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单词 Decision making
1. Many things can interfere with effective decision making.
2. Commercial intelligence is essential for informed decision making.
3. Again, budget is a determining factor in decision making.
4. Local government; Public policy and decision making.
5. Strategic direction and decision making are about choosing the right road, and they need a high degree of external information.
6. To talk of planning and decision making is, to these people, to indulge in self-delusion.
7. In both periods, the decision making of governments and enterprises was greatly complicated by the changes in the financial structure.
8. Proxy consent, decision making on another's behalf, is well known to the law.
9. In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.
10. If that means delay, so be it; prudent decision making takes time.
11. A central decision making process involving Inspectors and civilian decision makers was established and developed ....
12. Despite these criticisms, recent approaches to decision making have sought to pursue the rational approach.
13. You'd better consider this and factor this into your decision making.
14. The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
15. The use of linear programming as an aid to decision making when allocating scarce investment funds has been widely advocated.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. How wrong could I be? Whole group drama in fact offers individuals great opportunities for personal decision making.
17. But they can not gain the depth of knowledge and analysis required for sound and reasoned decision making.
18. But there are no easy ways of determining the actual role of women in decision making in the use of birth control.
19. The Kabir syndrome is certainly well entrenched in those who manipulate decision making and petrodollars.
20. If significant delay may result from this process, a different decision making technique should be used.
21. It is apparent that course evaluation and judgement of aims both form part of the wider area of educational decision making.
22. This report offered a useful opportunity to discuss the extent to which the age factor might influence clinical decision making.
23. They have trained-in a succession of concepts over the years: decision making, then situational leadership, and then contingency theory.
24. Cost effectiveness estimates should not be used in a mechanistic fashion; at best they provide a useful aid for decision making.
25. In reality, of course, they are the result of a long chain of conscious decision making.
26. A simple comparison of total estimated income from the competing products may provide as good a guide to decision making.
27. It is time, it seems, to bring the investment aspects of family decision making into our economic and political consciousness.
28. There appears to be a universal crisis in centralised decision making and considerable public alienation from bureaucracy.
29. This definition of the role of evaluation does not include the element of judgement, which is part of educational decision making.
30. My major concern about the Maastricht negotiations relates to the limited majority decision making envisaged for foreign policy.
31. The decision making process can be likened to one of those great lumbering steam locomotives seen in Western films.
32. Whether this has resulted in better clinical decision making, patient satisfaction, or use of resources is as yet unknown.
33. In the final analysis, informed decision making is the overriding goal of financial statement analysis.
34. The research would inform planning and decision making over the use of legal aid in tribunals.
35. For corporate financial decision making, the selection of an appropriate discount rate follows a conceptually similar process.
36. Discuss the reasons why accrual accounting methods are not appropriate to future decision making.
37. These are the hallmarks of any system of decision making under any scheme of government regulation in a democratic society.
38. Although it may appear otherwise, such behaviour requires no conscious decision making by the ant.
39. As evidence permits, the study will also explore the decision making of senior management inside firms.
40. The nature of qualitative factors in decision making will vary with the circumstances related to the opportunities under consideration.
41. We were also allowed to observe a juvenile cautioning panel in its decision making, and to interview its members.
42. Information is also readily available to aid senior management in decision making.
43. And in the long run the friendships formed in these social situations can be a powerful force in decision making.
44. Women are generally educated, hut excluded from the top levels of decision making and power.
45. Fundholding practitioners would be less constrained in their clinical decision making and patients could anticipate more choice and improvements in services.
45. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46. Therefore we need to consider a model of decision making which can be applied to the planning process.
47. Introduction Research findings of decision making in child care have revealed some disturbing features in contemporary practice.
48. With fewer mistakes, and staff involved in decision making, everyone benefits.
49. Whether senior buyers are able at the same time to exercise an influencing and decision making role will depend on organisational factors.
50. Improvisation is at odds with the legitimate caution in managerial concerns over decision making, strategy organization design, and compliance.
