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单词 Forgiveness
1. An enemy who lies at thy feet begging forgiveness must not feel thy sword. 
2. Repent and ask God's forgiveness.
3. He was on his knees, pleading for mercy/forgiveness.
4. Do I have your forgiveness?
5. We must pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.
6. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.
7. She preached to the congregation about forgiveness.
8. Love means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.
9. Black is the darkest betrayal, forgiveness Who Loved the pain.
10. Love is an art of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
11. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.
12. He never admitted his guilt or asked for forgiveness.
13. The thief sought forgiveness for his guilty acts.
14. They dropped to their knees and begged forgiveness.
15. She prayed to be forgiven/ God for forgiveness.
16. He appealed for his parents' forgiveness.
17. She beleaguered him with pleas for forgiveness.
18. She preached a sermon on forgiveness.
19. He begged her forgiveness for his mistake.
20. I offered up a short prayer for forgiveness.
21. We went to him to beg for forgiveness.
22. He begged forgiveness for what he had done.
23. He implored forgiveness for what he had done.
24. She is sympathetic and full of forgiveness.
25. He asked forgiveness for what he had done wrong.
26. She needed to confess her sins and ask for forgiveness.
27. I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness.
28. If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness.
29. He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.
30. He admitted he had done her wrong and asked for forgiveness.
1. He was on his knees, pleading for mercy/forgiveness.
2. Do I have your forgiveness?
3. We must pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.
4. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.
5. She preached to the congregation about forgiveness.
6. She needed to confess her sins and ask for forgiveness.
7. He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.
8. He admitted he had done her wrong and asked for forgiveness.
31. He threw himself at her feet and asked her forgiveness.
32. It was an incredible display of motherly love and forgiveness.
33. He begged for forgiveness.
34. We pray God's forgiveness.
35. She searched his face for some sign of forgiveness, but it remained expressionless.
36. He begged her forgiveness.
37. During the sermon, he preached about the need for forgiveness.
38. I invoked their forgiveness.
39. She fought back the sudden urge to run to him and beg his forgiveness.
40. The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness. William Blake 
41. Begging for forgiveness, thought Conrad.
42. O Tess, forgiveness does not apply to the case!
43. Jacob was not expecting forgiveness from his brother.
44. Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge. Scott Adams 
45. Jane finally spoke, a weeping voice begging forgiveness.
46. Then he humbly begged her forgiveness.
47. My forgiveness, to ease your weeping heart?
48. a powerful story of love and forgiveness.
49. There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness. Josh Billings 
50. You can just about excuse Porsche for not altering the external shape,[sentence dictionary] but forgiveness is impossible when it concerns the interior.
51. It is a land of immense potential, but it could easily fall to pieces. Debt forgiveness would be a start.
52. Forgiveness helps you steer round the obstacles, to grow more together.
53. A baby born out of wedlock was a horrible sin for which there was no forgiveness.
54. If you get stuck in submissiveness you will often seek forgiveness and try endlessly to make up for what you have done!
55. He was ashamed to be asked for forgiveness, when it was not a matter of that.
56. But within the hour, Fifi is on the phone with Manuelito, pleading for forgiveness.
57. The infamously debased tabloid press loved it, and ended up giving unprecedented coverage to the issue of debt forgiveness.
58. They begged forgiveness from the Mother Goddess and blessed the axe in a ritual of mourning before hacking down trees in autumn.
59. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi 
60. But it is on the subject of debt forgiveness that Wolfensohn is at his most passionate.
61. This paraphrase of Paul's words in Ephesians 4:26 guaranteed they not only resolved conflicts but also gave and received forgiveness.
62. New words entered their vocabulary: forgiveness, conflict resolution, national reconciliation, equity, self-empowerment.
63. She acknowledges her faults and is quick to ask forgiveness when she knows she has overstepped the line.
64. The parable of the prodigal son conveys at a conscious level a message about the need for forgiveness and acceptance.
