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单词 Interpreter
1. I'd like to have a Japanese interpreter.
2. She earned her living as an interpreter.
3. Will you act as interpreter for us?
4. Speaking through an interpreter, a Japanese fisherman gave his account of the tidal wave.
5. We communicated through an interpreter.
6. She works as an interpreter in Brussels.
7. Susan acted as interpreter for us.
8. We must allow him to be a good interpreter.
9. The firm has enticed away our best interpreter.
10. Can you act as interpreter?
11. She was nominated as the delegation's official interpreter.
12. She was engaged as an interpreter.
13. We talked through an interpreter for a few minutes.
14. She was a percipient interpreter of the public mood.
15. Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter.
16. We employ her as an English interpreter.
17. She acted as our interpreter.
18. He's a noted interpreter of traditional Irish music.
19. We need a simultaneous interpreter.
20. Only a skilled interpreter with teaching skills can teach interpreting. It is horses for courses.
21. Listening to the speech through an interpreter lessened its impact somewhat.
22. He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal.
23. Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.
24. Speaking through an interpreter , the President said that the talks were going well.
25. The boy was provided with an interpreter, pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
26. The violinist revealed himself as a talented interpreter of classical music.
27. During the visit, the interpreter was always at her elbow.
28. Speaking through an interpreter, the president said the terms of the ceasefire were completely unacceptable.Sentencedict
29. My brother speaks French - he can act as interpreter.
30. I don't understand their language; you'll have to act as interpreter.
1. I'd like to have a Japanese interpreter.
2. She earned her living as an interpreter.
3. Will you act as interpreter for us?
4. Speaking through an interpreter, a Japanese fisherman gave his account of the tidal wave.
5. We communicated through an interpreter.
6. We must allow him to be a good interpreter.
7. We employ her as an English interpreter.
8. We need a simultaneous interpreter.
9. Listening to the speech through an interpreter lessened its impact somewhat.
31. Speaking through an interpreter , Ahmed said, 'I'm very worried about my wife and children'.
32. He began his diplomatic career as an interpreter at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
33. They talk about pitching through the same interpreter.
34. I think we need an interpreter.
35. Olga would travel as his interpreter.
36. She had an interpreter with her.
37. He was, however, not a ranger but an interpreter.
38. Inspector Leeming was also abducted, and the interpreter.
39. Public defending counsel was present, as was an interpreter.
40. I saw that dumb interpreter smiling broadly.
41. The Headman too was bright and intelligent, and they had a cheery conversation with me as interpreter.
42. Ranulf watched Corbett, the lay brother acting as interpreter, in deep conversation with the tavern-keeper.
43. I waved him toward me, happy to see an interpreter.
44. Our guide and interpreter said he enjoyed the work because he himself had learned much about the city.
45. Being able to dispense with the services of an interpreter is a big incentive to fluency.
46. As liaison officer and interpreter, he took part in the Gallipoli campaign in 1915.
47. He is carrying some papers and is accompanied by two askaris with rifles, and an interpreter(), dressed in khakis.
48. Another interpreter, Maurice Capewell, will assist at least four prosecution witnesses who are also deaf.
49. Same room, same seat, minutes later, with a monolingual foreign actor and an interpreter.
50. The interview with Lyubimov, for which I acted as interpreter, was conducted well before the opening night.
51. He leads us to the studio, where an interpreter relays another strange question to rapper and part-time Internationalist Wildski.
52. As he left the courtroom, Franco appeared calm, smiling and chatting with Teich and his interpreter.
53. He didn't know how much of his fury had been translated by the interpreter.
54. A balding man with a plump face, his eyes shifted back and forth from his interpreter to the judge.
55. A pilot course to teach community interpreter training techniques was set up at the Polytechnic of Central London last year.
56. This man was willing to escort us into the jungle, act as our interpreter, and introduce us to his people.
57. Metaphors are essentially open ended because the interpreter can never preclude the possibility of discovering further analogical insight.
58. For example, it may be necessary to employ a sign language interpreter if a parent or child is deaf.
58. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
59. One spoke sign language fluently and was sometimes used as an interpreter.
60. The translation from a general language to the machine specific is performed by a compiler or interpreter.
61. He missed being an interpreter for thern, talking to them and turning their ignorance into money.
62. I asked him through his interpreter whether he could now make the films he wanted again.
63. She graduated in modern languages and now works as an interpreter.
64. The governor's speech will be signed by an interpreter for the hearing-impaired.
65. There was one Moluccan slave, Enrique, who would act as an interpreter if the crossing was accomplished.
66. The pair cringed in embarrassment as the president, speaking through an interpreter, paid them the world's most unlikely compliment.
