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单词 unapproachable
释义  un·ap·proach·a·ble /ˌʌnəˈprəʊtʃəbəl◂ $ -ˈproʊ-/ AWL adjective  UNFRIENDLYseeming unfriendly and therefore difficult to talk to 不友好的,冷淡的,难以接近的Examples from the Corpusunapproachable• Yet this morning you're rude, surly, and unapproachable.• He kept his arms crossed in front of him and seemed somewhat unapproachable.• He may not be the biggest pop star in the world but he's certainly the most unapproachable.• Many protect themselves even from patients' questions, by always being very busy or emotionally unapproachable.• They rise, a coronet of tops, beyond the glitter and goo of Strath Bran, looking quite unapproachable.• Unlike the unapproachable bison, the handout-loving burros eagerly greet motorists on the loop.• Somewhat unapproachable, he kept his hands behind his back.• She was not unapproachable, however.• A lot of the guys thought she was attractive, but she seemed so unapproachable that no one dared to talk to her.• Whatever pangs of grief and guilt and shame Emilia might suffer had remained locked inside her, an unapproachable wound.un·ap·proach·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  unfriendly to to Corpus seeming therefore difficult talk and




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