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单词 Greater than
1. Fear is often greater than the danger. 
2. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. 
3. There is something behind the throne greater than the king him-self. 
4. Make X greater than or equal to zero.
5. A whole is greater than any of its parts.
6. The gain is greater than the loss.
7. The actual measurement is two orders of magnitude greater than we expected.
8. Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80% of saturation?
9. It is axiomatic that a whole is greater than any of its parts.
10. In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. The insulation from triple glazing is significantly greater than that from double glazing.
12. The things which bind them together are greater than their differences.
13. A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 which is exactly divisible by itself and 1 but no other number.
14. The team is greater than the sum of its parts.
15. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops.
16. Career possibilities for women are much greater than they were fifty years ago.
17. The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value.
18. In the final analysis, the king's power was greater than the bishop's.
19. Her destructive powers are even greater than Ewan's!
20. A force greater than magnetism gripped Jaq's feet.
21. The changes have been greater than we ever envisaged.
22. The radiation involved is normally of frequency much greater than that of any molecular vibration.
23. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Bill Cosby 
24. As individual members' solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts.
25. Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber.
26. The idea of God is a projection of humans' need to have something greater than themselves.
27. The equation is impossible for any value of n greater than 2.
28. The equation is impossible for any value of x greater than 2.
29. Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance. Brene Brown 
30. The densities per square kilometre of its human and livestock populations are greater than anywhere else in the continent.
1. Make X greater than or equal to zero.
2. Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber.
31. If the value is significantly greater than this there is a Right Field Advantage.
32. Once again some of the correlations, while significantly greater than zero are still extremely small.
33. It is plainly true that in our society blacks have suffered discrimination immeasurably greater than any directed at other racial groups.
34. We chose a p value of 0.01 and judged results greater than this as not statistically significant.
35. The sums involved in the Sagawa scandal were vastly greater than those paid out during the Recruit Cosmos case.
36. Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is my freedom to choose, my freedom to live, and my freedom to be happy. RVM 
37. Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80 percent of saturation?
38. They might have swapped with him, but he couldn't ask it: their need was greater than his.
39. In a cabin soaked in pure oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure for five hours, almost anything bums.
40. That concentration, greater than on a highway during rush hour, would not cause even a headache in most healthy people.
40. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
41. The subsequent relapse rate after elemental diet induced remission, however, is greater than after treatment with prednisolone.
42. It can be postulated that the programming effect of high potencies is greater than that of low potencies.
43. The fall potential on this wall is greater than the length of the climbs as well!
44. In some individual neighborhoods, the population density is three times greater than in the infamous slums of Calcutta or Jakarta.
45. The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.
46. With ratios below 7:1, the result is rather dumpy, greater than 10:1 is tending towards a platter.
47. If the selling price is greater than the cost price, then a profit is made.
48. Maintaining a bella figura at all costs can cause problems greater than a partially blocked street.
49. In other words, the medical language facilitated liberal support of a degree of invasiveness greater than that proposed by a conservative.
50. But the significance of the Nonjurors was much greater than their numbers might suggest.
51. It had its own permanent staff; hence user - staff interaction was significantly greater than in other user groups.
52. In most patients, it is desirable to use dosages that maintain a pulse rate greater than 60.
53. Note that the average payment following the optimal strategy is around three times greater than the average payment following the myopic strategy.
54. Do not let another day go by where your dedication to other people's opinions is greater than your dedication to your own emotions! Steve Maraboli 
55. In each site in both series, the mean age of the women was greater than the mean age of the men.
56. The magnification is usually at least thirty times greater than what is normally seen with the naked eye.
57. The arms are long and thin, greater than seven times the disk diameter.
58. Second, the welfare cost of monopoly is greater than the deadweight burden triangle itself.
59. In order to achieve a high speed the mass of propellant burnt must be much greater than the mass of the rocket.
60. Buxton and Klein's study found that in the early 1970s local variations within a region were greater than between regions.
