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单词 Severed
1. His family was severed in the war.
2. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.
3. Martin's hand was severed in the accident.
4. His hand was severed from his arm.
5. severed from his arm.
6. The knife severed an artery and he bled to death.
7. The city gates were adorned with severed heads.
8. The rope severed under the strain.
9. He was severed for his quarrel with his boss.
10. She has severed her last links with her family.
11. She had severed all contact with her ex-husband.
12. She has severed all contact with her family.
13. The US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961.
14. Electricity cables have been severed by the storm.
15. She has severed her connection with the firm.
16. The two countries have severed all diplomatic links.
17. She underwent microsurgery to re-attach her severed fingers.
18. We have severed diplomatic relations with that country.
19. She severed her ties with England.
20. The two countries severed diplomatic relations.
21. The company has severed its connection/links/relationship/ties with its previous partners.
22. He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery.
23. The doctor said I'd severed a vessel in my leg.
24. He almost bled to death after a bullet severed an artery.
25. Her foot was severed from her leg in a car accident.
26. His men posed for photographs holding severed heads.
27. His arm was spurting blood where the vein had been severed.
28. He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments.
29. In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed.
30. With a few swift blows of the axe,[Sentence dictionary] she severed the cable.
1. His family was severed in the war.
2. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.
3. Martin's hand was severed in the accident.
4. His hand was severed from his arm.
5. The knife severed an artery and he bled to death.
31. The tax-financing decision would be severed from accounting.
32. Britain immediately severed relations with the three countries involved.
33. Kali wears a girdle of severed human heads.
34. They suffered severed sickness and diarrhoea.
35. Louis Blues,[http:///severed.html] they severed all ties with popular culture.
36. The head was almost severed from the neck.
37. Doctors worked to reattach his severed finger.
38. Both his legs were severed completely, the right one mid-thigh, the left up at the hip.
39. The severed heads of gulls, rabbits, crows, mice, owls, moles and small lizards looked down on me.
40. The Nimbus was undamaged but the K8 had one wing severed at about half-span as well as other serious damage.
41. However, outlying villages had been attacked and the city's rail link with Phnom Penh was frequently severed.
42. By this time it was severed just around the corner from Staveley Town South Junction.
43. People like him have severed all connection with the old rules.
44. The phone lines, he said, are all severed as the civil war continues.
45. Flesheating monsters and severed body parts dance through the pages as though daring the reader to read on.
46. The question which has arisen is whether in these circumstances the beneficial joint tenancy was severed before Mrs. Dennis' death.
47. Although telephone lines to the city remain severed, a Sarajevo radio reporter said corpses littered the pavement next to the town hall.
48. A local news agency said gangs paraded several severed heads around the town.
49. Government forces delivered a critical blow to the rebels on March 7 when the Defence Ministry's communication links were severed.
50. From this demotion, the modern age came to feel severed from cosmology as no other culture had ever felt before.
51. When help finally arrived he was released from the big baler his right leg was nearly severed from his body.
52. She saw again the severed vessels, sticking like corrugated pipes through the clotted blood.
53. He was carrying out a routine inquiry when his hand was severed by a Samurai sword.
54. Two years before the refinery became operational, however, Montevideo severed all links with Moscow.
55. The top of the pole had been severed, and his hat had fallen out of sight into the space below the staging.
56. Literacy, as that Nebraska professor recommended, is severed from imagination.
57. Damage to farmland was catastrophic and main rail links were severed.
58. Now this, to outsiders, is an unbelievable world, totally severed from the outside world, utterly divorced from reality.
59. In the dresser drawer was a freshly severed hand, all bloody at the roots.
60. The price of such knowledge was scars, severed fingers, and burns.
61. His spinal cord was severed, and he became a paraplegic.
62. His left leg was almost severed when it was caught in the whirling blade of a tree stump cutter.
63. A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound, which had severed the artery.
64. He was gritting his teeth against the pain, keeping it at bay while he studied the stump,[http:///severed.html] the severed hand.
65. A police station adjacent to the jail was simultaneously attacked by the rebels, its occupants disarmed and its telephone wires severed.
