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单词 number plate
释义  Related topics: Motor vehiclesˈnumber ˌplate noun [countable] British English  TTCone of the signs with numbers and letters on it at the front and back of a car 〔汽车的〕牌照,号码牌 → registration number SYN American English license plate →4  See picture on 见图 Page A2 Car 汽车 →5 see picture at 见图 carExamples from the Corpusnumber plate• But the police say they can still prosecute because the real number plate shows up on the negative.• A parent who was taking her children to school noted down the number plate.• Hust the number plate to buy Auntie for Christmas.• The number plate tallied with the particulars they, and the local Securitate, had on record.• The number plate told me it was the same one I'd followed earlier.• And they identified your number plate.ˈnumber ˌplate nounChineseSyllable  and the of one with numbers signs Corpus




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