67. Had we any famine? Through an interpreter I replied that things were well and we had no famine.
68. If I'm going to make the speech, I'll need an interpreter.
69. We reserved our position on the choice of interpreter for the eventual rehearsal period, hoping to bring Rosenshveig.
70. The consul can accompany a victim when dealing with police and provide an interpreter.
71. It is available now and costs £16 for a starter kit, including a manual and Hui's interpreter.
72. The metaphoric juxtaposition of incongruous thematic material is motivated by the exigencies of the main character's job as a simultaneous interpreter.
73. The Interpreter features excellent quality, digitised speech and over 13,000 phrases.
74. In an interview with the Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office, he showed great promise as an interpreter.
75. At one point the Comandante himself stopped all conversation to ask, through his interpreter, why I was not eating.
76. A young white-coated medico was called in, with an even younger sidekick to carry his bag, and a lady interpreter.
77. If there is a real difficulty, get in touch with some one from their local community to see if they can provide an interpreter.
78. In Viktoria Mullova, whose technical perfection combines with matchless interpretative subtlety, they find perhaps their ideal interpreter.
79. The only way we could figure out what they were saying was through an interpreter.
80. My father was immediately hired as his interpreter and translator.
81. The interpreter annotates the photographs under the stereoscope.
82. Begin by starting the WebSphere MQ command interpreter runmqsc.
83. He serves as an interpreter for us.
84. The compiler and runtime interpreter follow the language specification.
85. Bad ro missing command interpreter.
86. An interpreter must n't upstage the speaker.
87. His ostensible function was an interpreter.
88. Provides a virtual call stack frame for the interpreter.
89. Money talks[http://], but sometimes it needs an interpreter.
90. A shell ( command interpreter ) is nearly completed.
91. She was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles.
92. One interpreter handles American sign language.
93. She was joined the high commission as an interpreter.
94. Just like an experienced interpreter suddenly came across a word never heard of, she even didn't know which color should be use to describe the warmth and relief of snuggling in his arms!
95. According to official WebKit blog: "SquirrelFish is 1.6 times faster than WebKit's previous interpreter."
96. Although the event, which featured a well known political figure as the speaker, provided an American Sign Language interpreter, there were neither assistive listening devices nor captioning.
97. In the limit case, by writing a Lisp interpreter in the less powerful language.
98. But when you run a script, the kernel doesn't see this as a Linux binary; it sees a script with an interpreter path, and it's no longer running in emulation mode when it tries to load the interpreter.
99. The current dollar coin, which made its debut in 1998, features Sacagawea, the young Shoshone interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition.
100. The core of the scheme interpreter is the Virtual Register Machine with a set of supported basic instructions.
101. And you'll ship version 2.0, with spam filtering and a Common Lisp interpreter built in, and your customers will chat amongst themselves, and tada!
102. Alexia with her mother Isabelle. At 10-years-old she has become the youngest interpreter to work at the European Parliament and she is blind translater.
103. It holds the activation records (i.e. stack frames) of native code, and VM code including the interpreter loop function.
104. My interpreter asked the saleslady how that $72 Great Wall Cabernet differed from another Great Wall Cabernet on display costing $7. In the expensive wine, she said, 'the liquid is thicker.'
105. Followed is the major part, theoretical analysis and explorations of the unique role by applying "power and control" theory for an liaison interpreter during triadic communicative service.
106. Ask for an interpreter who could translate spoken German into Dutch gain time for replies.
107. The simultaneous interpreter under siege simulated composure and shrugged off the trouble.
108. It’s hard to know whether it is Gorbachev or his interpreter who is responsible for the occasional brusqueness of tone.
109. As evidential methods, the witness and evaluation expert have no independent or auxiliary litigating function, neither has the interpreter.
110. The WebSphere administrative (wsadmin) scripting program is a powerful, non-graphical command interpreter environment that enables you to execute administrative operations in a scripting language.
111. ParseTree is a library that allows to access the parse tree of Ruby code - either Ruby source code or Ruby code already loaded in the interpreter.
