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单词 page
释义  Related topics: Computers, Historypage1 /peɪdʒ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  paper 纸 one side of a piece of paper in a book, newspaper, document etc, or the sheet of paper itself 〔书、报纸、文件等的〕页,面;〔纸的〕一张 The full address is given on page 15. 详细地址见第15页。 You will find the answers over the page. 答案见下页。 a 400-page novel 一本400页的小说 We took out a full page advertisement in the ‘Village Voice’. 我们在《村声》上投放了一整版广告。2  computer 计算机TD all the writing etc that you can see at one time on a computer screen 页面 a web page (=a single screen of writing, pictures etc on a website) 网页3. young person 年轻人 American EnglishSECPG a student or young person who works as a helper to a member of the US Congress 〔美国议员的〕青年助理4  on the same page if a group of people are on the same page, they are working well together and have the same aims 〔某一群人〕团结一心 We need to get environmentalists and businesses on the same page to improve things. 我们需要使环境保护主义者和企业同心协力以改善状况。5  boy 男孩x-ref a) a boy who served a knight during the Middle Ages as part of his training 〔中世纪以服侍骑士作为训练的〕学习骑士 b) a pageboy(2) 〔酒店、俱乐部等的〕侍童 门童,青年男侍6. servant 侍从,仆人SHCLASS IN SOCIETY a boy who in the past served a person of high rank 〔旧时地位较高者的〕男侍从7. a page in history SHIMPORTANTan important event or period of time 历史上的一页〔指某重要事件或时期〕n GRAMMAR: Patterns with page• Something is on a page: I stared at the words on the page.• Something is on the first/last/next etc page: The answer is on the next page. ✗Don’t say: The answer is in the next page.• Something is on page 1/10 etc: There is a diagram on page 35. ✗Don’t say: There is a diagram on the page 35. | There is a diagram in page 35. COLLOCATIONSadjectivesthe next/previous page 下/前一页I glanced back to the previous page. 我往回扫了一眼前一页。nWhat’s on the next page?the opposite/facing page 对页See the diagram on the opposite page. 参见对页图表。the left-hand/right-hand page 左手/右手页The answers are on the right-hand page. 答案在右手页上。the front/back page (=of a newspaper) (报纸的)头版/末版nHer picture was on the front page of every newspaper.the sports/arts/financial etc pages (=the part of a newspaper that deals with sport, art etc) 体育/艺术/金融等版面nHe only ever reads the sports pages.a blank page (=with nothing on it) 空白页nThere were a couple of blank pages at the back of the book.a new/fresh page (=which has not yet been written on) 新页nStart each section of your essay on a new page.a full page 整版,全页nThe article went on for a full page.verbsturn a page 翻页I turned the page in order to find out what happened next. 我翻过这一页看接下去发生了什么。turn to/see page 22/45 etc 翻到/见第22/45页等Turn to page 8 for more details. 详情见第8页。flick/flip/leaf through the pages of something (=turn them quickly) 快速翻看[浏览]某物的页面nShe was flicking through the pages of a magazine.jump/leap off the page (=be very noticeable) 引人注目,很醒目One mistake jumped off the page. 这一页上有个明显错误。phrasesthe top of the page 页面顶端Write your name at the top of the page. 在页面顶端写上姓名。the bottom/foot of the page 页末See the note at the bottom of page 38. 参见第38页页末注释。Examples from the Corpuspage• It is the most comprehensive of the road test series and is also one of the first to feature colour pages.• One day she wakes up, sees all that creepiness splashed across the front page.• The last page of the book is missing.• How many pages are we supposed to read?• I shall return to this point at the end of the chapter on page 35.• In 1988 there is to be a new system of personal pensions, explained on page 76.• Summarize your essential points on one page.• See pages 27-30 for club listings.• The readers' response: a big sigh and a rustle as they turn the page.• What page is the picture on?over the page• If so - that's the year of the Cockerel I enclosed a bit over the page about it.• It is merely the sight of a small head bowed over the pages that gives me indescribable joy.• Again he ran his finger over the page.• Dudek flicked over the pages, found them to be a little better, but still somewhat hum-drum.• He flipped over the pages of the report he was reading.• Take your first step to solving the mysteries of the Trail by filling in the form over the page.• Choose a dessert from over the page or serve cheese.• To help find the hazards the balloons and text over the page will give you some clues.web page• This allows an activist to observe and modify all web pages sent to a target's computer.• The best-known example is Java, a programming language from Sun Microsystems that can bring web pages to life.• Its teachers are being trained, for example, to download information from the web, or design web pages.• Microsoft already makes a product called Internet Assistant for use in designing individual web pages.• Do you want me to print off this web page?• Shockwave adds animated images and sounds to web pages.• All this is possible because the protocols for formatting, requesting and transmitting web pages have been standardised.• I check out your web page everyday as apart from a decent cup of tea I miss my Sun newspaper badly!Related topics: Communicationspage2 verb [transitive]  1  TCto call someone’s name out in a public place, especially using a loudspeaker, in order to find them 〔尤指用扩音器在公共场合〕呼叫 She hurried to the reception desk and asked the girl to page her husband. 她急忙跑到前台,请女服务员用广播呼叫她的丈夫。2  TCBto send a message to someone’s pager asking them to go somewhere or telephone someone 〔透过传呼机〕传呼〔某人〕 He was constantly being paged during meetings. 他开会时接二连三收到传呼。n the paging network3 page down phrasal verb computerto press a special key on a computer that makes the screen show the page after the one you are reading 按下页键 OPP page up It’s not there, so page down and see if you can find it. 不在那儿,按下页键找一找。 through something phrasal verb American English to look at a book, magazine etc by turning the pages quickly 快速翻阅〔书本、杂志等〕 up phrasal verb computerto press a special key on a computer that makes the screen show the page before the one you are reading 按上页键 OPP page down→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspage• I couldn't find Jenny at the airport, so I had her paged.• Its paging business was booming, and annual operating profits broke the $ 1 billion mark.• Don't page me after 10 o'clock.• The same thing happens when I page people and have to punch in the number to dial back.From Longman Business Dictionarypagepage1 /peɪdʒ/ written abbreviation p. noun1[countable] one side of a piece of paper in a book, newspaper, document etc, or the sheet of paper itselfThe sales figures are on page 15 of the report.2ad/advertising pages [plural]MARKETING the pages in magazines, newspapers etc that are used to advertise goods and servicesFortune magazine will show a 13% increase in ad pages for the first quarter.3business/sports etc pages [plural] the pages in magazines, newspapers etc that deal with business, sport etcThe format could make 'The Wall Street Journal’s financial-markets pages easier to read.4front page the first page at the front of a newspaper, where the most important news isThe newspaper carried the item on its front page.Mr. Guerin was profiled in a front-page story in the ‘FT’.5[countable]COMPUTING a piece of writing or pictures on a computer screen that will fill one side of a piece of paper when printedPrint Preview displays the layout of the pages you are about to print.6[countable]COMPUTING part of a website which you can see on a computer screen at any one timeA hit counter measures and displays the number of times visitors have viewed a single page on a website.7[countable] a message that you receive on a pager → see also full-page, White Pages, Yellow Pagespagepage2 verb [transitive]1to contact someone, using a pagerThe customer is paged automatically every time a new fax or email arrives.2to call someone’s name out in a public place, especially using a loudspeaker, in order to find themYou could try paging him over the public address system. —paging noun [uncountable]Mtel will introduce nationwide paging.→ See Verb tableOrigin page1 1. (1500-1600) French Latin pagina2. (1200-1300) Old French Old Italian paggiopage1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1page2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  of of piece side Corpus one a Business




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