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单词 clearance
释义 Word family  noun clarity clearance clearing clarification clearness adjective clear ≠ unclear verb clear clarify adverb clear clearly  Related topics: Bankingclear·ance /ˈklɪərəns $ ˈklɪr-/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]LET/ALLOW the process of getting official permission or approval for something 许可,批准 She’ll race if she gets medical clearance from her doctor. 如果取得了医生的许可,她就会参加比赛。 Morris did not have a security clearance. 莫里斯没有安全审查许可。2  [countable, uncountable] official permission for a plane to take off or land 〔飞机起降的〕许可,准许clearance for The pilot requested clearance for an emergency landing. 驾驶员请求准许紧急降落。3  [countable, uncountable]REMOVE the removal of unwanted things from a place 清除,清理 the clearance of minefields 雷区的扫雷工作snow/land/slum etc clearance flooding caused by forest clearance 因砍伐森林而造成的洪水4  [countable, uncountable]SPACE/GAP the amount of space around one object that is needed for it to avoid touching another object 间距,间隙 There was less than a foot’s clearance between the ship’s sides and the wharf. 船舷和码头之间有不到一英尺的间隙。5. [countable, uncountable]BFB a process by which a cheque goes from one bank to another 〔支票的〕交换结算,兑现6. [countable] an occasion when a player in a game such as football kicks the ball away from his or her goal 解围〔如足球中将球从己方门前踢走〕Examples from the Corpusclearance• The third came from another defensive clearance which found Connolly in his own half inside the centre circle.• For those holding anything less than a full clearance, red badges are issued.• Siegert helped the movie crew get clearance to film in the park.• Hartzell claim improved take-off and climb performance, reduced noise and vibration, and better ground clearance.• We expect that we'll have clearance from the Justice Department for the buyout in the first quarter of the year.• Schwartz opened the conversation by saying that the Agency had decided to reinstate the employee and restore his clearance.• Most of the loss is attributed to population growth and rural poverty, leading to land clearance for agriculture.• Two months after his heart attack, Mason received medical clearance to go back to work.• We need twelve feet of overhead clearance for the truck.• The pilot requested clearance to land at Narita Airport.• A visitor without security clearance must be signed for by the sponsor and accompanied at all times.• The pact calls for the destruction of all stockpiles within four years of ratification and the clearance of minefields within 10 years.• The clearance of brush around houses helped prevent the fire from clearance• Another son, Ron, is a Lockheed employee with a security clearance.• Thompson still is hiring and getting security clearances for his investigative staff and finding space for them to work.• The secrecy touches all who work there; even the cafeteria staffers must have security clearances.• In preparation for his job at Commerce, Huang received an interim security clearance while he was still working at Lippo.• Only personnel with a high-level security clearance are allowed in the building.• The challenge had come from Justice Department lawyers with top secret security clearances and from civilian Army drug counsellors.• He has dropped homosexuality as an impediment to security clearances.• A visitor without security clearance must be signed for by the sponsor and accompanied at all times.• Excuse me Major but I don't know you or your security clearance.snow/land/slum etc clearance• Not in urban development, not in city slum clearance, not in social welfare.• On a big estate - slum clearance - in the North.• However, slum clearance and replacement was for the poor.• But the end of slum clearance came more with a change in values: away from demolition, to conservation and rehabilitation.• It also extended them to cover land affected by new town designation orders, slum clearance orders and new street orders.• When it came to slum clearance, opposition came not from slum landlords but from the residents themselves.• Most of the loss is attributed to population growth and rural poverty, leading to land clearance for agriculture.• This success suggested that the general housing shortage was now considerably eased, and attention returned to slum clearance.From Longman Business Dictionaryclearanceclear‧ance /ˈklɪərənsˈklɪr-/ noun [countable, uncountable] COMMERCEpermission to sell a product or do a dealThe government gave the company clearance for the takeover. → see also customs clearanceclear·ance nounChineseSyllable  official of Corpus getting the Business permission process or




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