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单词 information
释义 Word family  noun informant information informer misinformation disinformation adjective informative ≠ uninformative informed ≠ uninformed verb inform misinform adverb informatively  ldoce_726_zin·for·ma·tion /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən $ -fər-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [uncountable]  1  INFORMATIONfacts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc 情报;资料;消息 I need more information. 我需要更多信息。information that We have received information that Grant may have left the country. 我们得到消息,格兰特可能已经离开了这个国家。ninformation about/onn The book contains information about a wide variety of etc information is (=used to say what you know about a situation) 我/我们等得到的消息是〔用于说明对某情况的了解〕 My information is that Gary wants to stay with the club. 我得到的消息说,加里想留在该俱乐部。 → inside information at inside3(2) RegisterIn everyday English, in informal contexts, people often use the expression tell someone something rather than using the noun information: 在日常英语中,非正式语境下常用tell someone something,而不用名词information I wonder if you could give me some information about your childhood. → I wonder if you could tell me something about your childhood. 你能否和我讲讲你的童年。n GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?• Information is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: I need some information about hotels. ✗Don’t say: I need some informations about hotels.• Information is always followed by a singular verb: The information is strictly confidential.• When talking about one fact or detail, you say a piece of information or a bit of information: He told me an interesting piece of information.2. American EnglishTCT the telephone service which provides telephone numbers to people who ask for them 电话号码查询服务 SYN British English directory enquiriesn3  for somebody's information used when you provide a document or some information, because you think it may be useful for someone I'm attaching a copy of the report for your information.4  For your information... spokenWRONG/INCORRECT used when you are telling someone that they are wrong about a particular fact 不妨告诉你一下〔用来纠正别人的错误〕 For your information, I’ve worked as a journalist for six years. 不妨告诉你一下,我做记者已有六年了。5. for information only INFORMATIONwritten on copies of letters and documents that are sent to someone who needs to know about them but does not have to deal with them 仅供参考〔写在信件和文件副本上,发给需要知道但无需对其进行处理的人〕n6  too much information! spoken informal used when someone has just told you details that you think are embarrassing or unpleasant, and you do not want to hear any more 'I was really ill at the weekend - I had to stay on the toilet all day.' 'Too much information!' —informational adjective COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + informationuseful/valuable 有用的/有价值的The information he gave me was very useful. 他给我的信息很有用。correct/accurate 正确的/准确的Are you sure this information is correct? 你肯定这一消息正确无误吗?wrong/false 错误的/虚假的He was jailed for providing false information to the police. 他因为向警方提供虚假信息而入狱。relevant (=about the subject you are interested in) 相关的Some of the information in the article is not particularly relevant. 这篇文章中的有些信息不太相关。confidential/secret 保密的/秘密的That information was confidential and should not have been passed on. 那信息是保密的,本不应该被泄露出去。more/further/additional information 更多信息For more information, visit our website. 欲知详情请访问我们的网站。new information 新信息The police have received new information about the case. 警方得到了有关此案的新消息。the latest information (=information that has been discovered very recently) 最新消息We have access to all the latest information. 我们能获悉所有最新的情报。the necessary information 必要信息This leaflet should provide you with all the necessary information. 这份传单可为你提供所有必需的信息。detailed information 详细信息nMore detailed information is available free on information 金融/经济情报nThe financial information contained in the report is based on the company's audited accounts.background information (=information explaining what happened before the present situation) 背景资料nHe gave us some background information about the trial.verbshave information 有信息Do you have any information about coach trips to Oxford? 你们有去牛津的长途车旅游资料吗?contain information 包含信息The documents contained top secret information. 这些文件含有最高机密的情报。get/receive information 得到信息It is vital that people receive the information they need. 民众能得到自己所需的信息是至关重要的。give/provide information 提供信息a booklet giving information about local education services 一本提供当地教育服务信息的小册子collect/gather information 收集信息The job consisted of gathering information about consumer needs. 工作内容包括收集有关消费者需求的信息。nneed informationWhen I needed information for my report, Jack was always extremely helpful.look for information (also seek information formal) 打探消息Journalists going to the building to seek information were denied entry. 前往大楼去打听消息的新闻记者被拒之门外。exchange information (=give information to each other) 交换情报The meetings provided an opportunity to exchange information. 这些会议提供了交流信息的机会。disseminate information formal (=give it to a lot of people) 传播信息The internet plays a key role in disseminating information. 因特网在信息传播方面起了关键的作用。phrasesa piece/bit of information (also an item of information formal) 一条信息He provided me with several useful pieces of information. 他向我提供了好几条有用的信息。a source of information (=someone or something that can provide information) 信息源Newspapers are valuable sources of information. 报纸是很有价值的信息源。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpusinformation• The book contains information on how to find a job abroad.• The guidebook has detailed information about the hotels in the area.• For further information, please write to the following address.• Harrington was arrested for selling government information to other countries.• The Web site provides the latest information on Medicare and Medicaid.• We need more information before we make a decision.• Ray just told me an interesting piece of information.• I'm looking for some information about breast cancer research.• The tourist office will be able to give you the information you need.information that• I am astonished by the amount of information that sticks to you.• In short: identity may be more a province of information that the other way round.• Such is the wealth of information that analysis could easily become a complex statistical exercise.• Parents will often pace what they reveal initially, giving only information that they feel is required.• Add any other information that you think may be relevant.• The theory: a flatter, less-hierarchical organisation would enable the information that managers need to take decisions to flow more freely.• Some discreet enquiries there yielded the information that fitzAlan was about to take Tracy, leaving his new wife at home.• We are all so bombarded with information that it requires a lot of will-power to set out to find more information.From Longman Business Dictionaryinformationin‧for‧ma‧tion /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən-fər-/ noun [uncountable]1facts or details that tell you about something or someoneThis is highly confidential information.Corporations are making more financial information available to investors. → credit information → inside information2for information only written on copies of letters and documents that are sent to someone who needs to know about them but does not need to deal with them3for your information written abbreviation FYI written on the front or at the top of a letter when you want a particular person to read it or deal with it4American English the telephone service that provides telephone numbers to people who ask for themSYN BrE directory enquiriesin·for·ma·tion noun →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or a that tell Business something details Corpus about facts you




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