112. Based on the data dependency analysis a general PROLOG abstract interpreter (GK-GPAI) is implemented.
113. Shuffling the flimsy biographical sheets, he barked questions in russian which the interpreter translated into German.
114. The IOS provides a command interpreter service known as the command executive (EXEC). After each command is entered, the EXEC validates and executes the command.
115. An interpreter works with one source statement at a time, reading it , translating it to machine level , executing.
116. It had been supposed some of the papers might be in the Arabian, romaic, or Turkish language, and the interpreter of the House was in attendance.
117. A basic interpreter has been implemented and is now used to evaluate cold paths, determined at compilation time using simple heuristics.
118. The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system.
119. To create the JRubyInterpreter class[http://], create a new source code file with an empty class skeleton and add the Interpreter interface to the definition.
120. A common framework of compiler is abstracted during the research of the interpreter of procedure language. After that, the implementation schemes of the front end and back end are presented.
121. He knows a little Chinese, so he can do without an interpreter.
122. When the DISKCOPY command is finished, the command interpreter will attempt to read the BAT file.
123. He is currently a free-lance Simultaneous Interpreter of Parliament and at international conferences.
124. This interface is commonly called a SHELL or command line interpreter ( CLI ).
125. As a bridge linking the addresser and the media, the interpreter has a critical role to play.
126. Since then I have worked as a free-lance translator and interpreter.
127. Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking dog named Cairo.
128. An interpreter should enbrace good work ethics and a loftiness of patriotism.
129. Typing ls [a-c]* finds all file names that begin with a, b, or c. Here, the * does not modify the [a-c] as grep's interpreter would; in the shell, * is interpreted as .*.
130. When you type in the if statement and the terminating colon, then press Return (or Enter) on your keyboard, the Python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement.
131. In this paper, the interpreter system of the Soft-PLC is researched and discussed. Based on the instruction of Mitsubishi PLC, a PLC Instruction List program interpreting process is analyzed.
132. This professor is 28 this " collect of Nanjing massacre historical data " editor committee subeditor and interpreter committee member.
133. This means that the code segment shown in Listing 1 is interpreted by the compiler/interpreter the same way that it should be by a person.
134. There is an active demand for interpreter during the trade fair.
135. If you're familiar with JavaScript you'll also have a leg up as the mongo client is a full JavaScript interpreter.
136. In our model, report data definition language (RDDL) and report format description language (RFDL) are used with interpreters to interpreter them.
137. Have a gift for languages, want to become an interpreter.
138. Scilab is an interpreter and a high-level language for engineering and scientific applications that is in use around the world.
139. Reader ocalized, through textual theory and introspection interpreter explores hermeneutic c of suspicion.
140. So for a language translator or interpreter, only when he has a good understanding of the cultural differences between the two languages and make relevant pragmatic comparisons acc...
141. Software written in a particular language is only useful in combination with a programming language interpreter.
142. This script starts with the ever-present "shbang" line pointing to my installation's Perl interpreter.
143. An operation actuator is designed having knowledge driven technology and integrating with any CAD platform, making the language interpreter becoming the system kernel.
144. Every photo interpreter should be familiar with basic principles of photogrammetry.
145. A rule interpreter will be used to resolve a particular rule for a specific scenario and user profile.
146. If the interpreter cannot find the string in the dictionary, he calls the number-runner (called NUMBER).
147. In one respect , Pollack goes Hitchcock one better in " The Interpreter. "
148. The interpreter converts your source program into object code as it is needed.
149. A symbol consists of the representing of designatum by the interpreter with material vehicle.
150. The bottom-right window, REPL, is the command-line Lisp interpreter,[/interpreter.html] where you can run Lisp commands.
151. A military interpreter before he switched to journalism, he was streetwise; a Shiite who lived in a Sunni neighbourhood; a survivor.
152. It points out that the main cause of pragmatic failure is that in the course of communication either the utterer or the interpreter fails to adapt language to communicative context.
153. The Lang Wenci of latest edition also collected this statement in allusion, the interpreter has into Chinese " chaffy dish " meaning.
154. To find out more about how to use a dictionary in Python, you can use the built-in help interpreter to learn about the dict class, as shown in Listing 2.
155. These two variables are only defined if the interpreter is in interactive mode.
156. This paper introduces a method of using the BASIC Language interpreter of DJS-131 to DJS-130 . It offers some new functions, in addition to all original features which are kept.
157. I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse.
158. It shows how to use the open source GAWK interpreter to write and execute AWK programs so that you can search and manipulate your data in various ways.