61. The arms are very long, greater than seven times the disk diameter.
62. This ensures that production costs of electricity generated by these methods are no greater than for fossil fuels.
63. Apparently the savings in costs are greater than the need to function as an independent news source.
64. There remains one further complication, greater than all the rest.
65. Cellular plastic has a high insulation value, four times greater than similar timber products.
66. Primarily because of their greater experience of disability, the needs of older women are often greater than those of older men.
67. Notice that the magnitudes of the values for solids are much greater than those for gases.
68. Then, too, the ocean is so deep that its volume is six times greater than all land above sea level.
69. Only pressure waves greater than the respiratory swing at that level were taken into account.
70. With lupins the harvest index is higher, leaving only about 15 % residue, no greater than a high yielding wheat.
70. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
71. This means that equilibrium quantity will increase by an amount greater than that which either change would have entailed in isolation.
72. Typically for the period the quantity of finished products is far greater than the known examples of production sites.
73. In order to achieve this acceleration he must apply a force much greater than the weight of his ann.
74. The probability of socially disadvantaged children being identified as having special needs is very much greater than in other children.
75. It must be greater than unity unless all the molecules are of equal length, as is easily seen.
76. Their chances of being killed by lightning are 30 times greater than their chances of being eaten by a shark.
77. This rate of turnover is much greater than for other areas of the vocabulary of a language. 3.
78. The cost transfer necessary would be far greater than the cost of the price subsidy.
79. She says the spiritual poverty of the West is far greater than the physical poverty of the so-called developing countries.
80. The fool was very grateful, and so was the groom, because he had found one fool greater than his wife.
81. The scheme does not apply to claims for amounts greater than £1,500 per person or £75,00 per booking form.
82. Occasionally, saturations of greater than 20 percent have been reported in heavy smokers. 402.
83. The potential of joy is vastly greater than our capacity to absorb it all.
84. It was their intention to suggest that the negative total was greater than the sum of his recent accomplishments.
85. The variability in reproductive success of males will therefore be greater than that of females.
86. No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself. Denis Waitley 
87. Y., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, suggests the sum involved was far greater than previously estimated.
88. The role of Churchill in the development of full employment policy is greater than has generally been supposed.
89. However, she also found that differences between students of different disciplines were greater than differences between the sexes.
90. This means that the voltage delivered at low output currents is greater than the rated voltage.
91. Although they enjoyed their lifestyle there was evidence that very long hours were worked, greater than the individual enterprises actually required.
92. In this situation, the duration time should be reduced to a few minutes greater than the current elapsed time.
93. A million families have insolvency hanging over them as their mortgage debts have grown greater than the values of their homes.
94. A plan consists of time, resources and indicated action but the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts.
95. But other forces need to be considered. Racial intolerance and racism are probably greater than Scarman assumed.
96. Could I have found one pleasure greater than the next?
97. It requires a greater than one-for-one reduction in emissions in order to achieve a net improvement in ambient air quality.
98. It seems prodigious, immense, far greater than the social forces that mold generations.
99. Both produced passenger levels far greater than forecast and have encouraged more planning of urban light railways.
100. Therefore,[http:///greater than.html] the forward movement at the top of the orbit is greater than the reverse movement at the bottom.
101. Under the city charter, Los Angeles was prohibited from incurring a debt greater than 15 percent of its assessed valuation.
102. Red letter customers need to witness investment returns greater than 8 per cent to stand any chance of repaying their mortgage.
103. Unused tablets were counted, allowing compliance with treatment to be estimated at greater than 90% in all patients.
104. For r slightly greater than 21. 0, a periodic orbit was not detected in the numerical results.
105. Often, when out-turn was greater than planned expenditure, Parliament had meekly acquiesced to supplementary estimates.
106. Indeed I think it is true to say the technical know-how required then was far greater than it is now.
107. Patients with left ventricular ejection fraction greater than 30% and no inducible ventricular arrhythmia comprise a heterogeneous group.
108. The unification of the mind is far greater than the resolving of the dichotomy alone.
109. Is it thus greater than the sum of the individual parts?
110. Under arbitrary regulation the costs of every program are greater than the possible benefits at the lower end of the range.
