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单词 clear-cut
释义  ˌclear-ˈcut1 adjective  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDeasy to understand or be certain about 易懂的;明确的 SYN definite There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong. 对错之间并不总是有着明确的界线。Examples from the Corpusclear-cut• It is only in the elite price category, $ 35 and above, that Champagne holds a clear-cut advantage.• a clear-cut case of sexual harassment• There no longer is a clear-cut definition of liberal and conservative.• There's no clear-cut distinction between severe depression and mental illness.• His was a dark, autocratic face, with clear-cut features that held an austere masculine beauty.• It is not, however, as clear-cut in this country as it is on the continent.• the clear-cut outline of the mountains• My own approach is not biographical, and assumes neither a clear-cut persona nor a narrative sequence.• Chief among them was the lack of a clear-cut purpose.• The individual that produces the most clear-cut signal is most likely to have the most offspring.• There were few outright failures, and many clear-cut successes.ˈclear-cut2 noun [countable]  American EnglishTAF an area of forest that has been completely cut down 砍伐一空的林区 —clear-cut verb [transitive]ˌclear-ˈcut1 adjectiveˈclear-cut2 nounChineseSyllable  easy to about certain Corpus understand be or




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