65. Kit knelt in front of Ariel and cried; he asked her for forgiveness.
66. If you came up here seeking some sort of forgiveness from me you can forget it.
67. And was his cryptic message supposed to imply forgiveness for her own error - or some kind of apology for his own?
68. Any of the above is a high price to pay to exercise our right to unforgiveness. 4 Forgiveness is a decision.
69. I was too proud to follow him and beg forgiveness.
70. If the evil characters are not punished per se they admit their guilt and often beg forgiveness.
71. Still, the most powerful of all defenses, the one that in the end resolved this tragic case(), was forgiveness.
72. The only way Keenan could have avoided it was by coming to Daley, admitting his sins, and asking forgiveness.
73. Expecting ongoing punishment for the drugs episode, I forget that other people have different timetables for both acceptance and forgiveness.
74. A broken friendship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was. Stephen Richards 
75. Could Woodhead admit the affair, beg forgiveness and keep his job?
76. They should take note of medical studies, which show some form of forgiveness is needed for scars to heal.
77. He doesn't think anybody has ever asked him for forgiveness either.
78. C., to beg forgiveness for the way black men had mistreated their women and neglected their families.
78. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79. It's the same old story - one night he beats her up, and the next day he begs her for forgiveness.
80. For it is when we seek forgiveness that we can break the cycle.
81. I am writing this letter in order to humbly ask your forgiveness for the events preceding my internment here.
82. This is a place of compassion, a place of forgiveness.
83. At the end of the play, Derikson receives a letter from Frederica, whom he had thought dead, begging forgiveness.
84. Genuine peaceful change depends on building trust, forgiveness and sacrificing self-interest.
85. What act of forgiveness was not diluted by the endless range of cause and effect through which it traveled?
86. Even in the right a man can offend past any forgiveness.
87. She besought his forgiveness.
88. She fought back the sudden urge to run to him, to fling herself into his arms and beg his forgiveness.
89. The Tories have much for which they should seek forgiveness.
90. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. Honore de Balzac 
91. In December 1953, despite his pleas for forgiveness, he was shot.
92. She liked the way she had not openly offered reconciliation yet had managed to imply that forgiveness would not be unreasonably withheld.
93. He blamed me for not submitting to my husband and said that my husband would change because he had asked for forgiveness.
94. We all need to work at forgiveness and acceptance right into our dotage.
95. The cry for forgiveness was also the cry for inward healing and deliverance from the mental and physical effects of sin.
96. She should come with him to the United Reform Church in Florence and hear messages not of vengeance but of forgiveness.
97. But this forgiveness, when I felt guilty myself, who was I forgiving?
98. Before confessing to a priest, most peasants would ask the earth for forgiveness.
99. We are taught, correctly, that forgiveness is sublime, but often forgiveness leaves us unjustly suspended in emotional conflict.
100. The prime minister also believed McCord deserved forgiveness for a youthful mistake.
101. Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive. C.S. Lewis 
102. Confess your unworthy behaviour and beg his honour's forgiveness for all your faults.
103. The campaign for debt forgiveness will not bear fruit for another two or three years.
104. She looked so young and vulnerable, her head tilted to one side, waiting for forgiveness.
105. The courage to leave her and beg public forgiveness for his desertion of his cause and his friends.
106. It was a terrible sin, she said: which means we've got to pray for forgiveness.
107. Without forgiveness there can be no future for a relationship between individuals or within and between nations. Desmond Tutu 
108. If I eyed them now and then it was with forgiveness,[] as one forgives the debt of a needy friend.
109. Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. Oprah Winfrey 
110. Finally convinced by the Baron that his treatment has been cruel, savage and pitiless he begs forgiveness.
111. The way is through the waters of Baptism were we are assured the forgiveness of our heavenly Father.
112. He was under no illusions that water could convey forgiveness.
113. True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience.". Oprah Winfrey 
114. Or maybe we're searching for forgiveness -- or vindication.
115. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
116. Forgiveness is an act of self-love.
117. In addition, forgiveness has the limitation of justifiability.
118. Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.
119. I ask Allah to grant us and you forgiveness.
120. Creasy: Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting.
121. For the rose quartz will quite willingly blend with the source of Rhodocroshite if asked, and provide both the forgiveness and unity octaves through it's form.