51. A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
52. The Cabinet, chaired by the prime minister, is the key decision making body within the government.
53. This chapter presents a brief overview of the major elements of the tax structure affecting financial planning and financial decision making.
54. It means accepting power as natural and necessary to decision making regardless of formal structure.
55. Both groups reinforced a mutual worldview that equated leadership with brilliant, tough-minded, and decisive strategic insight and decision making.
56. Improving the quality of professional training and decision making might be a more cost-effective solution to the problem of supply-led services.
57. These are not encouraging recommendations for expanding the role of public opinion in major decision making about affairs of state.
58. S.U. was to be encouraged, eliminating chains of assessment and decision making which had lain within the purview of the superintendent.
59. To relieve the unskilled operator problem much of the decision making is now handled by the program rather than the user.
60. It was pointed out that accounting information is only a part of the input to the decision making process.
61. The benefits: greatly improved productivity and more effective decision making which will provide your business with an even greater competitive advantage.
62. Decision making is split between adjudication officers and officers known as Secretary of State's representatives.
63. The speed of decision making of some tribunals is broadly comparable with that of magistrates' courts and the county courts.
64. Moreover, abortion as a method allowed decision making to be delayed until material circumstances could be assessed.
65. For these reasons such costs and revenues are not taken into account in decision making.
66. Rather, they can act only as a guide to decision making by making the assumptions underlying the decisions explicit.
67. Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution. Robert H. Schuller 
68. Our employees are encouraged to participate in the decision making process.
69. Case Study A case study provides students with opportunities for exercising problem solving and decision making skills in a particular context.
70. Ranieri was impulsive in a way that business school case studies seldom account for when they analyze managerial decision making.
71. All those decision making activities for which relevant information existed only in implicit form were carried out exclusively by experts.
72. Qualitative factors are often influential in the decision making process.
73. However, case conferences are not just a forum for professional decision making.
74. The Government is rightly giving more responsibility to local authorities for planning and decision making, while still providing the necessary framework.
75. This is bad for decision making and bad for democracy.
76. Efficiency could vary from doing the most basic task well to decision making on complicated financial matters.
77. Group decision making was slow at first(), but with experience groups learned to diagnose and resolve problems rapidly and effectively.
78. It was more efficient because decision making was vested in the director, whom I will call Faustino Mata.
79. Tapping into that courage demands more than intellectual commitment and tough decision making.
80. We have already discussed theory's peculiar role in moral decision making.
81. Planning, leading, organizing, information gathering, and decision making.
82. Develop accounting analysis useful for managerial decision making purposes.
83. Group decision making is an important problem in AHP.
84. The delegation of responsibility and authority decentralizes decision making.
85. Research on knowledge representation and reasoning mechanism for distributed decision making is a challenge task.
86. In multi attribute decision making, the result given by a decision maker may be either of the following forms: priority order of alternatives and ranking weight vector of alternatives.
87. Production and operations management deals with decision making within the system.
88. The paper emphatically introduces how to acquire the map information of wind energy analysis and decision making system.
89. Consequently, with flexible decision making enterprise can avoid loss agilely.
90. Describe the different reports and their roles in managerial decision making.
91. Combining present Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Theory, established risk decision model of diversion scheme.
92. The prefrontal lobe is the vital brain region in charge of advanced cognitive function , and it is also involved in decision making and in inhibitory control .
93. Provide cost and financial analysis to the senior managers for decision making.
94. The relative efficiency evaluation of decision making units (DMUs) in fuzzy environments is studied.
95. Prepare reports to aid management decision making areas of product costing and cash flow forecasting.
96. Due to the computer and artificial intelligence technology, the decision making time is greatly reduced.
97. Some of the more sophisticated systems apply the principles of engineering economy to include the time value of money in project decision making.
98. The double scale displaying schedule is very useful to magnify the details of the data within the last year for precise decision making.
