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单词 Related to
(1) Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
(2) In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.
(3) Much of the violence is related to drugs and gang warfare.
(4) His father's distantly related to the Royal family.
(5) Are you related to Margaret?
(6) He professed a distaste for everything related to money.
(7) We regard health as inversely related to social class.
(8) She believes she's related to royalty.
(9) The llama is related to the camel.
(10) Education levels are strongly related to income.
(11) The Belgian language is closely related to French.
(12) He is distantly related to the family.
(13) Wealth is seldom related to happiness.
(14) She is related to me by marriage.
(15) She claims she is related to royalty.
(16) He suffers with memory loss related to his disease.
(17) I might be related to him.
(18) I am not related to him in any way.
(19) Is unemployment causally related to crime?
(20) Low birth weight is related to economic deprivation.
(21) He is related to her by marriage.
(22) Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.
(23) The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.
(24) She claims she is related to the Queen/claims to be related to the Queen.
(25) They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.
(26) He claims to be distantly related to the British royal family.
(27) The occurrence of the disease is apparently related to standards of hygiene.
(28) Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.
(29) The only stipulation is that the topic you choose must be related to your studies.
(30) One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.
(1) Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
(2) In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.
(3) Much of the violence is related to drugs and gang warfare.
(4) I am not related to him in any way.
(5) The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.
(6) The occurrence of the disease is apparently related to standards of hygiene.
(31) Depression in the twilight years is usually related to illness.
(32) If anyone has any information related to the crime, will they please contact the police.
(33) The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
(34) His inner conflict is related to struggles in the outer world.
(35) Laminin has been related to alcohol intake.
(36) Metallic bonding is related to electrical conduction and semi-conduction.
(37) This is closely related to item 3 above.
(38) Future fertility was not related to induced abortion.
(39) The most novel approach related to sickness benefit.
(40) Power strategies are closely related to power bases.
(41) Laminin concentration is also related to alcohol intake.
(42) Paddlefish are bony fish related to the Sturgeon.
(43) One particular concern related to public transportation.
(44) Histological findings were related to these anatomical landmarks.
(45) We have to think of possible test factors which are related to both income and preparedness to break the law.
(46) The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need.
(46) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(47) A brief review of existing work in library user instruction evaluation was then given and related to the parameters previously described.
(48) As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience each act was greeted with loud and equal applause.
(49) In 1997, 90 % of the calls were related to alcohol addiction, falling to 60 % last year.
(50) The quantity of creatinine formed daily is a relatively constant amount since it is related to muscle mass.
(51) Another cause related to blood-drawing is hemolysis of drawn blood.
(52) Perhaps the most interesting entry made by Joyce in his Workbook related to his place of birth and nationality.
(53) Thus, we should expect that human language and its use will be interestingly related to human cognition.
(54) The extra cash would fund research related to the new generation of satellites planned for later in the 1980s.
(55) We are also interested in extending their manual skills in the form of craft work related to aesthetic experiences.
(56) Use the indicator solution to write short messages to the students conveying information related to classwork.
(57) First, the questions asked in the surveys related to behaviour over different time periods.
(58) In late adolescence and young adulthood, planning skills were in turn related to social functioning and parenting behaviour.
(59) Related to perception were two strongly contrasting ways of taking in and becoming aware of what was happening.
(60) Often, as in the case of crofting, these are related to land tenure systems and their legal basis.
(61) Much of the debate has related to reducing waiting times for surgery rather than for outpatient appointments.
(62) The research will analyse whether expenditure changes are related to the change in the degree of accountability faced by different local authorities.
(63) Likewise if the defendant carries on business here and the transaction related to that business.
(64) Country size, for instance, appears to be related to the propensity to centralise collective bargaining authority within national confederations.
(65) Psychological comfort is inextricably related to physical comfort although some interactions are deliberately planned by staff to contribute to psychological comfort.
(66) Traditionally, key information about the business particularly information related to competitive strategy and financial performance-was considered confidential.
(67) The medical records of the clinic patients had no indication of any adverse effects or death related to sildenafil usage.
(68) In the other activity, techniques are related to principles with a view to enquiring into the relationship between the two.
(69) We shall be seeing that the complex numbers that we must use at the quantum level are closely related to classical probabilities.
(70) This time, Ward faced sidereal, an adjective that describes things related to stars or constellations.
(71) Both the Bible and history demonstrate that such a measure of blessing is almost invariably related to the means employed.
(72) Ivester, 50, had been considered heir apparent to replace Goizueta, who died Saturday from complications related to lung cancer.
(73) This increased incidence of gastric carcinomas seems to be related to local factors.
(74) Nor are states of health and states of dependency automatically related to the biological facts of ageing.
(75) There is one important exception to this which is related to the approval process.