111. The authority they exercise is far greater than anyone could have dreamed of in the pre-1985 organi-zation.
112. As a group, the relapse rate in adults is greater than in children.
113. And in the face of a challenge far greater than athletic competition, she never lost her composure.
114. Megan and Morag in a sense are genetically identical twins, but their significance is greater than that.
115. Before 1988 the implicit tax rates associated with the poverty trap were also, in some cases, greater than 100%.
116. The lowest quartile made gains 30 percent greater than their counterparts.
117. As a result, my telephone and fax bill is much greater than the bill for board and lodging.
118. Far more than the shield is the pleasure I get on the field... The joy of the chase is greater than the result of the race. RVM 
119. But the number of students per school in the state sector is considerably greater than in the private sector.
120. The opportunities for close, long-term relationships are greater than is usually the case in a large, metropolitan, residential area.
121. One of its ideas is that of holism - the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
122. In fact, our trade surplus in Scotch is three times greater than our trade surplus in oil.
123. If there is conversion from memory to naive phenotype, the conversion rate will be significantly greater than zero.
124. Every stretch of Democratic administrations has ended with occupancy levels greater than the first year they took office.
125. Treason therefore was a crime no greater than being disloyal to one who claimed to be an overlord.
126. The profit at the end of the first year was greater than either Liz or Carol had hoped to achieve.
127. In Fahrenheit, temperatures of black smokers sound even more impressive, greater than 600o, hotter than molten lead.
128. The basic criterion for survival is that the crushing strength be greater than the maximum aerodynamic pressure experienced during atmospheric entry.
129. Firms' financing needs are greater than at any time since the 1974 oil shock.
130. In times of inflation the replacement cost of an asset may be much greater than its original cost.
131. It's a comic book sort of thing,[http:///greater than.html] doing everything in your power to present yourselves as greater than your audience.
132. Remind us again Lord, that we can pray, and that your sovereignty is greater than any earthly power.
133. Perhaps that early brush with death endowed the villagers with a greater than normal appreciation for the past.
134. Portrait an upright image or page where the height is greater than the width.
135. If the loss if greater than the gain then the job holder should leave.
136. At latitudes greater than about thirty degrees, impact craters have a very peculiar appearance never seen on the Moon.
137. I would tell them that they could attain levels of quality and customer satisfaction greater than they had ever imagined.
138. It may yet serve as an unhappy reminder that there are divides greater than those between modern capitalism and modern social democracy.
139. To an extent far greater than any other organ, the brain adapts to changing conditions.
140. It has been reported that the concordance rate for peptic ulcer in monozygotic twins is greater than in dizygotic twins.
141. Why then is the rate of circumcision up to six times greater than the incidence of preputial pathology?
142. Nietzsche is hardly read now as a serious philosopher and his influence on writers and artists was always greater than on philosophers.
143. The PCO2 in blood is much greater than the PCO2 in air.
144. Diffuse oesophageal spasm was defined as the presence of greater than 10% but less than 100% simultaneous contractions.
145. And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
146. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Aristotle 
147. The bandwidth provided by cable will allow customer connections to the Internet at speeds greater than those provided by telephone company facilities.
148. As a child of God[], I am greater than anything that can happen to me. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
149. His power was greater than that of all the other divinities together.
150. As for employee involvement, it is certainly greater than it ever was in the years of nationalization.
151. However, the range and complexity of learned behaviour in humans is far greater than in any other species.
152. The lineage was never a group without internal distinctions of wealth, but they had become much greater than ever before.
153. In 1971, oysters were found to contain cadmium in amounts greater than now considered safe.
154. But never forget that your mission is greater than the gathering of such requirements along the way.
155. One problem which proved far greater than anticipated was where no option was marked on the screening card.
156. If demand is greater than expected more shares can be clawed back from allocations earmarked for institutional and overseas investors.
157. In 1920, the circulation of the provincial morning and evening papers was still one-third greater than the national dailies.
158. These asteroids with Earth-crossing orbits and orbital periods greater than one Earth year constitute the Apollo family.
159. Drug addiction cannot be cured if the fear of not consuming drugs is greater than the willpower to quit doing drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
160. Yet for many employment offers social satisfaction as great or greater than the financial reward.
161. Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones,[] and their errors were written up by the historian.
