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单词 unannounced
释义 Word family  noun announcement announcer adjective unannounced verb announce adverb unannounced  un·an·nounced /ˌʌnəˈnaʊnst◂/ adjective, adverb  EXPECThappening without anyone expecting or knowing about it 出人意料的[地];未经通报的[地] We arrived unannounced. 我们到得很突然。Examples from the Corpusunannounced• My brother is famous for showing up at our houses unannounced, usually around dinner time.• an unannounced visit• Investigators from the health department made unannounced visits to the hospital in March.un·an·nounced adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus knowing expecting it without about or anyone happening




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