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单词 burglar alarm
释义  ˈburglar aˌlarm ●●○ noun [countable]  TBBPREVENTSTEALa piece of equipment that makes a loud noise when someone tries to get into a building illegally 防盗警报器,防盗铃Examples from the Corpusburglar alarm• She was woken early this morning by a burglar alarm.• Great Caesar; a burglar alarm.• He said I should have more adequate protection than a burglar alarm.• Ultrasonics technology is used in certain burglar alarm systems which trigger on detecting the sound of breaking glass.• A new burglar alarm and ventilation system have been fitted.• We repair to the kitchen and blithely set off the burglar alarm searching for the cat to cuddle.ˈburglar aˌlarm nounChineseSyllable  that equipment a loud Corpus of makes a piece




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