162. Desulphurization was approximately 73 % with an overall ash reduction estimated at greater than 90 %.
163. We can predict an increase in equilibrium price greater than that caused by either change taken separately.
164. A glance through the catalogues soon brings the realisation that the choice is much greater than existed even a few years ago.
165. The Brady bond market has grown to a volume 50 times greater than the daily volume in shares, traders said.
166. We may reach a point where the public costs of city life have to be greater than the private.
167. They just happen to play a game that offers challenges greater than the Olympics, rewards richer than a gold medal.
168. It also reveals in the latest year that dividends payable were greater than profits for the year.
169. Centrifugal force can be greater than the force of gravity.
170. It was the equivalent of about £1500 million at 1980's values, although greater than that in relation to the size of the economy.
171. One can show that this increase in disorder is always greater than the increase in the order of the memory itself.
172. Rightly or wrongly, I judged the potential risks in so doing were greater than any possible benefit that I could imagine.
173. The computer chip was a huge breakthrough, greater than the lightbulb, telephone, or internal combustion engine.
174. But greater than her fear was the need of that which she bore.
175. Then the Sun's angular diameter was about two thirds of a second of arc greater than it is today.
176. If the sum of the inputs is greater than the threshold value, the processing element generates a signal.
177. To ensure frequency stability, make R3 much greater than R1 and use a high-quality feedback capacitor.
178. But these are no greater than are required to substantiate a claim to professional status.
179. A mixture which exerts a vapour pressure greater than that predicted by Raoult's law is said to show a positive deviation.
180. The bureau still enacts the legally specified reversion level, which is still greater than the median voter's most preferred choice.
181. Social class inequalities in housing will therefore be greater than they are in health or education.
182. Since we have removed an anti-bonding electron the vibrational frequency of the ion is greater than that of the molecule.
183. The outgo was greater than the income.
184. The divergence time is now greater than 30 sec.
185. A seer is greater than a prophet.
186. At the same time following surgery, the myelin sheath thickness and the cross section area of myelinated nerves in the experimental groups were significantly greater than that in the controls.
187. Thermal stability of GB was greater than that of the derivative.
188. Ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in SA-treated fruit were significantly greater than those in controls during cold storage.
189. For if our heart reprehend us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
190. That presence is essentially you and at the same time inconceivably greater than you.
191. We can learn about that the ADCIG is more sensitive when migration velocity is greater than actual velocity from the relation between ADCIG and migration velocity error.
192. Severe acne is characterized primarily with the presence of inflammatory nodules and cysts. Also present are comedones, papules, and pustules or total lesion count of greater than 125 on the face.
193. Love is not greater than days, lovelorn also do so.
194. If the stock has lost value, the selling price will be greater than the price.
195. Tension - free, multilayered closure with tissue interposition ( as needed ) results in a greater than 95 % success rate.
196. BUA, SOS and STI in men were greater than in women in different ages.
197. Carbide balls are usually recommended for Brinell hardness numbers greater than 500.
198. Inductance greater than 0.1? H read at recommended Q meter frequency.
199. The needs of India today are incomparably greater than the needs of America.
200. The reflection wave Pm on Moho discontinuity in 104 - 180 km is 7 - 10 times greater than Pg wave.
201. This paper obtains several sufficient conditions on the degrees for an oriented graph which contains a path or cycle of length greater than or equal to a given value.
202. When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff.
203. Wolves have a very good sense of smell about 100 times greater than humans. They use this sense for communication in a variety of ways.
204. The Combustion rate is lower than that of the gasoline, but greater than that of the LPG.
206. For catchment areas greater than gutter capacity, slotted holes can be installed.
207. Doppler centric frequency is influenced much greater than Doppler FM rate and azimuth resolution is.
208. The once-through yield of furfuryl alcohol is greater than 90%, and the outlet mixture contains no any unreacted furfural.
209. Because of this way to the same ground point, the S-wave static correction is often much greater than the P-wave.
210. The power of equipment is turned off automatically when the pressure in accelerator is greater than the safe value so that the electrostatic accelerator can be guaranteed to work safely and reliably.
211. Change over from normal to emergency mode shall occur at not less than 0.6 times rated supply voltage, It shall not occur at greater than 0.85 times rated supply voltage.
