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单词 eye level
释义  ˈeye ˌlevel noun [uncountable]  HIGHa height equal to the level of your eyes 齐眼的高度at/above/below eye level Your screen should be at eye level. 屏幕应该与眼睛齐平。 an eye-level grill 与眼睛齐平的烤架Examples from the Corpuseye level• It is placed at eye level with one eye occluded.• Large single images should be positioned at eye level.• He would face that weight, at eye level, each time he measured his height and weighed himself.• In the corner, just at his eye level, was a column of notices.• He pulled the ladder into position, climbed two-thirds of its height to stand on eye level with the filing eye level• I raised the head on a base until the eye is at eye level.• Standards are much easier to work on - the work is at eye level and your back doesn't have to break.• A notice at eye level inside the bathroom door can jog your memory and avoid some trying mopping-up operations later.• The heads are viewed from slightly above or at eye level but the undersides of nose and jaw are clearly seen.• It is placed at eye level with one eye occluded.• Large single images should be positioned at eye level.• He would face that weight, at eye level, each time he measured his height and weighed himself.• The paintings were at eye level.ˈeye ˌlevel nounChineseSyllable  level height a the Corpus to equal of your




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