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单词 thankfully
释义 Word family  noun thanks thankfulness adjective thankful thankless verb thank adverb thankfully  thank·ful·ly /ˈθæŋkfəli/ ●○○ adverb  1  [sentence adverb]LUCKY used to say that you are glad that something has happened, especially because a difficult situation has ended or been avoided 幸亏,幸好 Thankfully, I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married. 幸好,在我们结婚前我设法还清了所有债务。2  THANKfeeling grateful and glad about something, especially because a difficult situation has ended or been avoided 庆幸地,满怀感激地〔尤指已摆脱或避开困境〕 We came in and collapsed thankfully onto our beds. 我们进到屋里,满怀庆幸地倒在床上。Examples from the Corpusthankfully• Perhaps local authorities should thankfully accept this solution and turn their attention to the needs of non-dementing elderly residents and community services.• The carousel, its rows of white horses resplendent with red leather saddles and black-painted bridles, was thankfully almost empty.• Very soon afterwards, the archdiocese withdrew its plans and the church thankfully continues in use.• Several other analysts of international politics thankfully envision more constructive possibilities.• The lift was thankfully free and she stepped blindly into it, blinking so that she could find the right button to push.• Thankfully, my children are grown and able to support themselves.• Firstly, engine fires happen, though thankfully they are rare, and often not catastrophic.thank·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  used something that that to glad you say are Corpus




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