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单词 nuts
释义  nutsn[plural] informal a man’s testicles → nutnuts1 /nʌts/ adjective [not before noun] informal  1  CRAZYcrazy 发疯的,发狂的 Are you nuts? 你疯了吗? I’m going to go nuts (=become crazy) if I don’t find a new job soon. 我要是不能很快找到新工作的话,就要发疯了。 Turn that radio off. It’s driving me nuts (=annoying me very much). 把那收音机关掉,吵得我快发疯了。2  go nuts spoken a) to become very excited because something good has just happened 欣喜若狂 The crowd went nuts after the third touchdown. 第三次触地得分后观众开始变得疯狂了。 b) to become very angry about something 火冒三丈 Mom’s going to go nuts if you don’t clean this mess up. 假如你不把这弄干净的话,妈妈会发火的。3  be nuts about/over somebody/something informal LIKE somebody OR somethingto like someone or something very much 对某人/某事着迷;热衷于某人/某事 My wife is nuts about kids. 我妻子非常喜欢孩子。Examples from the Corpusnuts• Hey, uniforms might be marvelous, but the notion they are a cure for the ills around us is nuts.• I mean, that is just nuts.• That one dude, it was nuts.• Are you nuts or something?• I think we are nuts Steve.• I told you you were nuts to live up there.• Now I know I was nuts to worry.• Joe especially is going nuts tonight.driving ... nuts• Ram's star trip is driving everyone fuckin' nuts.• It will end up driving you nuts otherwise.nuts2 interjection American English old-fashioned  1  used to emphasize that something bad or annoying has happened 哎呀,坏了 Nuts! Now we’re going to be late for the movie. 哎呀!我们看电影要迟到了。2  nuts to somebody/something old-fashioned used when you are angrily refusing to listen to someone or do something 去你的;混蛋〔用于生气地拒绝听某人说话或做某事时〕 ‘Nuts to that, ’ he sneered, and left. “去他的。”他冷笑一声走开了。nNuts /nʌts/ trademark   na lad mag (=magazine for young men) published weekly in the UK. It has many pictures of women wearing not much clothing and articles about cars, football, and other things that interest young men.nutsnuts1 adjectivenuts2 interjectionNuts LDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus man’s testicles a




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