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单词 bank
释义  Related topics: Banking, Nature, Gambling, Geographybank1 /bæŋk/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  MONEYplace for money 存钱的地方 a) BFBa business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services 银行in the bank We have very little money in the bank. 我们存在银行里的钱很少。 Barclays Bank 巴克莱银行 a bank loan 银行贷款 b) BFBa local office of a bank 银行(营业厅) I have to go to the bank at lunch time. 午饭时间我得去银行。 → clearing bank, merchant bank2  RIVER/LAKEriver/lake 河/湖DN land along the side of a river or lake 岸,堤bank of the banks of the River Dee 迪河两岸 the river bank 河岸3. blood/sperm/organ bank HBHa place where human blood etc is stored until someone needs it 血库/精子库/器官库4  DNclouds/mist 云/雾 a large mass of clouds, mist etc 云团,积云;雾团 a fog bank 一团雾气bank of banks of mist 团团薄雾5  PILEraised area 高出的地方DN a large sloping mass of earth, sand, snow etc 〔土、沙、雪等堆积起来的〕坡,埂 She was sitting on a grassy bank. 她坐在草坡上。bank of steep banks of snow 陡峭的雪坡 banks of flowers 满坡的野花6  machines 机器LINE a large number of machines, television screens etc arranged close together in a row 〔紧密排成的〕一排,一列bank of banks of TV monitors 一排排的电视监视器7. GAMEgame 游戏DGG a supply of money used to gamble, that people can win 庄家的赌本 → break the bank at break1(24)8  be makin' bank American English spoken informal to earn a lot of money for the work that you do 挣大钱 Check out Omar’s new car. The brother must be makin' bank. 看看奥马的新车,这位兄弟肯定是在赚大钱了。n9  the bank of Mum and Dad British English informal used when saying that your parents will provide you with the money that you need for something Some young people turn to the bank of Mum and Dad when they want to buy a house.10. ROADroad 道路TTR a slope made at a bend in a road or racetrack to make it safer for cars to go around 〔公路或赛道拐弯处防止车辆侧滑或侧翻的〕内侧斜坡,边坡 → bottle bank, food bank, memory bankn COLLOCATIONSverbsgo to the bankI went to the bank and took out $80.borrow from a bankYou may be able to borrow some money from the bank.a bank lends somethingThe bank lent me £10,000 to help me start the + NOUNa bank accountHow much do you have in your bank account at the moment?your bank balance (=the actual amount that you have in your bank account)I'm just going to check my bank balance online.a bank cardYou can withdraw money using your bank chargesWill I have to pay bank charges on this account?a bank clerk (=a junior worker in a bank)He began his career as a bank clerk.a bank loanWhat's the interest rate on your bank loan?a bank note (=a piece of paper money)a $10 bank notea bank statement (=a written statement of how much you have in a bank account)I get a written bank statement once a month.a bank managerCould I make an appointment with the bank manager, please?a bank robber/robberyThe bank robbers were never caught.types of banka high street bank (=one of the ordinary banks that most people use)There's a lot of competition between the major high street banks.a commercial bank (=an ordinary bank, or one that deals with large businesses)the role of UK commercial banks in the debt crisisan investment/merchant bank (=one that buys and sells stocks and shares etc)Goldman Sachs, the US investment banka savings bank (=a bank that accepts your savings and provides mortgages)a clearing bank (=one of the banks in Britain that uses a clearing house when dealing with other banks)large commercial customers of the clearing banksa central bank (=the main financial authority in a country)The Bundesbank is the central bank of Germany.the World Bank (=an international organization providing financial help to developing countries)The road building was funded by the World Bank.Examples from the Corpusbank• The money supply is unchanged and banks still have the original deposit.• The scientists sit behind banks of computers, giving instructions to the crew of the spaceship.• Four big banks cut their prime lending rate by half a point to 9.5%.• The bill would force banks to lower credit card interest rates.• the grassy banks of the river• One hour and 12K later I had deposited a couple of pounds into my bank account.• Boy, you must have all kinds of bank after payday, huh?• Fans who couldn't get into the stadium watched the match on banks of TV monitors outside.• The sun was setting behind the opposite bank.• A minority-owned bank had agreed to the arrangements and several nonprofit housing sponsors were lined up to participate in the program.• He was drunk and drove into a snow bank.• They were building a new theatre on the south bank of the Thames.• Parks and playgrounds that are perfect for picnicking include the Esplanade, which runs along the banks of the Charles River.• I'll stop at the bank on the way home.• Portland is a sprawling city on the banks of the Willamette River.• The pre-tax figure was above City expectations and gave evidence that the bank is finally coming to grips with its bad-debt problem.• The bank reported fourth-quarter results that were in line with estimates, even though net income rose only 1 percent.• The banks, in turn, claimed that their hands were tied by federal regulators who discouraged them from the bank• My aim is to have $ 5,000 in the bank after I graduate college, when I get married.• Tod is a big depositor in the bank where fear is kept.