66. They slew the gentle musician, tearing him limb from limb, and flung the severed head into the swift river Hebrus.
67. Often this was easier after they had severed their links with the movement.
68. Strategists viewed the trail as an interstate highway, a monolithic artery that could be severed.
69. While David's comrades whoop with joy at his victory, the hero feels shame at carrying Goliath's severed head.
70. In other words, there is nothing so instantly final as a head severed by a machine.
71. The Sandrat bit into the wrist of one of the Minutemen, chewing until she severed the artery.
72. Rock and roll, which arrived for me in 1958, had completely severed the younger generation from its elders.
73. It was as if the lithium severed that connection, or clouded it so much as to basically make it ineffective.
74. People like me and the Ketterings have severed all connections.
75. He left John Fox, 25, screaming in pain as his mum and horrified regulars packed his severed ear in ice.
76. The Arabs had severed relations with Salomon when it had merged with the commodity traders Phillips Brothers.
77. Now the main line up the Meuse was severed by the enemy astride it at St. Mihiel.
78. Left: Severed portions of Sinularia growing in an aquarium to form new colonies.
79. Head severed two of the cutaneous nerves in his left forearm and sutured the ends together.
80. A 300-yard tunnel is being drilled through the mountainside to connect the two halves of the severed road again.
81. Telephone and telex communications between Mogadishu and the outside world were severed from Nov. 16.
82. It was learned that a rifle ball had severed a leg artery and that his boot was filling with blood.
83. High winds severed power lines in many areas last night.
84. Grasping the sword he swung and, with one blow, severed her head.
85. I could also not speak about what was severed between my mother and me that morning and neither could she.
86. Diplomatic relations had been severed in August 1989, and air and road links were subsequently cut.
87. Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts, yellow beak in a grimace - take me with you?
88. Villanova ultimately severed ties with du Pont even after he pumped enormous amounts of money into their wrestling program.
89. In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal.
90. As the block thundered down, its force propelled the severed head into the basket she carried in front of her on the saddle.
91. Apparently forensic want to argue that the head was severed from the body after death.
92. Their functional link severed, Co-operation and trade unionism went on separately to join the system they could not defeat.
93. He had long ago severed the connection between the door and the interior courtesy light.
94. The severed blade was raised from the sawdust by an unseen hand and re-connected to its spindle.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
95. The only thing that's missing is a severed horse's head.
96. The stone, striking the friar in the thigh at high speed, severed his femoral artery.
97. Around them, in a sun's corona, severed legs and arms.
98. The novice promised the old master a fantastic tale about a severed head that talks.
99. After execution he carried his severed head to the site of the present basilica of St Denis.
100. It seemed odd to consider such a connection after so many years of feeling those family connections severed.
101. The talk was severed by the waitress bringing her drink.
102. The husband and wife may agree that the joint tenancy should be severed but if so they should properly evidence that fact.
103. A joint tenancy is severed if a joint tenant disposes of his interest inter vivos.
104. These abilities have been most clearly shown for some epileptics whose corpus callosum has been severed.
105. The congealing blood from the severed arteries of the snow-soaked head drenching the carpet and seeping down between the floor boards.
106. Earl Seiguard, following tradition, severed the head, tied the bloody object to his saddle, and leapt aboard.
107. The ax severed his head from his body.
108. A bulldozer had severed a gas main.
109. However, Vaux recently severed ties with Atlantic.
110. Blood was spouting from the severed artery.
111. Like many urban waterways, pollution, channelization, and industry severed the river from people and ecology.
112. Methods:Under the 16 magnification of microsurgical loupe, 12 severed fingertips were replanted.
113. Conclusion: Spinal nerve dorsal root can grow as well as peripheral nerve after being severed and converse anastomosis inosculated in subarachnoid space.
114. Birds with the severed beak-to-brain nerve — called the trigeminal nerve — still oriented perfectly, Mouritsen says.
115. Identify each severed end of the external anal sphincter capsule, and grasp each end with an Allis clamp.
116. Creativity withers when these ties are forgotten, neglected or severed.
117. During the repast, she had occasion to speak severed times.
118. He finds a severed hand (Solomon's) marked with Masonic symbols, pointing to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. This is certainly terrible.
119. During my severed penis reattachment research I came across several cases but this one has to take the cake.
120. But the skull had been severed to be spiked upon a lance, hatefully impaled in the floor.
121. All above is more evident in the group of trigeminus nerve and facialis nerve being simultaneously severed.
122. The national state of Canada was gradually severed from the British Empire.
123. The last of Pelops' sons has perished! The royal line of Argos has been severed, and all their efforts have been for naught.
124. A severed human foot, this latest foot,[sentencedict .com] five different feet.
125. A salvage crew on Saturday recovered the ship's second severed half, its bow, after raising its stern on April 15.
126. Danzig, 95 percent German, had been severed from Germany at Versailles in violation of Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination.
127. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands.
128. The Screen proxy persists, as do all windows it controls, but the connection to Screen is temporarily severed, returning you to the prompt of your remote login shell.
129. In darkness, Lv Siniang takes down Yong Zheng's severed head, departs quietly.
130. The results showed that the regeneration speed of severed tail of the male and female were all present logistic curve.
131. When avijj? finally disintegrates, being severed from the citta forever, total cessation is achieved.
132. Methods All severed composite tissues of 48 cases were replanted in situ through artery and vein anastomosis or vena arterialization .
133. When Rasputin was murdered by a group of noblemen in 1916, some accounts say he was also sexually mutilated and his penis was severed.
134. That top - down, inhibitory connection is severed in the condition of sleep deprivation.
135. I found broken ribs, punctured lungs, hematomas, broken legs, severed tracheas and the ligamenta nuchae were torn loose.
136. She instead scarred her with her blade, and severed the Rhen-Orm biocomputer antenna.
137. After the rape-murder, one of the squad is kidnapped by an insurgent group; in a video on the group's website, we see the soldier condemned to death, his throat slit, his severed head held up.
138. You have the image of the cutting off, the castration, of the power of generativity. All poetic potency, all power to assert oneself in the world, can be severed and that's it.
139. Unfortunately, when he fell, his rope was completely severed by the lower carabiner on the quickdraw attached to the first bolt, and he did deck.
140. a court has fined an ice-making factory $40000 after a 17-year-old pupil doing a summer job at $20 an hour had its foot severed in an ice machine on his first day of work last year.
141. The text is severed from its past and the interpreter stands at the far end of a yawning chasm with only the text in hand.
142. As Duros political power was transferred from ancient royal rulers to a wealthy coalition of interstellar shipping firms, all connection to ancestral roots were severed.
143. According to reports, the incident in which a Chinese patrol boat severed the multi-million dollar seismic survey cable operated by a PetroVietnam research vessel took place in this disputed zone.
144. After severed the buffer nerve, the CVRA was the same but bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure was induced by electric stimulation of the central end of depressor nerve.
145. A physical model and related formulas for the calculation of small-signal gain and phase shift in a severed injected-beam crossed-field amplifier are presented in this paper.
146. But after Hundred Years' War, England became completely severed from France, and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society.
147. Unlike peripheral nervous system ( PNS ) axons, severed central nervous system ( CNS ) axons are unable to regenerate.
148. Elizabeth wrote that a doughboy was a sweet fruit severed to Navy man on ships.
149. After those six seconds, a shuttle?s twin solid rocket boosters ignite, explosive bolts holding the spacecraft down are severed and the entire stack soars spaceward.
150. In 1989, the artist famously severed his pinky from his left hand and left China for Europe, where he would go on to graduate from London's prestigious St. Martin's Academy of Art.
151. The bulbourethral glands are exposed proximal and dorsal to the bulbospongiosus muscle and cranial to the severed ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscles.
152. Conduce to the success of replantation of severed limb, can stop cut blood premature and caky.
153. When the user releases the mouse button, input focus is severed, and nothing happens.
154. She may be shown wearing a girdle of severed arms.
155. Conclusion To solve the problem of venous reflux of complicated severed finger replantation[http://], anastomosis of palmar digital vein can completely replace the dorsal.
156. At the beginning, a friend says that serving as soldier is very rustic, I severed diplomatic relations with him, I feel angry, nonsupport I even if, also say words like this.
157. Identify severed end of the external anal sphincter and grasp each end with an Allis clamp.
158. The opening sequence featured a severed fish head, which seemed to be floating gruesomely just inches from my face.
159. Beyond the memory of men, fire has become one of the most permanent and severed...
160. Obama has authorised the resumption of talks over migration and disaster preparedness, low-level contacts which were severed during the Bush administration.
161. Anastomosis of severed facial nerve and accessory nerve could be helpful in restoring symmetry of the face, in preventing the face muscle from atrophy and in preserving shoulder movement.
162. Additionally, a moulage kit of simulated injuries interfaces with the TDCK and the patient mannequin to show a variety of wounds including compound fractures, severed limbs and abdominal wounds.
163. They also recovered one of the giant squid's two longest tentacles, which severed during its struggle.
164. The alpaca's hair fiber squamae arranged porous, and there were many hair follicles, which were severed two clusters by the connective tissue.




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