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单词 banter
释义  ban·ter /ˈbæntə $ -ər/ noun [uncountable]  JOKING/NOT SERIOUSfriendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with, and amusing remarks about, each other 玩笑,打趣,戏谑friendly/good-natured/light-hearted banterbanter with/between easy banter between her cousins 她表兄妹之间轻松的打趣说笑 —banter verb [intransitive] I watched the guys as they bantered with the waitresses. 我看着那些家伙和女服务员开玩笑。 —bantering adjectiveExamples from the Corpusbanter• lighthearted and amusing banter• Employees stayed late every night to drink from the open bar and banter about advertising concepts with their mentor.• He usually leaves most of his talking for the court, where he likes to hound opponents with defiant banter.• At first the other orderlies had merely seized upon it as an excuse for extra banter.• But his banter was a way of distracting attention from the issue at hand.• The good-natured banter between them excluded Marie.• I was impressed with this ribald inter-office banter.• Closetting their hurt in quiet worship, salty banter.friendly/good-natured/light-hearted banter• There has been good-natured banter between the two since the draw was made.• Are they treated with excessive deference or friendly banter?• The good-natured banter between them excluded Marie.• This light-hearted banter was amusing, but she mustn't let it get out of hand.ban·ter nounChineseSyllable  in a make conversation people friendly Corpus which




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