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单词 eyelash
释义  Related topics: Humaneye·lash /ˈaɪlæʃ/ noun [countable]  1. HBHone of the small hairs that grow along the edge of your eyelids 睫(毛) →5 see picture at 见图 eye12. flutter your eyelashes HBHif a woman flutters her eyelashes, she moves them up and down very quickly, in order to look sexually attractive 〔女人〕眨动睫毛〔以吸引异性〕Examples from the Corpuseyelash• If Claire had flicked an eyelash at him, Harvey would never have come near them again.• The eyebrows and eyelashes were drawn in an then very pale washes were put on, the paint smooth and even.• She was missing clumps of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows.• The moon was bright and it lit his blue eyes and his eyelashes shadowed his cheeks.• His hair was shiny, his arms tanned, his eyelashes thick and long.• Brittany, the blond cheerleader, has a vacant stare and huge eyelashes.• She looked down at him, at the dark, even features, the long eyelashes and the luxuriant black hair.• The child was sound asleep now, his tiny eyelashes resting on rounded cheeks.eye·lash nounChineseSyllable  hairs the one that the of small Corpus grow along




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