99. This document advises managers on how they can contribute effectively to decision making and control during the process of investment appraisal.
100. One of the Major Hinderance is "delay in decision making" that India has been experiencing since Indepdence.
101. It can specifically link microlevel decision making to macrolevel labor market and organizational constraints.
102. The system can calculate the actual line loss to improve operating efficiency and quality, and improve the monitoring and decision making ability of electric power company at the same time.
103. Proposing the local marketing strategy for headquarter decision making reference.
104. The method proposed is an effective tool for multiobjective optimization of pavement management, and is able to solve the decision making problem.
105. The model is first transformed into a single objective decision making problem by weighted method and then to optimize the cutting scheme by a function processed via the length of the scrape.
106. Under time varying demand, this paper makes the quantitative research on supplier buyer relation,(http://) order and pricing decision making based on the game theory.
107. Innovations that have been pioneered include open boundaries, programs of choice, site-based decision making, inclusion of special needs students, and cost recovery services.
108. Multiobjective optimization is a useful mathematical model in many areas, such as economics, engineering, and decision making, to solve real world problems with conflicting objectives.
109. A new type NET-DEA model is proposed to measure the efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with correlative subsystems.
110. The modern office automation system possesses a flexible and extendible basic skeleton and a powerful self definition function, which can realize quantity exam, analysis and decision making.
111. Conventional database has achieved great success in online task processing (OLTP), but it can not meet the administrator's requirement for decision making and analyzing.
112. An important step of multiple objective decision making ia determining weights.
113. The uncivilized decision is the human's earliest decision making by the benighted and superstitious way.
114. Long-term prediction of inflow to reservoir is important for decision making of production planning, reservoir operation and storage at the end of flood period.
115. Based upon James' model, a new concept of Fuzzy boundary of domain (FDD) is presented, and the simulating model of DCPA decision making in good visibility by means of fuzzy sets is established.
116. In this paper the principles of Bayes' theorem and Markov process decision making had been briefly introduced, and whose mathematical models had also been proved.
117. As they did so, brain activity shifted from the striatum, a more primitive brain region, to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for high-level functions such as planning and decision making.
118. If you have been avoiding the decision making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?
119. This paper emphasis that the positivist study of decision making in the part tend to prefer rational analysis to intuitive approach.
120. Give examples to illustrate how the business applications of information systems can support a firm's business processes, managerial decision making, and strategies for competitive advantage.
121. The balance between centralized and decentralized decision making is sometimes delicate.
122. The information collected though policy evaluation restricts the output and models of decision making; therefore, policy evaluation and decision making models have dependent relationships accordingly.
123. What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
124. On the theoretical side, has derived decision making theory firstly, and then expand the analysis on the process.
125. Secondly, The principle of intelligent decision making based on SVM is discussed.
126. In this paper, a multi-objective decision making method in vector type is presented.
127. Summary 1, Political economy applies economic principle to the analysis of political decision making .
128. This paper proposes a new multiattribute decision making method which uses multiobjective decision making method to make decision for multiattributes.
129. We oversee government officials, and anyone directly involved in decision making.
130. Business rules - Rule sets and decision tables for simple decision making.
131. Prospect theory is a very successful descriptive model about decision making under risk during recent several decades, it challenges the expected utility theory to fight, and even can substitute it.
132. An idea that tantalized global financial markets came out of the weekend and immediately sank into the tar pit of European decision making.
133. The Quoting Decision Making Method for MTO(make to order)manufacturing was studied in this paper.
134. Democratic leadership, as its name suggests , involves greater nonmanagement input in decision making.
135. According to the basic principle of TOPSIS, a extending application of TOPSIS in continuing multiobjective decision making is discussed in this paper.
136. Incremental model Model of organizational decision making in which major solutions arise through a series of smaller decisions.
137. He would prefer barring executives from cashing in stock until age 65 or two years past retirement to encourage long-term decision making.
