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单词 moribund
释义  mor·i·bund /ˈmɒrəbʌnd $ ˈmɔː-, ˈmɑː-/ adjective  1  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDa moribund organization, industry etc is no longer active or effective and may be coming to an end 〔机构、行业等〕没有活力的,死气沉沉的,行将消亡的 The region’s heavy industry is still inefficient and moribund. 该地区的重工业依然效率低下,没有活力。 A cut in interest rates will help the country’s moribund housing market. 利率的下调对于该国疲软的住房市场将起到促进作用。2  literaryFINISH/COME TO AN END slowly dying 垂死的,奄奄一息的 The patient was moribund by the time the doctor arrived. 医生赶到的时候病人已经奄奄一息。Examples from the Corpusmoribund• With inflation apparently moribund, a big jump in rates seems unlikely.• Not that there is anything moribund about her career.• The Board is trying to stimulate the moribund economy.• As seasons passed, the priest could account for only eleven baptized people, moribund infants all.• And with all of this expansion under way, companies have virtually no incentive to revive moribund refineries.Origin moribund (1700-1800) Latin moribundus, from mori “to die”mor·i·bund adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus moribund is etc a industry no organization,




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