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单词 launch
释义  Related topics: Water, Astronomy, Computerslaunch1 /lɔːntʃ $ lɒːntʃ/ ●●○ W2 verb [transitive]  1  start STH 开始做某事START something/MAKE something START to start something, usually something big or important 发动,发起,开始从事〔大型或重要活动〕 The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150,000. 为了筹集15万美元,该组织发起了一场募捐活动。 The Canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal. 加拿大警方计划对这宗交易进行调查。launch an attack/assault/offensive The press launched a vicious attack on the president. 新闻界开始对总统进行恶毒攻击。 The book launched his career as a novelist. 这本书开启了他的小说创作生涯。2  product 产品SELL to make a new product, book etc available for sale for the first time 把〔新产品、新书等〕投放市场;出版,发行 The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October. 公司希望于明年10月前推出这种新药。3. boat 船TTW to put a boat or ship into the water 使〔船〕下水4  sky/space 天空/太空UP to send a weapon or spacecraft into the sky or into space 发射〔武器或航天器〕 A test satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral. 一颗实验人造卫星从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。► see thesaurus at shoot5  computer 计算机 to make a computer program start 启动〔计算机程序〕 SYN open Double-click on an icon to launch an application. 双击图标打开一个应用程序。6. launch yourself forwards/up/from etc JUMPto jump up and forwards into the air with a lot of energy 向前猛扑/向上跃起/从…猛扑过去等7 launch into something phrasal verb a) START something/MAKE something STARTto suddenly start a description or story, or suddenly start criticizing something 突然开始〔描述、叙述或抨击〕,发起 Nelson launched into a blistering criticism of greedy lawyers. 纳尔逊开始对贪心不足的律师予以猛烈抨击。b) to suddenly start doing something 投入,开始干 Don’t just launch into exercise without warming up first. 没有热身不要立即开始做运动。8.launch out phrasal verb British English START something/MAKE something STARTto start something new, especially something that involves risk 开始,着手〔新事情,尤指有风险的事〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslaunch• On the first day of the war over 400 missiles were launched.• Wysling has launched a campaign to raise $7000 to restore the monument.• The local hospital has launched a campaign to raise money for new X-ray equipment.• Police are launching a major murder inquiry.• Read in studio Police have launched a new initiative to tackle a rising wave of crime.• China is planning to launch a space rocket later this month.• A high-technology corporation, for example, might launch a subsidiary to manufacture components for major systems produced by the parent.• Fiat launched a tiny "city car" especially for Europe's narrow, crowded streets.• Giddy from their wartime success, the Communists launched an ambitious plan aimed at expanding the economy by 14 percent a year.• Rebel forces launched an attack on the capital.• Mr Major says he has gathered enough support to launch an attack.• Modifying current equipment enables them to minimise new capital outlay while the product is being launched and its success evaluated.• Rebels launched another attack late Sunday.• The book launched his career as a novelist.• Fezza, the clothes designer, launched his first collection in 1980.• Of five landing missions launched in 1965, all five failed.• I positioned myself immediately below him, took a couple of practice aims and then launched my training shoe upwards.• Fiat has launched the smaller car model for city driving.• NASA will try to launch the space shuttle again on Sunday.• The most popular option is the DOS-based WordPerfect system which has launched version 6.0, being the first significant enhancement since 5.1.launch an attack/assault/offensive• But why does the otter not take advantage of this sense of security to launch an attack?• Their-very wildness provides ideal shelter in which guerrillas can hide and from which to launch attacks.• Then the Confederates launched an attack.• The village is soon surrounded by the Viet Cong, who launch attacks at night.• Karpov hopes to launch an attack in the h-file.• Then he launched an assault on his Moscow neighbour.• He is said to have launched an attack on the Areopagus, for usurpation of powers that were not statutory.Related topics: Water, Astronomylaunch2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  SELLwhen a new product, book etc is made available or made known 〔新产品的〕投放市场;〔新书的〕发行launch of the launch of a new women’s magazine 一本新女性杂志的发行 a new product launch 新产品的推出2. TTWa large boat with a motor 游艇,汽艇3. when a weapon or spacecraft is sent into the sky or into space 〔武器或航天器的〕发射Examples from the Corpuslaunch• the West Coast launch of his new cologne• Since its launch in 1988, sales of OS/2 have grown to only about 300,000 a year.• During the launch, two rockets boost the shuttle before separating and falling back into the sea.• the launch of nuclear weapons• The launch of the research centre is slated for December.product launch• He has worked full time as a magician and illusionist since 1998, entertaining primarily at corporate retreats and product launches.• Not all the losses resulting from a delayed product launch are concerned with that product.• But how important is another domestic product launch in 1992?• First, we got the marketing team together to review, in detail, our last major product launch.• The last major product launch two years ago really solidified a couple of new markets for us.• We will have a brand new product launch every six months for the next three years.• We are still optimistic about further growth during the year with a number of new product launches planned in the coming months.From Longman Business Dictionarylaunchlaunch1 /lɔːntʃlɒːntʃ/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1COMMERCEMARKETINGto show or make a new product available for sale for the first timeThe company is launching a new range of hair products.The bank has launched a commercial insurance service for small businesses.Our internet service will launch next year.2COMMERCEto start a new companyConran launched a business empire that was eventually to employ 83,000 people.3to start a new activity or profession, usually after planning it carefullyThe sports channel launched a major advertising campaign two months before the World Cup.Luke took advantage of a Youth Training Scheme to launch a successful career.4launch a bidFINANCE if one company launches a bid for another, it makes an offer to buy itSeveral of its competitors may launch a bid for the company.→ See Verb tablelaunchlaunch2 noun [countable]1MARKETING an occasion at which a new product is shown or made available for sale or use for the first timeSavings are needed to finance new product launches.Since its launch two years ago, sales of the software have grown to only about 300,000 a year.2the start of a new activity or planthe launch on New Year’s day of a set of economic reformsOrigin launch1 (1300-1400) Old North French lancher, from Late Latin lanceare “to throw a lance”, from Latin lancea; → LANCE1 launch2 1. (1300-1400) → LAUNCH12. (1600-1700) Spanish lancha, from Portuguese, perhaps from Malay lanchar “quick”launch1 verblaunch2 nounChinese   Corpus usually something, to big something start Business




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