(76) Whether a particular chemical reaction is likely to occur is related to the change in free energy involved.
(77) However,[http:///related to.html] the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.
(78) He has been charged with four counts of uttering death threats, only one of which is related to his short story.
(79) The actual work was related to scientific observation, enquiry, recording as well as learning how to behave in a group.
(80) We have already seen that output cognition is closely related to level of educational attainment and socioeconomic Position.
(81) No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself. Denis Waitley 
(82) They can also be related to many other points about the way the services are organized and administered.
(83) However, philosophy is also closely related to many other disciplines.
(84) Each worker is given an income tax code number which is related to the total of his personal allowances.
(85) Congress may forbid discrimination in public accommodations that are related to interstate commerce. 28.
(86) Plasma fibrinogen concentrations, for example, are related to weight at 1 year but not independently to birth weight.
(87) The Senate alone has no fewer than 60 special bills related to the energy crisis.
(88) A report in today's Which? magazine estimated that in 1989 there were 3,000 accidents related to bouncy castles.
(89) The Internal Revenue Service has been battling him for years for back taxes and penalties related to one venture.
(90) There is no cosmic mind to be related to in obedient love.
(91) Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget.
(92) This was very much related to the practical problem of how to load all the animals on to the ark.
(93) Indeed, our self-identity as a nation is integrally related to our response to those who seek to become members.
(94) Instead, each planet had its own peculiar machinery which was related to but not integrally connected to a universal system.
(95) Motivation is therefore a causal relationship between effort expended, the performance attained and the reward related to the performance.
(96) These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers.
(97) The second category is closely related to oceanic trenches and their associated island arcs or mountain belts.
(98) Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues? 3.
(99) How often an individual has a bowel movement is related to a number of factors.
(100) He has been charged with six offences related to the alleged theft of the fruit.
(101) The state-orientated approach adopted by many feminists clearly related to their affiliations with social purity.
(102) These should be related to the average cost of the services.
(103) This applies particularly to traits, such as body size, which are themselves related to age.
(104) This increase is presumably related to the increased alcohol consumption in the country.
(105) Because bismuth is known to have a toxic effect on some microorganisms its therapeutic benefit in colitis may be related to this.
(106) The Labor Department audited 10, 631 job orders that were related to H-1B applications.Sentence dictionary
(107) It will also become a national database for information related to kidneys.
(108) Usually one constant theme related to the shared preoccupation of the couple underlies the seemingly different causes of rows and arguments.
(109) In the concluding remarks not only the main conclusions related to diffusion and production are summarized.
(110) It was by this time not quite clear exactly which lands in the Company's possession related to the original bequest.
(111) Children related to him so much because they saw in him an adult who behaved in the way that they did.
(112) Conflicts which do not appear directly related to class divisions are no minor anomalies.
(113) Likewise, the carcinogenic action of bile may be related to the duration of exposure of gastric mucosa to biliary carcinogens.
(114) The student engages in advanced studies or chooses a career related to the foreign language study.
(115) Most related to delays in settlement and receipt of share certificates.
(116) In contrast with our results, these studies describe a pattern of essential fatty acid deficiency, probably related to malabsorption.
(117) Neither is fair, in the sense of being related to income, and thus ability to pay.
(118) I can not envisage a system related to ability to pay that does not approximate to income flows.
(119) This has obvious implications for services at a local level and provision needs to be related to regional trends and census figures.
(120) Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma.
(121) The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. Alfred Hitchcock 
(122) There is a great deal of information available about fire damage to property, but little on diseases related to industrial work.
(123) Simple statistical weighting schemes commonly used in previous methods are related to the simplest neural net approaches.
(124) The casual attitude may be related to the observation that the children were rarely changed and were often left in wet nappies.
(125) This appears to be closely related to whether we share the observed characteristic or not.
(126) However, a further ten shared elements show whales to be closely related to hippopotami.
(127) Discount houses have borrowing facilities at the Bank, with limits related to the capital base of each discount house.
(128) Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
(129) It could only be concluded that the cause of the intense eye irritation was in some way related to vehicle exhaust emissions.
(130) The activity of state medical boards is directly related to their independence and financial backing, Winn said.
(131) The next issue is closely related to the value issues involved in curriculum review.
(132) Information from unconventional sources not related to the industry carries the extra burden of having to be proved relevant or urgent.
(133) It is closely related to peat and has a relatively low carbon content and high moisture content.
(134) The provisions related to public assemblies vary slightly from those for marches and processions.
(135) If depression is related to heart disease, then high levels of self-esteem might well have the converse effect.
(136) Administration officials said they hoped to cooperate on science and technology related to climate change.
(137) One woman, of white Southern background, said her family believed they were related to Pocahontas.
(138) All of the books containing material related to the theses in the present study are such compilations.
