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单词 Markup
1 The usual mark-up on clothes is about 20 percent.
2 The retailer's mark-up is 50%.
3 The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at least 100 %.
4 The mark-up on food in a restaurant is at least 100%.
5 Would you propose that mark-up is checked before capture?
6 It is also clearly much easier to produce one's own draft agreement than to work from and mark-up some one else's.
7 The client must be told the hourly rate charged and the extent of the mark-up for skill, care and attention.
8 The mark-up should be fair and reasonable, the speculator being reimbursed for both time and enterprise.
9 The existence of a mark-up has to be taken into account when considering the response to a corporate tax.
10 Context-tables use the same troff -like mark-up as the rest of a document.
11 If there were to be a reduction in the mark-up, then this would further reinforce the effect.
12 They're probably cheaper than Selina, come to think of it, what with the hotel mark-up.
13 With the simple constant mark-up pricing supposed, the tax on monopoly profit makes no difference.
14 All other things being equal, the smaller the retailing mark-up, the greater the profit share for the manufacturer.
15 They are made available directly to you - with no bookstore mark-up and no distribution excesses.
16 Given the mark-up on room service, he quite likes it.
17 Markup indented based on nesting level.
18 XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.
19 HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
20 Ink Markup Language ( InkML ).
21 HTML is not the only type of markup language.
22 A Panel is a reusable component that holds markup and other components.
23 The most popular markup languages, HTML and XHTML, are used primarily for display purposes, with tags to which designers can apply styles via CSS.
24 Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, and includes many utilities for designers and programmers.
25 And there is no sales tax and no retail markup.
26 Investment banks earn underwriting fees by buying new securities from corporate issuers and reselling them to investors at a markup.
27 Their resistance and boycott threat might instead be more of an effort to whittle down the markup that Rio Tinto is seeking in current contract negotiations.
28 Markup extensions return objects based on string attribute values or markup elements in XAML.
29 Where can I go to verify my document uses correct markup?
30 Other technologies like Tea and Enhydra XMLC that allow the input of a pure markup language page also allow this,[] although they do not mandate it.
31 Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ) is used to mark the logic structure of text.
32 In either case , the mechanics of the modules added and the markup language definition are the same.
33 They may validate every form field entry to remove e-mail injection commands, embedded Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags, and other naughty bits.
34 The extensible markup language, XML, is a ideal network language, which is fit for the expression and organization of structured data.
35 Since the static files are typically stored outside the portal system on HTTP servers or proxy caches, we will concentrate here on the "real" HTML markup size.
36 An approximate query algorithm for heterogeneous - oriented extensible markup language ( XML ) documents - TPQR was proposed.
37 Eliminate the reseller's markup and pass the savings on to the customers.
38 The progression price markup system has been a controversial issue.
39 The assigned state is read for each e-mail address, and the kmlHeader and kmlStyles subroutines are called to print the appropriate KML markup for the specified threshold and intervals.
40 It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information.
41 The file is a well - balanced combination of text and element markup, with no attributes.
42 In 1986, the International Standards Organization adopted a variation of GML called Standard Generalized Markup Language, or SGML.
43 For users who want to do a bit more with their text (link, underline, italicize, HTML headers, etc.), offers support for the Textile markup language.
44 Rather than put that information into the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) of the page in any old way, add some standardized HTML tags and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class names.
45 They talk about what technology to use for the POC, what Extensible Markup Language (XML) standards to use, what platforms to use, what ESB to use(), and so on.
46 Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a markup language that provides a format for describing data.
47 Most importantly, many browsers use different code to display XHTML than they do to display Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
48 However, some people dislike DTD for its awkward syntax, limitations in the text and markup constructs it can express, and the difficulty of handling XML Namespaces.
49 An information storage medium including a markup document and AV data, a recording method, a reproducing method, and a reproducing apparatus therefor are provided.
50 Add the markup from Listing 7 to a file named test-ruby-and-markup.rhtml in your application's /public directory.
51 It's based on an international standard called Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ).
52 Against hematischesis dissolves the full markup to induce the heart failure.
53 Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
54 Indicates that a class can use a markup extension to provide a value, and references a handler to use for markup extension set operations.
55 Remember that OpenLaszlo uses LZX as its declarative markup language, which also follows the same basic principles as any well-formed XML.
56 To improve the clustering quality of massive extensible markup language(XML) document collections, this paper proposes a novel XML document clustering method.
57 In the emerging standard PMML(Predictive Model Markup Language), which is the platform and system independent representation of data mining models, there is no definition of the SOM meta-model.
58 If you think XML looks a lot like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), you're right.
59 PYX uses the first character of every line to represent a markup event such as an open-tag or attribute.
60 XML stands for Ex tensible Markup Language, it is a markup language used to structure data logically using tags that look very similar to HTML.
61 After 12 long years, the core language of the world wide web (HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language) is finally undergoing a major revision with the release of HTML5.
62 The Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is NOT a replacement for HTML.
63 These crawlers look for missing content, validate all links, and ensure that your Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is valid.
64 XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) is a new markup language for web application.
65 Standard Generalized Markup Language. An international standard for markup languages. The basis for HTML and XML.
66 XML is a new markup language specification developed by the W 3 C ( the World Wide Web Consortium ).
67 A successor to HTML, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is widely expected to become a standard way of exchanging data in a mixed environment.
68 Generate markup by using a dialog box, such as the Insert Table Dialog Box.
69 Third is a way to create documents in a consistent format, known as hypertext markup language, or HTML.
70 Flex uses MXML as its declarative markup language, which follows the conventions of basic XML (as do all declarative languages).
71 Some sites have even given up Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in exchange for sites powered entirely by JavaScript? code.