138. Air Transportation, Transportation Demand Analysis, Transportation Planning, Transportation Management, Decision Making Analysis, Network Analysis.
139. Understand the use of contribution margin analysis and other planning and decision making tools.
140. Our readers come from a wide range of industries with the majority holding senior decision making positions in these companies.
141. Nowadays, because of the economy of our country develops flourishing, risk decision making is more and more important in our daylily life.
142. In this paper we review the progress of lymph- node dissection in Renal Cell Carcinoma(RCC). Decision making regarding lymph- node diaection(LRN) at the time of renal cancer resection is complex.
143. With such theories and methods as multivariable analysis system identification and multiobject optimization applied to. a current method is developed set up static-system models with decision making.
144. To conduct specific consultative services, project surveys and decision making advices entrusted by various governmental agencies.
145. This papaer deals with decision making method on the concession term for traffic BOT projects.
146. Costs are categorized as incremental cost and sunk cost for the sake of decision making.
147. Despite much lip service to the contrary, decision making remains the prerogative of top managers.
148. ECSSM is operated via a computer and the inputs from higher level submodel to lower level one are adjusted by decision making units between the two submodels.
149. Provide market analysis and field intelligence to assist the decision making of Vx management team.
150. Evaluation method for projects of product conceptual design is an important gist for acceptant decision making of design process.
151. BCS3 is a logistics command and control system designed to improve situational awareness and the speed of decision making for warfighters, according to a Northrop announcement today.
152. On this basis, a convergent interactive programming algorithm is developed in this paper for solving these nonlinear multiobjective group decision making p.
153. To provide auxiliary decision making support, a judgment method of simulation test result is presented based on confidence interval, and risk function of statistics decision-making is discussed.
154. The fundamental mechanism of the decision making for complex systems is put forward by utilizing the analysis method of the dynamic system.
155. A major reason for meetings in the business organization is problem solving and decision making.
156. So we can use contribution margin method to evaluate the profit or loss and make it the basis of decision making.
157. To ensure Project Cost Control Reports are accurate for Senior Management's decision making process.
158. The utility function is an effective tool in decision making analysis to describe the consequence.
159. On the other hand, to change decision making process of public policies to increase people's WTA, it is important to explore why residents demonstrate the NIMBY syndrome.
160. Combining the concepts of fuzzy theory, this paper extends the ELECTRE method for fuzzy multiattribute group decision making(FMAGDM), which is an important part of decision support system.
161. Noyes characterized the Vatican's approach to public relations as a "hit-or-miss proposition," and said "decision making" is divorced from "public spin."
162. Production planning and decision making are the key to an enterprise.
163. Results showed that the partial coverage has larger effect on the solution of optimizing stations than the complete coverage, and the interval coverage criteria is convenient for decision making.
164. The bidding decision making is a complex decision making process full of uncertainties in a competitive bidding.
165. It follows that organization embraces decision making,(Sentencedict) of critical and routine sorts.
166. This paper presented a multiattribute decision making model with fuzzy weights and fuzzy attribute values.
167. The method is applied to not only radiant imperilment comprehensive ranking problems, but also other similar multiattribute decision making problems in military, economy and real life.
168. Highlighting the value of IT projects in business efficiency improvement, cost reduction and decision making enhancement.
169. Simulation results indicate that this optimal path is efficient, rapid and safty and can avoid parochialism in single attribute decision making system.
170. It depends on exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.
171. This paper develops a dynamic multiobjective decision making method ( DTOPSIS method ) based on the decision-making-point.
172. This political and bureaucratic game of musical chairs has the entire world on a knife edge, continued uncertainty and lack of confident decision making worsening sentiment.
173. Among these questions, some are related with the activity of VC projects evaluation including fuzziness of the decision making process, timeworn evaluation methods, and low investment return.
174. Patient knowledge, a cognitive factor, can also affect decision making.
175. Products that support decision making must help you arrive at the right decisions about developing the right products, balancing the time and cost factors.
