]1a thin wall that divides one part of a large room from another, for example in an OPEN-PLAN officeglass partitions2COMPUTING one of the parts that a computer’s memory, such as a hard disk, is divided into —partition verb [transitive]The office was partitioned to contain the noise of the new computers.They broke up the company and partitioned the assets between two other companies.Origin partition1 (1400-1500) French Latin partitio, from partire; → PART2par·ti·tion1 nounpartition2 verbChineseSyllable  one wall of part Business separates a thin that Corpus




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