• There was a loss of self-esteem in the bank and a belief that Crocker was the only problem.• But she went to an audition for a manufactured girl band, got lucky, and now has millions in the bank.• Talk about money in the bank.• They want jobs, houses, money in the bank, families, security.fog bank• Out here he fog bank which hung over the city had thinned to non-existence.• These are very well-educated professional women in Fog Bank who felt insecure about investing.• The fog bank was unattainable and rather than surrender, Kennedy opened fire against both vessels with his antique and wholly inadequate guns.Related topics: Banking, Air, Naturebank2 verb  1  MONEYmoney 钱BFB a) [transitive] to put or keep money in a bank 把 〔钱〕存入银行 Did you bank that check? 你把那张支票存入银行了吗? b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to keep your money in a particular bank 在〔某家银行〕存钱bank with Who do you bank with? 你把钱存入哪家银行?bank at I’ve always banked at First Interstate. 我总是在第一州际银行存钱。2  TURNplane 飞机 [intransitive]TTATTC if a plane banks, it slopes to one side when turning 〔飞机转弯时〕倾斜飞行 The plane banked, and circled back toward us. 飞机倾斜着绕了个圈,朝我们飞回来。3  PILE/ROWSpile/rows 堆/排 (also bank up) [transitive] British EnglishLINE to arrange something into a pile or into rows 把…堆起来[排成行] Snow was banked up on either side of the road. 雪堆积在路的两旁。4  CLOUD/MISTcloud/mist 云/雾 (also bank up) [transitive]DN to form a mass of cloud, mist etc 〔云团、雾团等〕聚集,堆积起来 Banked clouds promised rain. 云团密布,预示有雨。5  FIREfire 火 (also bank up) [transitive]BURN to cover a fire with wood or coal to keep it going for a long time 〔用木柴或煤〕封〔火〕,压〔火〕 Josie banked up the fire to last till morning. 乔西把炉火封好,好让它保持到第二天早晨。6 bank on somebody/something phrasal verb DEPEND ON/RELY ONto depend on something happening or someone doing something 依靠,指望 SYN count onbank on (somebody) doing something I was banking on being able to get some coffee on the train. 我指望在火车上能弄点咖啡喝喝。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbank• Dozens of candles were banked before the altar.• The bobsled run has banked curves about a mile long.• The enemy fighter banked left, then right.• She's managed to bank more than $300,000.• Bank the hot coals on a with• Who do you bank with?From Longman Business DictionaryBankBank /bæŋk/ nounBANKINGORGANIZATIONS The Bank the BANK OF ENGLAND, Britain’s central bankThe Bank is worried that strong demand for labour could lead to higher wages and prices.bankbank1 noun [countable]1BANKINGa business that makes its profit by paying interest to people who keep money there and charging a higher rate of interest to borrowers who borrow money from the bank. Different types of bank provide a variety of other financial servicesThe major banks have announced an increase in interest rates. → see also GirobankThings you do at the bankpay money into your bank account (=put money in)withdraw money from your bank account (=take money out)cash a cheque British English/check American English (=exchange it for cash)pay in a cheque British English/check American English (=give your bank a cheque that is payable to you, so that money goes into your bank account)check your balance (=find out how much money is in your bank account)transfer money to someone else’s/your account (=move money from your account to another account, either another one of yours or someone else’s)use an ATM/cash machine British English/cash dispenser American English (=put a card into a machine to obtain cash from your bank account)arrange a loan (=ask a bank to lend you some money)arrange an overdraft British English (=make an arrangement with your bank to spend more money than you have in your account)order foreign currency (=ask your bank to get you some foreign money) → acceptance bank → agent bank → agricultural bank → banker's bank → central bank → City Bank → clearing bank → commercial bank → confirming bank → co-operative bank → credit bank → development bank → discount bank → eligible bank → Export-Import Bank → foreign bank → High Street bank → investment bank → joint-stock bank → lead bank → merchant bank → mutual savings bank → national bank → paying bank → private bank → reserve bank → retail bank → savings bank → state bank → stock savings bank → universal bank2the local branch of a particular bankI have to go to the bank at lunchtime.3break the bank to cost or need so much money that a person or organization is unable to paycustomers who want to get a reasonable PC without breaking the bank4a store of something that can be used when needed → data bank → job bank → land bankbankbank2 verbBANKING1[transitive] to put or keep money in a bankDid you bank that check?He banked rather than spent $3,800 in tax refunds.2[intransitive] to keep your money in a particular bankbank withSome families have banked with Hoare since the 17th century. → see also overbanked→ See Verb tableOrigin bank1 1. (1400-1500) French banque, from Old Italian banca “long seat, bank”2. (1100-1200) Probably from a Scandinavian language. 3. (1200-1300) Old French banc “long seat”bank1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1bank2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus keeps a that lends and Business money business




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