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单词 eyelid
释义  Related topics: Humaneye·lid /ˈaɪlɪd/ ●●○ noun [countable]   HBHa piece of skin that covers your eye when it is closed 眼睑,眼皮 His eyelids began to droop (=close, because he was sleepy). 他的眼皮开始往下垂。 The room spun. Her eyelids fluttered (=moved up and down quickly) and she fainted. 房间快速旋转起来。她的眼皮上下翻动,然后便昏了过去。 → not bat an eyelid at bat2(2) →5 see picture at 见图 eye1Examples from the Corpuseyelid• Susan, my long suffering wife, who never batted an eyelid as this project unfolded and gave me lots of encouragement.• Smith devised a technique using eight pieces of latex rather than one overall mask, including convincing eyelids.• At the same time as her nose wrinkled, the corners of her mouth turned down and her eyelids drooped.• He notices the fluttering at the corners of her eyelids.• Her eyelids were closing against the sheer enormity of the prospect.• His eyelids were heavy and wet.• My eyelids felt thick and swollen.• My eyelids were swollen shut, and I was drenched with sweat.eyelids ... droop• Twice I ran perilously close to the edge, my eyes dazzled and eyelids drooping.• Tiredness crept over her, making her eyelids droop.• Her eyelids drooped, fluttered, and then drooped again.• Towards the end of his harangue his head grew heavy, his eyelids drooped, and his speech became thick.• One of the issues in his last re- election campaign was that his eyelids frequently drooped during meetings.eye·lid nounChineseSyllable   Corpus it of skin piece when your a covers eye that




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