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单词 Gush
1. I heard a gush of water.
2. There was a gush of blood from the wound.
3. The wound re-opened in a gush of blood.
4. I wished Mummy wouldn't gush over Peter's little success at school;it makes him feel a fool in front of his friends.
5. I wished Mummy wouldn't gush over Peter's little success at school; it makes him feel a ...
6. A supertanker continues to gush oil off the coast of Spain.
7. I wish Mummy wouldn't gush over Peter's little successes at school; it makes him feel a fool in front of his friends.
8. This astonishing performance produced a gush of hyperbole.
9. There had been no gush of maternal love.
10. A gush of heat by the automatic doors.
11. Jack, the gush, was crying.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. They stood there in a gush of warm air.
13. I can see the broken bodies, the gush of blood.
14. When tapped, they can gush year round without a pump.
15. A sudden gush of liquid spurted out of the plant.
16. There was a slight gush in her manner which gave the impression that she was the stupider of the two.
17. Maybe behind the gush there was something she wanted to say but wasn't brazen enough to bring out too openly.
18. To which she would gush some vaguely affirmative reply and vanish back into the kitchen to try the recipe.
19. With each wave a gush of water spurted up into your armpit and slopped into the cabin.
20. Collier and Leighton gush a bit too much for my taste, as though anyone with enough pluck can publish a book.
21. Miss Bates's gush of volubility is at last deflected and the visit concluded.
22. He was eager, but did not gush.
23. Her words gush forth when she meets her mother.
24. Showers with pumps are more expensive, but they deliver a really powerful gush of water.
25. It seemed as though a valve had burst inside her and a great gush of energy was being released.
26. Violence does not always take visible form, and not all wounds gush blood. Haruki Murakami 
27. If you fall in the water, just open your mouth and let the water gush in.
28. When he removed the thumb from his lips, Jackie half expected the puffiness to subside with a gush of escaping air.
29. As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit, and stopped the gush of blood.
30. A second after I gave him that answer, I felt a flood of hot, salty tears gush down my cheeks.
1. I wished Mummy wouldn't gush over Peter's little success at school; it makes him feel a ...
31. Young girls who gush over handsome film stars.
32. Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.
33. Oh , don't slop and gush and be sentimental.
34. Girls like to gush over dramas.
35. We just don't need to gush over it.
36. There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm.
37. Bright reds and yellows gush a ghastly sight from the darkness.
38. Original or diluent will directly drops or gush in besmirch, wait 1-2 minutes, with soft cloth to wipe the scrub brush or, and then rinse clean can.
39. There was a gush of blood as the wound reopened.
40. On function basically as similar as ground glass, change differently grind arenaceous for gush arenaceous.
41. After mixing fixature and hair breast, wipe go up in wet hair, can take out hair curls, finalize the design on the gush on the hair after work again water, increase complaisant spend and glossiness.
42. New sofa is bought when answering, but the cloth cover on gush keeps clean agent, prevent smudgy or grease is adsorptive.
43. Farther down, two branches of the Ivindo River gush down twin falls known as the Sun and the Moon.
44. From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter.
45. Does a spring gush forth from the same opening both pure and brackish water?
46. Do not gush over one particular answer – others will feel slighted in comparison.
47. In the 17th century, the Dutch physician and anatomist Regnier De Graaf spoke of "liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush".
48. If you give pink of the gold on leaf gush silver-colored perhaps pink, so it can shake the body turns into the window in the festival.
49. The patient may report a large gush of fluid or increased moisture.
50. The flowing esophagitis, gush door ulcer bleeding, chronic gastritis and superficial where the best treatment?
51. Have the rhinitis gush agent with so not pungent flavour?
52. Step2: The hair drips no longer when water, first gush a few protect hair agent, avoid the harm that sirocco correct sends.
53. Some shower room uses the technology of arenaceous silver of gush arenaceous gold or gush, colour is showily , but the price wants relatively a few more expensive.
54. The reviewers almost universally gush over the simple experience of using the iPad. The Journal's Walt Mossberg calls it 'sleek, ' 'beautiful' and 'a pleasure to use.'
55. Gush door: dentate line is clear, expansion, endoscopic through smoothly.
56. It was not a plain story, however - no simple gush of feeling, no ordinary love - confession - that was obvious.
57. Perfume gush leaves spot not easily in the dress material of abb , nylon . It is more difficult that nevertheless fragrance stays on pure wool dress material abreaction.
58. Lestat:You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out ina big gush over your lips.
59. Sport and politics do mix if the world cup is anything to go by as presidents and prime ministers alike gush over their teams' successes and shed tears with them after their losses.
60. In a moment more the crowd began to gush forth from the doors of the church.
61. Lash-up way: Carry to protect Shi Shunfa sparge, gently one gush, can in time complement hair moisture.
62. Bigwigs on both sides were also in full - gush mode.
63. At a recent museum preview, the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was on hand to gush over his favorite gadgets.
64. Contain the water supply that gush washs and drainage system, catharsis human body excretes simple sanitary equipment of pottery and porcelain having glair.
65. You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips.
66. She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.
67. Explain gush in detail please why cannot hematic period drink honey?




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