(139) They assert that the destiny of the soul is related to the activity of the soul during its habitation in the body.
(140) But I find them particularly disturbing when related to the death of a refugee seeking asylum in Britain.
(141) These enormous structures vary with age and are closely related to the dominance of their owners in the hierarchy.
(142) Accusations against his criminality and bestiality are related to the desire to purify our own culture and civilisation.
(143) Perhaps even more than is usual in the social sciences, theory is closely related to practice.
(144) Cuvier noticed that the most recently extinct creatures such as the mammoth were closely related to living species.
(145) In what ways are the changes related to changes in the company's business strategy? 10.
(146) This is related to marketing and systems analysis literature and practice with the aim of establishing deficiencies and proposing future research directions.
(147) In addition to the lectures, part 11 participants attend two days of conferences related to archaeology and undertake a short practical survey project.
(148) The van der Waals bond is a weak electrical attraction that is related to the asymmetry of certain atoms and ions.
(149) The intestinal permeability test result was even less reliably related to the gliadin intake than the antigliadin antibody test.
(150) This is closely related to the history of the town centre development.
(151) They argue, as others have done, that screening is appropriate because bone density is related to subsequent risk of fracture.
(152) And even a non- biology major could tell the rubbery item with the tentacles was obviously related to an octopus.
(153) Of the work-inhibited students, is it possible that this attention deficit may be related to their difficulty in completing assignments?
(154) To what extent can trends be related to concomitant changes in age structure, household composition, or work patterns?
(155) Many of these seemingly contradictory properties of the agents are related to dose.
(156) Both talking politics and feeling relatively unrestricted about with whom one can safely discuss politics are closely related to educational attainment.
(157) Amines are a series of organic compounds related to ammonia.
(158) The bursts of oesophageal contractions were not related to inappropriate lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations.
(159) The authors thus concluded that the excess mortality noted for gastric cancer was probably related to socioeconomic class rather than coal mining.
(160) How we explained they interpreted and explained unemployment, and how it related to their other political beliefs and behaviour.
(161) Thus both management and employees would be covered by some sort of bonus scheme, maybe related to different indicators of performance.
(162) In this respect, too, the Demoiselles was related to much of the most advanced painting of the period.
(163) She is closely [ distantly ] related to me.
(164) Faunal assemblage are directly related to the depositional environment.
(165) Old World herb related to fenugreek.
(166) The occurrence of hypernatremia within 24 hours after injury was mainly induced by primary hypothalamus injury which was also related to the use of dehydrant.
(167) "We were thinking of something related to safety and protection, given the summit is based in L'Aquila,[http:///related to.html]" Malenotti said.
(168) HOCM can induce cultured HKC cells apoptosis, which is related to the hypertonicity and iodine concentration of contrast media.
(169) "The authors found a thicker vaginal wall near the urethra and hypothesise this may be related to the presence of the controversial G spot, " says Tim Spector at St Thomas' Hospital in London.
(170) The occurence of the disease is related to pathological type, infective agent, nonstandard application of hormone, hyperlipemia and hypercoagulability.
(171) Related to abstraction, the idea of leveling is to place information items into peer categories at the correct level in the hierarchy.
(172) NOTE Cycle time related to rejected product analysis should be consistent with determination of root cause, corrective action and monitoring the effectiveness of implementation.
(173) The characteristic of ignition system is related to igniting rate and influence fire accuracy.
(174) The conclusion is that NSA has significant role of prevention function to experimental fatty liver model which is closely related to activated LPL and inhabit HL.
(175) The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
(176) Intercrossed dynamic characteristics related to the axis are not equal to zero, which illustrates that the axial of radial-thrust hybrid bearing has a relationship with the radial of it.
(177) Knowledge has become a critical resource related to economic growth and social development in the knowledge economy age.
(178) The most severe problems that primary school teachers encountered were related to system quality, and the unstable system of on-line discussions, which was the biggest issue mentioned in the survey.
(179) The grade of conjunctival squamous metaplasia, the conjunctival goblet cell density and the score of FL were significantly related to the control condition of DM.
(180) Maybe it is related to the artist particular sensitive and subtle feminality, most of the figures are metropolitan women in the paintings.
(181) The further comb and expurgation of it must be predetermined by making clear a number of basic problems related to the meaning of applied linguistics .
(182) The extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELFEMF) were very related to humans health and living environment and its biological effects were more and more interested to scientists.
(183) The reason seems to be related to some key factors ,() such as balance of international payments . macro-management policy and political-economy considerations.
(184) GSH exists all kinds of organizations and the cells in human body, which can adjust the synthesis of protein and ribonucleotide and is related to the antioxidant capacity of the body.
(185) The zone of coal metamorphism is evident and related to the distribution of diabase which intrusion after main coal formation.
