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单词 Fatally
1. Two officers were fatally injured in the explosion.
2. She was fatally wounded in a car crash.
3. The regime was fatally weakened by the unrest and violence.
4. Mercutio, fatally stabbed, staggers round the stage in his death throes.
5. The plan was fatally flawed from the start.
6. He was shot and fatally injured by a sniper.
7. Bolton's idea was fatally flawed.
8. The arteries in his neck had become fatally congested.
9. Many people were fatally wounded during the bomb attacks.
10. He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape.
11. Four policemen were fatally shot in the incident.
12. One of the drivers was fatally injured.
13. One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.
14. Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.
15. He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.
16. The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.
17. Fatally offended, the jury condemned him to death.
18. Mr Coyle was fatally hit in the chest.
19. A tear gas canister fatally wounded one young demonstrator.
20. The arms scandal had fatally weakened the partnership.
21. But the law was fatally weak from the start.
22. Virgil Ware, 13, was fatally shot by two white kids while riding his bicycle.
23. Another suspected drug handler was fatally injured in a car bomb attack in Bilbao on Jan. 9.
24. The Sword split the Knight's helmet and bit him fatally.
25. Two cases of cholera, one of which has ended fatally, have occurred here.
26. The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.
27. Four members of the family had been poisoned, but not fatally.
28. A further accident - stumbling over a coffer of government funds in his care - fatally scatters temptation before him.
29. As a result his friend Shean Kearney, 23, who was sitting in the front passenger seat was fatally injured.
30. This is an assumption that we believe to be fatally flawed, for the reasons we have outlined earlier.
1. Two officers were fatally injured in the explosion.
2. She was fatally wounded in a car crash.
3. The regime was fatally weakened by the unrest and violence.
4. Mercutio, fatally stabbed, staggers round the stage in his death throes.
31. Unfortunately, the London's pilot was fatally wounded, but his co-pilot managed to alight in a very rough sea.
32. But on the day of reckoning a divided Kurdistan could be a fatally weakened one.
33. There is simply too much heat lost to the attic, making the roofs fatally warm.
34. For this reason alone the judge's order is fatally flawed.
35. Had Gabriel publicly insulted him in his cups one night in the Raven, fatally offending that pompous conceit?
36. Should she spell it out to him, or would that fatally overplay her hand?
36. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
37. The warden of Gisovu Prison and his secretary were fatally shot as they drove home Thursday, said Gov.
38. The girl's brother attempts to save her but is fatally wounded by the Marquis' brother's sword.
39. They felt that the despair long antedated the neoplasms and that their becoming fatally ill merely confirmed what they already believed.
40. But he failed to allay fears that he will be a fatally flawed candidate when pitted against President Bush next autumn.
41. When she returned a short while later, she found the 27-year-old Cosby fatally wounded.
42. In most cases the infected cells eventually disintegrate and die, their own metabolism fatally disrupted by the presence of the virus.
43. On a single day, Sept. 17, 10 pedestrians were struck, including one fatally.
44. He added that securing the posts had not been completed before Gary was fatally injured the following day.
45. Electrical recording has made this fatally easy to do: much easier than confiding to a written diary.
46. There are two arguments here which, on closer examination, turn out to be fatally weak.
47. The Government fatally underestimate how very chastened many consumers are by the harsh experience of the last couple of years.
48. The plaintiff was seriously and her husband fatally injured by an explosion of gas which also destroyed their home.
49. She rushed in to find her husband collapsing, fatally wounded.
50. A LOW-FLYING duck was fatally injured in Darlington yesterday despite the rescue efforts of shopworkers.
51. And technical information central to the design of the mills proved fatally inaccurate.
52. He sprayed two bursts of gunfire into a crowd outside the defence ministry and injured 10 people before he was fatally wounded.
53. Unfortunately, the young prince was fatally wounded while hunting in 1031.
54. It was fatally flawed at its inception in 1946, and has never functioned as it was intended to.
55. Another was fatally injured by a stag when dispensing feed to his herd of deer.
56. Finally, and fatally, it rests on a flawed understanding of the relevant medical facts.
57. In this he was fatally handicapped by his own inconsistencies, paradoxes and deep personal flaws.
58. What is good for the food industry can be fatally bad for the health of the entire nation.
59. George Bush senior glancing fatally at his watch in 1992.
60. If his body jerked when he was struck again, and fatally, it was no more than an instant's convulsion.
61. Maria suppressed rising panic that was fatally laced with hysteria.
62. Two gunmen went to the first floor and opened fire on two men in the salon, fatally injuring Mr Hughes.
63. She waited, fatally near to the racks of wine, while an obliging boy shaved the slices from a fresh side.
64. Fatally shot, he lay in a pool of blood.
65. The Charged Accelerator Gun illustrates this, clearly and fatally.
66. He was fatally driven to exaggerate his discontentment.
67. If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rules reformers cannot fatally interrupt him.
68. Rarely can there have been a more striking example of personal animosity fatally over - riding rational calculation.
69. The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.
70. Let no young people be misled and rush fatally into romance - writing.
71. Todd Bachman was fatally stabbed and his wife Barbara suffered multiple lacerations in an unprovoked attack around noon on Saturday at the Drum Tower, a popular tourist spot.
72. I have a fatally allergic reaction towards any seafood that has shells.
73. Their beginnings were fatally compromised by deceptions that congealed into lies, abetted by profound geostrategic misjudgments.
74. A hammerhead shark is fatally caught in a gill net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
75. It's alleged the woman used a fruit knife to fatally stab Deng Guida and injure Huang.
76. The officer was fatally shot with an assault rifle yesterday morning while responding to the robbery in northeast Philadelphia.
77. It was, at the time, the biggest recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in east Africa. Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected—hundreds fatally—in five countries.
78. The father told the family to flee in their donkey cart, but a second missile exploded, fatally injuring him, too.
79. My mother's mother, fatally ill tubercular infection, fell into a suicidal depression and was institutionalized.
80. If a man is thought -free , fancy-free , imagination -free , that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him...
81. The clinical course is fatally fulminant with diffuse invasion and early metastasis.
82. The Prime Minister's opponents believe that her authority has been fatally weakened.
83. They will be thrown fatally out of key with reality.
84. The plane was fatally crippled when the rear cargo door was pulled off in flight.
85. The British Empire had fatally depleted itself in the great if laggard repulse of Hitler.




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