212. The sum of the receipts is greater than the initial outlay.
213. His cousinly love must have been greater than his passion.
214. Screen phosphor chromatic range greater than the ink color on paper.
215. Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow.
216. When the downstream head is greater than about 3 / 5 of the upstream head, flow is submerged.
217. On the basis, the relation between the enhancement of stimulated emission as well as transmissivity being greater than one and the abnormal group velocity in photonic band gaps as well as n.
218. For loan amounts greater than $50K, the premium loan provisioning service is invoked.
219. It occurs when angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called critical angle.
220. Umbra - You need Samples values equal to or greater than 2 to see any influence of this button.
220. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
221. Phenotypic variation coefficients were all greater than the genetic variation coefficients.
222. The unknown is greater than the known; the known is but as a barque on the ocean of the unknown.
223. The authors have proved that the detonation reaction range FAE is greater than conventional explosives.
224. The content of impurities in water - is greater than that in gas - atomization.
225. The relative standard deviation should be no greater than 2.0 %.
226. Goodwin also jacked up the bank's trading, "boosting derivatives assets 44 percent to 483 billion pounds in the first half of 2008,[]" which was greater than the bank's net deposits.
227. Maximum offset of converted wave is greater than that of compressional wave for the same stretch.
228. The model contains sufficient number of packages/subsystems and classes to cause the size of the generated report to be greater than 1000 pages.
229. The average patient infectiousness over the 505 days of the study was six times greater than that recorded in the 1950's study.
230. If the stock has lost value, the selling price will be greater than the purchase price.
231. If death resulted, apply the most analogous guideline from Chapter Two, Part A, Subpart 1 (Homicide), if the resulting offense level is greater than that determined above.
232. Some couples have a greater than average risk of having a child with a birth defect.
233. Integer type that holds values greater than or equal to zero.
234. If the unsigned integer type has rank greater than or equal to the rank of the signed integer type, the common type is the unsigned type.
235. Unfortunately, the tristimulus imagination, because the tristimulus value must be greater than the spectral color saturation.
236. You reject the hypothesis if the F - value is greater than the 95 th percentile.
237. In the chromatogram obtained with solution(1), the area of any peak due to the tenofovir monoester is not greater than twice the area of the principal peak obtained with solution(2)(1.0%).
238. When the bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate and the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate are used to compute VMA value, the VMA value is greater than the VMA value by American method.
239. Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the Being greater than whom nothing can be conceived, " then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
240. Also, the indispensable condition of dehumidify efficient is greater than zero, and the ways to improve dehumidification efficient were pointed out in this paper.
241. The results showed that the permeability of methanol is far greater than the Neopentyl Glycol(NPG) and trimethylol ethane(PG).
242. Meditation : A drop of God's wisdom is greater than an ocean of human intelligence.
243. Menacing magnifications of textural accidents, they needed to be viewed at a distance greater than the architecture afforded.
244. An algebraic expression showing that a quantity is greater than or less than another quantity.
245. Particulate matter includes particles from molecular size to greater than 10 Mm in diameter.
246. When your ability to pay is greater than your appetence, you are rich.
247. Maximal allometric growths, of the gizzard , proventriculus, liver, small intestine and pancreas were 1.5,2,2.3,3 and 6-fold greater than that of the body.
248. In many cases it will be found that the minimum recommended submergence to prevent vortexing will be equal to, or greater than, the minimum submergence required to prevent overheating.
249. The lockout duration must be greater than or equal to the reset count time.
250. Characteristically[Sentence dictionary], the strains in the plactic region are much greater than in the elastic region.
251. But, as with hepatitis B, the true tally is much greater than that.
252. I hold it ever virtue and cunning were endowments greater than nobleness and riches.
253. Due to excellent poleward outflow, NARI has intensified at greater than climatological rate during the past 24 hours.
254. Different from other semi-dry processes, the removal efficiency of gaseous contaminants drop rapidly while molar ratio of urea and air pollutant was greater than 1.2.
255. It has been verified that the possible error of predicting ultimate load by use of the simplified formula will not be greater than 3%, which is permitted in engineering practice.
