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单词 Quoting
1. He's always quoting from the Bible.
2. He's always quoting verses from the Bible.
3. Please send a full CV, quoting the appropriate reference.
4. She scored against him by quoting his earlier statement.
5. You can order by phoning our hotline and quoting your credit card number.
6. To apply, send your c.v., quoting ref.
7. I am quoting from Henry Geldzahler's introduction to the catalogue.
8. Labov's rider to these conditions is however worth quoting in full: The requirement as stated is too strict.
9. Please contact Charles Cliffe directly quoting your membership number at.
10. Alternatively, you can telephone your order, quoting a credit card number.
11. A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member.
12. He would sometimes ask the runner directly,() before quoting a price.
13. He was always quoting clever sayings from Oscar Wilde's plays.
14. Medcalf goes even further, quoting a clinician's opinion that Hoccleve suffered several episodes of a manic form of affective psychosis.
15. Backus lunged back, quoting Charles Chauncy, a mentor of Payson.
16. Quoting a local source, Reuter said that the suspect and his family resisted arrest.
17. The Washington Post, quoting unidentified sources, reported Tuesday that Johnson might be willing to admit he made a mistake.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. In quoting a price we have to work out everything needed to teach students.
19. Planning and producing written work, quoting sources, checking: these too are often daunting tasks for the student.
20. An easy way to impress novices is by quoting the latin names of various sea creatures.
21. Unfortunately, he double counts in quoting a figure of £44 million - Sir Peter Emery Over four years.
22. His statement on the handling of prisoners is worth quoting in full.
23. The Standard published competition results and golf scores in detail throughout the season, quoting names and gross scores without blushing.
24. To place your order by telephone, call anytime, including weekends quoting reference no: 41-A-ROB.
25. We have to call the years 1,2 and so on, instead of quoting the calendar years.
26. The way in which you concluded your tribute by quoting from the most evocative of his works was truly fitting.
27. Social historians of the future should find it a useful source when quoting the anti-Reagan lobby.
28. Jaguar had a a hectic session, with one market maker briefly quoting 1,200p after seemingly misunderstanding a transatlantic message.
29. When Dole arrived in Wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
30. I can quote a final figure to the hon. Gentleman, as he enjoys my quoting figures.
1. He's always quoting from the Bible.
31. Quoting again from Golf in the Kingdom: Many thoughts that arise as you are playing must be brushed aside.
32. His letter is worth quoting as it shows the depth of feeling and suspicion in the Services at that time.
33. Before continuing, it is worth quoting in full the letter Harwood had written to me on the Cheltenham Festival letterhead.
34. Ministers should argue the figures with the Duke of Edinburgh - I am quoting figures from the Rowntree report.
35. The points are illustrated by quoting extensively from undergraduate essays.
36. Just fill in the coupon below, quoting you Ideal Home subscription number, and sent it to:.
37. Also even after quoting for certain deliveries, that carrier may not be in a position to do the haulage just when required.
38. Jennings accused the program of quoting him out of context.
39. Milton's quoting Dionysius Alexandrinus in this passage.
40. Perhaps quoting Adam Smith is risky.
41. Then, quoting the book of Koheleth, which Christians call Ecclesiastes, Rabin said, To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.
42. This paper put forward quotation system of circulating grate discharge based on product structure trees, introduce the function and structure of quoting system.
43. Last year in Copenhagen, Denmark, I began a speech by quoting from the sundial that stands outside Union Station by Alameda Street in Los Angeles, a historic part of that city.
44. Never one to miss a homiletical opportunity, Peter turned this fiasco into a fine sermon illustration, quoting C.
45. A syntactic analysis of quotations in Chinese and Japanese reveals differences in quoting between these two languages.
46. Earlier that day, a plot in Chaoyang district was sold for 4.08 billion yuan to another real-estate developer, Sino-Ocean, China Daily said, quoting the Beijing Land Coordination and Reserve Center.
47. Sales support: quoting, order processing and follow up, account receivable check - up and recovering, customer services, etc.
47. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
48. "He who supplies a conqueror has conquered, " said the Mawlawi Sahib, quoting a verse from the Qur'an, his eyes still fixed at the floor.
49. McInnes concluded by quoting the English philosopher Bertrand Russell: "If I were a medical man, I should prescribe a holiday to any patient who considers work important.
50. "The first instrument of a people's genius is its language, " UNESO points out in its proclamation, quoting Stendhal.
51. "It doesn't take a majority toprevail, " Rand Paul said in his speech that day, quoting Sam Adams."It takes an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of themind.
52. Another famous definition is that man is a toolmaker, but observation has cast doubt on. Our uniqueness in this respect, too, Long after Dr Johnson' scoffed at Boswell5 for quoting it to him.
53. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents.
54. Barroso has taken to quoting the wisdom of another of the founding fathers of the EU, Jean Monnet: "People are ready to change when they understand there is no alternative.
55. The method of quoting the prices or rates of exchange for different currencies takes one of two forms: the direct quotation method and the indirect quotation method.
56. The Finacinal Times Ordinary Share Index was quoting those Atlantic Share at nearly six times their nominal price.
57. On the steps of the Paris Stock Exchange the gold-skinned men quoting prices on their gemmed fingers.
58. Imams agreed a text for Friday sermons quoting "the Koran and the Hadith" which forms a denunciation of the idolatrous nature of the giant structure.
