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单词 barrel-chested
释义  Related topics: Humanˌbarrel-ˈchested adjective  HBHa man who is barrel-chested has a round chest that sticks out 〔男性〕胸部厚实发达的,胸肌发达的Examples from the Corpusbarrel-chested• At its centre was a man of less than average height with thinning hair and a somewhat barrel-chested build.• A barrel-chested man in a well-cut suit stood to greet them, gripped her hand firmly.• He was a large, barrel-chested man in his early forties, his black hair plastered to his skull with hair cream.ˌbarrel-ˈchested adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus who barrel-chested chest a a is has man round




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