(186) The engineers belonged to a different generation and they had little experience with the new technology related to the four-stroke engine.
(187) PRM supports life-sustaining and capacity-building assistance programs addressing needs related to food, health, shelter, water and sanitation, education and empowerment.
(188) The storage unit is related to the code of the wireless set and its comfort degree.
(189) Starting this February, the first Sunday of every even month will be Evangelic Sunday. The sermon will be related to evangelism.
(190) Because of the inner core of the earth, there will have two nutation modes related to the earth's rotation, i. e. a prograde free core nutation (PFCN) mode and a inner core wobble (ICW) mode.
(191) The zinc in apple fruits is not remarkably related to storability and flesh texture, but good quality cultivars contain much little zinc.
(192) Various labor service activities related to transportation business all come under the levying scope of this tax category.
(193) Freaky factoid: The suppressed genes "are closely related to Hox genes, which play a similar role in humans."
(194) The experiences show that their changes in the interaction space are closes related to the economic system and the pattern of national economic operation.
(195) Right Ventricle – to – Pulmonary Artery Conduit Longevity: Is it Related to Allograft Size?
(196) Disciple Detong had written a short article in Chinese on inspirational teachings received from Vajra Yogini that is related to my new work, Selfless Tantric Love Practice.
(197) Dysfunction of glycometabolism caused by trauma is related to infection and MODS .
(198) The extended family's financial embarrassment was closely related to some of their irrational practices which was out of their vanity.
(199) "The variation we see in insulin secretion in humans and susceptibility to diabetes is likely related to this clock mechanism, " said Bass, an endocrinologist trained in molecular genetics.
(200) This paper traces back to its origin and argues that it is related to the literati's seclusive style before the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and expresses their independent personality.
(201) House quality for waterproof result is closely related to waterproof material function, structure node design, construction quantity.
(202) Love is related to purity , beauty , and goodness , while lust relates to filth, debauchery, and lewdness.
(203) Results Incidence of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis related to economic income, vaccine history and immunologic function, but has no relationship with gender, age and residence.
(204) Objective Cloning and screening a novel candidate gene related to developing mouse cleft palate.
(205) It begins with Maarten Schmidt who hypothesized that star formation rate (SFR) was related to the surface density of atomic hydrogen gas in the cloud.
(206) Conclusion The level of neopterin in septic patients increases which is related to the severity of infection.
(207) This article is related to a complete analysis of fatty acid component for palm kernel oil and other fats and oils .
(208) JP Morgan (JPM) paid $154 million earlier this year to settle civil charges related to a bad mortgage bond deal.
(209) This finding suggests that massive runaway breakdown may have happened within the thundercloud in a process related to the initiation of the triggered lightning.
(210) It can simply conclude that mycorrhizal trifoliate orange seedlings can resist the high temperature stress related to increasing its root activity.
(211) In the economic transitional period, state-owned enterprises in China experience painful losses which are often related to the increase of production volumes and the sharpening of market competition.
(212) So much so that the total intake of caffeine appears to be related to sleep problems, according to a new study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
(213) Nehru believed that these countries and the revenue related to the case.
(214) The total energy E is closely related to the amplitude A of the motion.
(215) The editorial staff of The Journal reviewed a large number of recently published research studies related to the musculoskeletal system that received a Level of Evidence grade of I or II.
(216) Over-expression of HPA protein related to the invasion, metastasis, recurrence and prognosis of the supraglottic carcinoma.
(217) The regulations related to bill, pledge are different under Law of Warranty and Law of Bill.
(218) Although external coordination is positively related to resource acquisition, environmental dynamism doesn't enhance this relation.
(219) Capital structure is related to firm market value, and the relation between capital structure and firm value is systematically discussed by the theory of time marketing.
(220) Conclusions The incidence of psychological disorder of children with anorectal deformity following anoplasty operation was related to the defecation function.
(220) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(221) Any of several small insects of the genus Phylloxera that are related to aphids, especially P. vitifoliae, a widely distributed species very destructive to grape crops.
(222) When we ask for the answer why they did that way, it's mainly related to the prosperity of merchandise economy and the flourishing of burgher class.
(223) Among many kinds of models that are related to coarse scale, USLE model and its various revisory forms are accepted and applied diffusely.
(224) Some applied examples related to zero and non-zero offset VSP data from a certain oilfield are also presented in the paper.
(225) Stakeholders of Financial Governance are close related to the fraud of financial reports.
(226) On the other hand, modern Western ethnocentrism and the exclusivity closely related to the formation and Christian culture.
(227) Its disappearance was closely related to the restoration of doctrinairism, feudalism and undemocratic political life of the party political.
(228) Furthermore, the framework of protocol stack model for the HSSN is constructed, in which the function modules that is tightly related to characteristic of the HSSN are determinated.




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