59. Perhaps it is not surprising to see Howard Gardner quoting him approvingly.
60. At present the best quality raw Indian tobacco is quoting on an average 5-6 dollars per kg in the overseas market, against 3-4 dollar a kg in the previous year, the official said.
61. Perhaps it is worth quoting from the Ethical Policy of the UK Co-operative Bank (which can be found on their web site).
62. The paper puts up a method for replacing the bitmap by vectorgraph, thus overcoming the troubles such as the GPR bitmap distortion and the difficulty in quoting.
63. Such judgments are worth quoting at the outset of any latter-day survey of the Beethoven symphonies because they reassert the source of the music's wide and long-standing appeal.
64. The Quoting Decision Making Method for MTO(make to order)manufacturing was studied in this paper.
65. Kindly send us your complete catalogue and price list quoting the best discount for quantity buying.
66. When should quoting the model has many Nash balanced solution to exist, he Wei's ultimate sound strategy is judged hard on the tradition.
67. Definition of casting grinding crack was made , and analysis was carried out quoting theory of grinding burn in machining.
68. The second chapter, by quoting a typical case, compares the different opinions on the legal nature of import bill discount, which is the key of the controversy on legislation.
69. This paper deals with model improvement by quoting dummy variable. then, we do experimental test about Shenzhen stock market in APT model.
70. The quality of the nursing records was improved and the nursing records were impersonal, true, veracious and can meet the need for quoting.
71. In addition, by quoting and modification, she even enacts as the critic of Higginson's works.
72. It is senseless to assume if Company A is quoting $50.00 per machine hour and Company B is quoting $40, that Company B is the better molder.
73. Quoting officials in both Democratic and Republican parties, Politico said the announcements would be made early next week when Obama would also confirm his choice of Clinton.
74. At times when we read Paradise Lost it seems almost as if Satan were quoting or alluding to Comus.
75. He ended by quoting the Book of Ruth in saying "Your God is our God."
76. British strikers, quoting Gordon Brown's ill-chosen words back at him, are demanding that he provide "British jobs for British workers" (see article).
77. How incessant and great are the ills, " wrote CS Lewis, quoting Juvenal, "with which a prolonged old age is replete.
77. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78. Finally, we found out the key factors and vendible experience by quoting two cases of VANKE and SUNCO enterprises.
79. In the practice of contract interpretation, judge is managing but not quoting the interpretation rule.
80. The equation is different from other conclusions inferring and quoting curved beam differential physical equation(with same fundamental assumptions) in the correlative literatures.
81. Indian tobacco is quoting on an average $3.15 per kg now as compared to $2 per kg in the last year, he said.
82. "Aside from the oil in the Campos basin, the pollution is lowering the animals' immunity, leaving them vulnerable to funguses and bacteria that attack their lungs, " he said, quoting biologists .
83. This paper analyzes simple interest rate and full price quoting framework now used in Chinas Bond Markets.
84. But in justice practicing we always face the problem on hard quoting of the offence of party; therefore the carrying out of harm compensation system on divorcement is restricted.
85. These activists legitimise their cause by publishing opinion articles in professional journals and quoting each other liberally, while essentially ignoring the mainstream of science.
86. The injured miners had carbon monoxide poisoning, Xinhua reported, quoting doctors at a nearby hospital.
87. Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral ( unlabelled ) cans?
88. Supplier scare japanese bid brisk but shipper quoting 20 c levels.
89. "If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands," said Rose, quoting Douglas Adams.
90. When quoting, please state terms of payment and time of delivery.
91. Quoting energy expert William Tucker, "If Boone Pickens's dream is realized, you'll be able to drive from Texas to North Dakota without ever being out of sight of a windmill, just as in Denmark."
92. He's actually is quoting them from the Greek Bible, ; he probably doesn't read Hebrew; he's quoting them from Greek translations of Hebrew scripture.
93. When quoting please state terms of payment time of delivery.
94. But state-run China National Radio said the iodine content of edible salt in the country averages between 20-30 microgrammes per kilogramme, quoting experts saying that is too low to have any effect.
95. Mr. Khodorkovsky can't be blamed if he's caught quoting the late Russian born-American singer Sophie Tucker: "I've been rich and I've been poor," she said, "and believe me, rich is better."
95. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
96. "The first instrument of a people's genius is its language, " UNESCO points out in its proclamation, quoting Stendhal.
97. Osteen is "quoting" Psalm 8:5 (apparently once again from his own version of the Bible) and those words provide a convenient springboard for the following display of his exegetical gymnastics.
98. If you wish to contest the payment notice, you MUST do so IN WRITING, quoting the payment notice number, including full name and address.
99. Yours 18th others quoting slightly giggler but payment acceptance basis.
100. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents.
101. Waldheim died of heart failure, with his family at his bedside, the Austrian APA news agency said, quoting Waldheim's son-in-law.
102. In the first paragraph of his first epistle, which will be released on January 26th, Mr Gates says he will not try to match Mr Buffett's famously folksy humour: "I won't be quoting Mae West."




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