122. Your grandfather urged repeated forgiveness ingratitude , riot, and extravagance and all that.
123. If you have recognized your need for forgiveness, accepted Jesus, left no wrong doing unconfessed, and forgiven others you can rest assured God has forgiven you.
124. Compassion will then open the door to the possibility of forgiveness and will allow you to release those judgements that are holding you in self-contempt.
125. Draco came to him like a penitent child, though it was not forgiveness he begged.
126. Forgiveness is a powerful thing; it will help your body and soul.
127. And he answered, 'My mother is a beggar even as I am, and I have treated her evilly, and I pray ye to suffer me to pass that she may give me her forgiveness, if it be that she tarrieth in this city.'
128. What harm can an ill-natured person do to one who holds the dagger of forgiveness in his hand?
129. We forgive and we ask for forgiveness, ' the Pope, wearing the purple vestments of Lenten mourning, said in the homily at a moving and unprecedented ceremony in St Peter's Basilica.
130. Mary finally wrote me asking forgiveness, and I found it fair dinkum.
131. When I feel wronged, I can contrive a hundred reasons against forgiveness.
132. In fact, no human relationship can survive without the oxygen of forgiveness.
133. William III, who defeated James, offered forgiveness to the rebels who would swear loyalty to him, but many preferred exile.
134. Some say that forgiveness is unjust because the wrongdoer should not be let off the hook.
135. Everyone can give others care and help by devoting spiritual energies such as heartiness, encouragement, understanding, forgiveness and love.
136. GORING : Women are not meant to judge us, but to forgive us when we need forgiveness.
137. Creasy: forgiveness is between them and god, it's my job to arrange the meeting.
138. As I reside in the limbo between true forgiveness and painful hurt,[/forgiveness.html] I struggle with the tug-of-war between heart and head.
139. Try a daily forgiveness ritual, suggests Sharon Salzberg, a revered spiritual teacher and cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.
140. Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for our sins, making forgiveness and eternal life possible for us.
141. But maybe an abused substance abuser can"t be cured through therapy and methadone but instead through confrontation and forgiveness."
142. After his death, Belize summons Louis to recite the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, to demonstrate thanks (for his stash of AIDS drugs) and forgiveness.
143. Your kindness often brings back respondence immediately and the forgiveness is the best repay.
144. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge.
145. Resentment is a ball and chain; forgiveness sets you free again. Forgiveness offers you insurance against premature aging, a blocked heart, an unhealed past and an unhappy future.
146. Otherwise what would there be to forgive? Forgiveness is about pardoning things are essentially inexcusable.
147. Forgiveness Forgiveness is the act of erasing an emotional debt.
148. As she passed on down the lane he came after her, imploring forgiveness and offering redemption.
149. Sharing about our past and current failures and giving praise to God for forgiveness will help us not to come across as "holier-than-thou" to people who don't yet know the Lord.
150. The seven Dhai twelve jin ling , jia of forgiveness and concubine, ms.
151. She looked all forgiveness and gentleness, like an angel as she spoke.
152. Take time to give something back to others by personal generosity, mercy, forgiveness and charity, and we will all be the better for it.
153. The purpose of this information is to trigger one's personal ancestral karma for forgiveness and transmutation.
154. Do not wait until injury time go begging for forgiveness only.
155. And each time I will fall short of Your glory, How far will forgiveness abound?
156. By the end of the Colloquy, Luther and Zwingli wept together and asked forgiveness for bitter words.
157. The next day he'd be full of contrition, weeping and begging forgiveness.
158. Don't say what decision you have made. when you hold one's hand then let it go. both of you have to take it with forgiveness.
159. Rose quartz supports the learning of the dance of unity where forgiveness is the foundation of life.
160. However, in our collective, we shouldn't be overcritical for the moment. On the contrary, more forgiveness, compassion, toleration and concerns are needed.
161. Recently German President Johannes Rau asked the Israeli Knesset for forgiveness for the Holocaust and pledged to fight anti-Semitism in Europe.
