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单词 overcast
释义  Related topics: Natureo·ver·cast /ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst◂ $ ˌoʊvərˈkæst◂/ ●○○ adjective  DNdark with clouds 阴天的,多云的 a chilly overcast day 一个寒冷的阴天 The sky was overcast and a light rain began to fall. 天空阴云密布,并下起了小雨。Examples from the Corpusovercast• The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.• Corbett trudged down the beaten, muddy track; the sky was overcast and a light rain began to fall.• No more snow had fallen, the sky was still overcast but the air was crisp and a little warmer.• It was a dark overcast day; the people milling around all looked grey.• A heat lamp has been installed and the Meerkats use it, especially on dull overcast days.• The watchers from Berwick's walls presently could see them no more, in an overcast early summer night.• an overcast sky• It was as dull as the overcast sky.• Even when they do meet, on flat overcast weekday afternoons at her house, it's often hopeless.• The afternoon will be overcast with cooler temperatures.o·ver·cast adjectiveChineseSyllable  dark clouds with Corpus




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