176. Existence of neutralism in decision making that enriches division to characteristics of public.
177. Furthermore, through material examples, the paper indicates that the method has preferable efficiency, practicability, currency used in all kinds of adjudicative models in group decision making.
178. Deep understanding of operator and chain sales process, budget decision making, pricing negotiation techniques and terms.
179. Varied spare parts are lined up using the multi-attributes group decision making method, then a related maintenance spare part selection scheme is settled under the multiple objective programming.
180. Agile Organisational patterns - What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
181. This model applied the illegibility decision making theory the effectiveness evaluation of Multiple Launcher Rocket weapon system.
182. Dopamine activity in your nucleus accumbens, the brain's reward center, can disrupt your brain's decision making ability by interfering with your prefrontal cortex, the brain's impulse control region.
183. Group Decision making, multiobject optimization, and global optimization are important research areas in operations research.
184. The adoption of whole - building systems control has often been accompanied by centralization of decision making power.
185. For decision making on the optimal scheduling rule, the presented method should be applied in combination with a study of the specific basin characters.
186. The qualities of policy evaluation have heavy impact on the qualities of decision making. For this reason, policy evaluation have significant position in the research and practice of policy science.
187. The Joint Conference shall, within 60 working days from the date when the special review procedure is initiated, finish the special review, or report to the State Council for decision making.
188. A fuzzy optimal seeking model of radar jamming effect evaluations is presented by using multiattribute decision making methods and fuzzy sets.
189. She wants to see more women involved in decision making.
190. Thereout, we demonstrated the logic limitation of main theory of decision making.
191. There is possibility that the masses could take part in decision making matrix system organization structure.
192. Collect various of cost data, provide useful analytical information to management team for decision making.
193. Political economy applies economic principle to the analysis of political decision making.
194. With the extensive application of AHP in group decision making, some defects of it emerged.
195. As GM sees it, the company will have leaner management with faster decision making.
195. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
196. Using general system theory, we present large scale system models of de-centralized, centralized, and coordinated decision making systems.
197. The use of the network in the reliability prediction of fuze storage is important for the decision making about the treatment of the current storage fuze.
198. The conclusion provides technical support for the decision making and mining design optimization.
199. The most important link of structure optimization design is structural form selection which belongs to structure conception design and takes on stong soft science decision making characteristics.
200. Improve decision making and presentations, increase productivity , and get the maximum value from your raster assets.
201. Utilizing this mode and its extended models correlation analysis is made according to decision making for bidding under several bid evaluation methods.
202. We propose an interactive decision making method based on the objective aspiration level for multiobjective decision making problems with integer variables.
203. First of all, the internal FPI motives of forest and paper enterprises are researched on transaction cost, asset specificity ,() double markup and optimal output decision making.
204. Finally, the proposed method was applied to the maintenance strategy decision making of aeroengine.
205. The theory of transaction cost, game theory and the principal-agent theory are used to study the outsourcing decision making, monitoring and incentive compensation for the service provider.
206. The uncertain problem of the ground-to-air missile composite group firing command decision making is systematically studied by the extension theory.
207. The multiple attribute decision making method is always a study topic for the system study worker.
208. Many businesses also compile nonfinancial informatin needed for decision making.
209. Decision making according to profit can't always be the optimal decision.
210. Decision making is the process of choosing, and many decisions have a broad range of choice.
211. According to HP Labs, CeNSE sensors will enable real-time data collection, analysis and better decision making.
212. In such way, a great variation emerges intangibly in the total remuneration of the independent director, which can stimulate his enthusiasm in taking part in decision making of the company.
213. Brain areas involved in emotion regulation, decision making and evaluation were also active when participants viewed their rejecter.
214. There are two types of models in the incomplete information group decision making: ordinal - type and cardinal - type.
215. Decision making is treated in the planning section of this book.
216. This paper presents an improved interactive method based on satisfaction degree of objectives for multiobjective decision making.




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