162. When we offend God, we must ask him for forgiveness through the sacrament of confession.
163. W. H. Auden said:"Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures. So that society must take the place of the victim, and on his behalf, demand atonement or grant forgiveness."
164. She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage.
165. "Duch wishes to ask forgiveness from the victims and the Cambodian people, " Francois Roux told reporters at the specially built court outside the Cambodian capital. "He will do so publicly.
166. All unhealed healers follow the ego's plan for forgiveness in one form or another.
167. Forgetting a past hurt refers to relearning the circumstances surround the situation, reprocess it through a fresh perspective, and move toward forgiveness.
168. Forgiveness allows the individual to move past their maladaptive behaviour and focus on the upcoming examination without the burden of past acts to hinder studying.
169. Is it possible to grant forgiveness for sinful acts yet to be committed?
170. The goods do not accept the negotiated price, invites each forgiveness,[] thanks.
171. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge.
172. Forgiveness helps not only in pacifying anger and making us religious minded by removing all sins, but is also capable in keeping us hale and hearty.
173. Looking back at the real need for forgiveness, we see that unconfessed sin can separate us in our relationship with God.
174. For example, in one of the Melanesian languages of New Guinea the term forgiveness is spoken of as "not hanging up jawbones".
175. Increased Moment of Inertia for serious forgiveness and truer roll.
176. Forgiveness is the heartfelt decision to release the person who hurt you from the obligation incurred when you were mistreated.
177. In this second type no explicit expression of forgiveness to the offender is required.
178. For Tutu, reconciliation makes the future possible, by enabling healing and forgiveness.
179. She finally wrote me asking forgiveness and I found it fair dinkum.
180. The feeling of guiltiness is getting lesser is because I see His understanding and forgiveness in me.
181. The forgiveness of sins is perpetual and righteousness first is not required.
182. Mulch often with forgiveness, for this will help you grow.
183. But forgiveness blots out bitterness from human heart like transitory ripples on water.
184. However, concepts concerning values such as individualism, selfish departmentalism, spirit of forgiveness are not yet accepted by Chinese people.
185. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around feet in forgiveness.
186. So I have come to believe in forgiveness as spontaneous and unwilled.
187. The purpose of forgiveness is our reconciliation with God, and our redemption.
188. At the end of the wedding, Standish, who had not been killed after all, appeared, and seeing what had transpired, gave the newlyweds his blessing and asked their forgiveness for his previous behavior.
188. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
189. He smiled at everyone and joked with everyone in a decent way. Alone he was always crying and entreating Allah for forgiveness for his Ummah.
190. It represents a person's last opportunity to seek forgiveness from other people before Yom Kippur begins.
191. Forgiveness, in fact, eclipsed the tragic story, trumping the violence and arresting the world's attention.
192. Forgiveness does not mean to forget but rather embrace the challenge of living wholesomely for them both.
193. Rose Quartz will hold the tones of forgiveness and unity upon one's alter, which are the two pink ray notes of the first 10 tones of the Language of Light.
194. Because the designer is insufficiently experienced, this design also has many deficiencies, asks respectfully forgiveness!
195. So much of forgiveness depends on our own emotional state of being.
196. Structural analysis revealed significant relationship among age, religious belief, forgiveness, and psychological well - being.
197. He infused his work with a unique wit, all the while demonstrating a great intuition, perceptiveness and forgiveness of human nature.
198. The sight of this smote Sally to the heart and he took her in his arms and petted her and comforted her and promised better conduct, and upbraided himself and remorsefully pleaded for forgiveness.
199. Due to the increasing need for early education teachers, you may qualify for forgiveness of federal and some state loans.
200. The key to keeping that newlywed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.
201. In GF, he was first in line among the Death Eaters at Voldemort's return, crawling like a worm, blubbering like a baby, begging Voldemort's forgiveness.
202. Don't say what decision you have made. When you hold one's hand then let it go, both of you have to take it with forgiveness.
203. There you will stay for timeless healing, for rest, atonement, forgiveness and understanding of self.




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