256. An intriguing question arises when chamber pressure is greater than critical.
257. Speaking in the Greek capital on Tuesday, the country's athletes and Olympic committee members said that their team's achievements were greater than expected.
258. Also, the efficiency will be greater than is theoretically possible with a class A amplifier at these levels.
259. The impact of Darwinism on modern biology is greater than Mendelism.
260. If the project parts list does not specify a voltage, choose a capacitor with a rating which is greater than the project's power supply voltage.
261. Nanjing sand is anisotropic because of the schistous grain. Its horizontal strength is greater than that in vertical.
262. The scarp has slopes with grades greater than 60 degrees.
263. Thus, if the NPV is greater than zero,[] then the IRR is also greater than the required rate of return.
264. With high-performance constant-current power supply, conversion efficiency is greater than 90%, 60% energy saving, life span is up to 30000-50000 hours.
265. When transmission constrained, actual ex-post price is sometimes greater than ex-ante price, because of high congestion price.
266. Why was the amount of oxygen consumed so much greater than the amount necessary to completely oxidize the added oxaloacetate or malate?
267. The purity of vinyltoluene is greater than 99%, purified yield per pass greater than 65%.
268. The experiments that charging current of magnet enhancement corona discharge is greater than the traditional one.
269. The interspecific genetic distances are much greater than the intraspecific distances except that between P. albina and P. nigra.
270. It is axiomatic ( to say ) that a whole is greater than any of its parts.
271. Secondly, the advantage which is gained by saving the time commonly lost in passing from one sort of work to another is much greater than we should at first view be apt to imagine it.
272. The retention of the clasp molar is greater than premolar in the same condition of undercut.
273. In general, the lower 128 characters of a multibyte character set map to the 7-bit ASCII characters, and any byte whose ordinal value is greater than 127 is the lead byte of a multibyte character.
274. The toxicity of DDVP was 20 times greater than dipterex.
275. I seriously believe my grandfather's legend in Winston-Salem is greater than mine will ever be.
276. Main conclusions: The wave-proof plate is safe when the permissible stress of the selected material is greater than the maximum calculated stress's 3.5 times of it.
277. Longevity: In normal use, the expectancy greater than 500 times.
278. The earth has the equatorial diameter greater than the polar diameter.
279. The minimum across flats dimension of the hex bolt or hex nut being used to test the loose washer must not be greater than 1.5 times the basic thread size.
280. You may decide that the probable cost is greater than the potential reward.
281. When your extended arm is slightly outside your shoulder line your shoulder range of motion is considerably greater than when it's near the centerline.
282. Tr ait: red crystalline powder, acetone soluble, water fast , melting point greater than 145 ℃.
283. Cantor's proof that the infinity of real numbers is greater than the infinity of integers.
284. The intensity of auroral electrojet in summer is greater than that in winter around AZS.
285. As a result, freshwater animals live there at depths greater than anywhere else on earth.
286. Holism holds that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
287. Sometimes you may want to start a document with a page number greater than 1.sentence dictionary
288. The rate of change of the data structure in a warehouse is much greater than that of operational data structures.
289. Although there have been positive changes in the fluctuation of prices, the foundation of a rebound in prices isn't firm due to the fact that the supply is still greater than the demand.
290. A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
291. Incorrect timeout value received! Timeout value must be greater than zero.
292. The hardness of black silicon carbide is greater than fused alumina but less than synthetic diamond.
293. Similarly, an abundant number's sum of factors is greater than the number, and a deficient number's sum of factors is less.
294. Barium is found in some oilfield brines in concentrations greater than 100 mg / litre.
295. In the general community , the niche breadths of specie - pairs are obviously greater than in other community.
296. We're assuming that x is greater than or equal to 0, and epsilon is y strictly greater than 0, and we're y that y squared is within epsilon of x.
297. Immigrant advocates counter that the current fee hike is far greater than any pervious increase.
298. The results showed that the corrosion weight loss rate of high Mn steel was distinctly greater than that of medium carbon chromium steel.
299. Are There any Possibility of Utilization Factor Greater than Luminaire Efficiency?




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