72 The individual markup fragments produced by portlets, however, are also potentially cacheable.
73 NET server control sends HTML or another markup language to a client.
74 Retailing platforms charge merchants a price markup sourcing from competition among differentiated merchants, and restrict merchants' number.
75 DocBook was originally a popular Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) format for authoring books and documentation, especially those of a more technical nature.
76 This is more complicated than it sounds, since several areas of XForms (such as label) can contain markup from the host language, not to mention additional attributes that are allowed everywhere.
77 While template engines have this same problem, many Java-based solutions, such as my favorite, Enhydra, allow you to supply the markup page as input to the presentation technology.
78 In the early 1990s, the first version of HTML was based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
79 Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) takes Web document formatting a giant leap forward.
80 XML own markup language information and structural features that make retrieval easier, and can improve the accuracy of retrieval rate.
81 The Security Assertion Markup Language specification (SAML) is an XML based framework that aims to solve problems associated with exchanging security information in an SOA architecture.
82 The programming interface for UDDI is based on Extensible Markup Language ( XML ).
83 Currently, the query technique that supports finite automaton Regular Path Expression (RPE) is valuable in the research area of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) query in semi-structured data mode.
84 Markup tracking is off. You can make changes to the original document.
85 If you want to write HTML that is well-formed XML, follow the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (see Resources).
86 Before, a Web site only needed to respond to requests for Web pages coded in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
87 The result was a quota on U.S. imports but the foreign suppliers pocketed windfalls price markup.
88 Based on the character between XML( eXtensible Markup Language) and RDB(Relational DataBase), the conversion method is presented[Sentence dictionary], and illuminating the process with examples.
89 These institutions use the EAD DTD, and currently encode their archival finding aids using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
90 Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language is a kind of network-multimedia application language based on XML(Extensible Markup Language).
91 In a JET, the structure of the markup may be changed to support generating code in different languages.
92 SMIL ( Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language ) is an important application of XML ( Extensible Markup Language ).
93 XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document.
94 The Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) became a W 3 C Recommendation 10. February 1998.
95 XML is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), defined in ISO 8879:1986 [ISO Standard].
96 XML (extensible Markup language) a descriptive language having no relationships with platform.
97 A parameter entity reference is not allowed in internal markup.
98 It interprets developer-supplied markup, evaluating the desired end-result based on predefined rendering logic mapped to the JSF custom-class libraries.
99 XML is a drastically simplified subset of the W 3 C's Structured General Markup Language ( SGML ).
100 More modern markup languages, such as the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and XML, popularized more abstract structural markup such as books, chapters, sections, and so on.
101 This mean that international delivery will line markup from today.
102 First, instantiate the markup handler JavaScript class from your calling JavaScript and then, call the loadConfigFile with the name of the JSON file as shown in Lw.
103 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): Defines the content that is ultimately presented to the user.
104 Finally, there are server-side solutions that precompile all XForms markup to classic Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and JavaScript programs.
105 The publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML ( from HyperText Markup Language ).
106 This combination both lets you see without ambiguity what the markup structure of a document is, and also allows you to see a good approximation of a final rendering of an XML document.
107 HTML, which is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language , is frequently used to design websites.
108 The parameter entity replacement text must nest properly within markup declarations.
109 Extensible Markup Language ( XML ), the transmission format for next - generation Internet, is buzzword in information technology.
110 The transformation formula of critical markup rate and critical gross profit rate is given, and their equivalency for the stability study is illustrated.
111 Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
112 Support for Web standards -- including Extensible Markup Language (XML), Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -- was improved but not yet perfect.
113 eRDF attempts to balance ease of markup with extensibility and expressivity.
114 Both of these JSP TagLib controls encapsulate all asynchronous communication, JavaScript code, CSS formatting, and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) generation.
115 For some people, the crown jewel of Mozilla's XML capabilities is XML User Interface Language (XUL), a markup language for describing cross-platform user interfaces.
116 A new kid on the markup language block is eXtensible markup language.
117 The research introduces extensible markup language ( XML : extensible Markup Language ).
118 Listing 1 shows the markup fragment used to create this stock ticker form in HTML.
118 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
119 Markdown is useful to writers who want to use a simpler-than-HTML markup language that later can be converted to HTML.
120 The healthy woman leucorrhea increases with in vivo estrogen level markup is proportional.
121 The content of elements must consist of well - formed character data or markup.
122 Structured data (such as XProc markup) is typically easier to reuse than structured code.
123 Use this with CSS when you want really clean markup, free of presentational clutter.
124 The venerable Hypertext Markup Language is getting a face lift, too.
125 The new rules of the road are open and are spelled TCP/IP, Hypertext Transport Protocol, Hypertext Markup Language and now Sun's Java.
126 Each markup format has its advantages,[http:///markup.html] Microdata being the last to emerge in the semantic web by trying to combine the extensibility provided by RDFa and simplicity of microformats.
127 First of all, the internal FPI motives of forest and paper enterprises are researched on transaction cost, asset specificity , double markup and optimal output decision making.
128 It introduced the first automatic code generation technology; then introduced the XML markup language script; last TSL template described in the scripting language graphical user interaction systems.
129 OST and OSML encourage data-driven development of applications and services while promoting a clear separation of concerns between markup and programming logic.
130 Quite a few attendees (and one keynoter) could and did give first-hand reports of the early days to others like myself who only discovered the power of descriptive markup from XML.
131 For those who don't know, XL stands for Extensible Markup Language.
132 Runs the Web application consisting of the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) pages, servlet filters and listeners, and the JSF components.
133 Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a simple language for marking up structures in text documents.
134 The result was a quota on U. S. imports buttheforeign suppliers pocketed windfallsfrom the price markup.
135 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), an SGML document type, also encloses content within meaningful tags.




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