159. The key advantage here is that the same object code can be executed on any hardware platform that supports the abstract machine (the interpreter).
160. When Bethune looked inquiringly at Tung, the interpreter stepped forward.
161. GOTO Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program.
162. A tiny scalable script interpreter targets at the MCU based measurement device is proposed.
163. Third, with the syntax tree gone, the interpreter no longer needs to propagate execution state between syntax tree nodes.
164. The result obtained by smoothing contours is inevitably biased by the interpreter.
165. Guy Steele, who had access to an 1130 at Boston's Latin (high) school, wrote a LISP interpreter that we can still use today.
166. SquirrelFish differs from the previous implementation of the interpreter in that it uses a bytecode based strategy rather than syntax tree-walking interpretation.
167. The Lisp compiler or interpreter can translate certain forms of recursion to iteration, allowing a simpler, cleaner way to work with recursive data structures, such as trees.
168. This type of low level tracing information is helpful to the developers of the Ruby interpreter and, to a certain degree, the Rails core team.
169. If an exception is thrown by the JS interpreter, the message will typically be extremely cryptic due to the nature of JS minification.
170. Farrell's interpreter and a British commando were killed in the rescue operation.
171. "When it happened, I just thought it was the rain," Batiste said through sign language interpreter Phyllis St. Cyr.
172. Start the scala interpreter by typing scala and the return key on your command line.
173. The test sequence command interpreter also logs the response to each command for subsequent analysis.
174. The interpreter you said would be at air port is a males or female?
175. VxWorks contains a C language interpreter intended to allow developers to type in C expressions and functions to be executed on the fly during system debugging.
176. The Wisconsin Supreme Court's Director of State Courts Office established a Court Interpreter Program six years ago, which has overseen certification of interpreters throughout the state.
177. Therefore the interpreter should strive to understand the background knowledge of the objective language in order to interpret the article exactly.
178. The text is severed from its past and the interpreter stands at the far end of a yawning chasm with only the text in hand.
179. The interpreter is the symbol's pragmatic dimension, while the designatum its semantic dimension, and, as a whole,[sentence dictionary] the two dimensions play together as the 'meaning' of the symbol.
180. A tiny scalable script interpreter that targets at the MCU based measurement device is proposed.
181. Interactive interface: The script interpreter interacts with the user through a command window.
182. In a local Orthodox church there is a Saturday service for the deaf facilitated by a sign language interpreter, after which the congregation have tea with the priest.
183. A boolean indicating whether this interpreter running in an interactive mode.
184. I'll act as interpreter.
185. The Perl interpreter then converts the byte - code representation to machine code before execution.
186. This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true cat language interpreter functionality.
187. There are some subtleties you'll need to understand about the limitations of using the interpreter modes vs. separate compilation and execution steps.
188. Director Sydney Pollack knows how to raise the level of dread in "The Interpreter."
189. He was born to missionary parents in Kansu in 1898 and later himself served as a missionary, military interpreter, and anthropologist.
190. In our model, report data definition language and report format description language are used with interpreters to interpreter them.
191. Speaking through an interpreter, he called for some new thinking from the West.
192. In addition, the difficulty of government press conference interpretation calls for the unavoidability of the violation of the Cooperative Principle by the interpreter.
193. The technique eliminated mapping by hand, reduced labour intensity of interpreter and raised working efficiency.
194. Fou Lei is a well-known scholar, art critic and literal interpreter. Fou Ts'ong and Fu Lei are not only friends but also colleges in researching music.
195. I have said that the man of science is the sworn interpreter of nature in the high court of reason.
196. The interpreter must make their audience understand the real meaning, either through judicious choice of synonyms or by rewording a sentence, or at least through the appropriate tone of voice.
197. Let's begin by getting the LISP interpreter from the site that maintains the 1130, (see Listing 2).
198. A script engine acts as a mediator between your scripting code and an underlying language interpreter or compiler that ultimately executes the code.
199. Our extensive quality assurance program and client-friendly business model mean you can be assured of a qualified interpreter in the language you need, with easy ordering and tracking.
200. The embedded JavaScript Interpreter system separates language specification form body implementation.
201. According as modular idea, NC program interpreter that interprets RS274/NGC is divided into scanning module, lexical analysis module[], syntax parsing module and executing module.
202. Old friends meet: China's Premier Chou En-lai, at right, welcomes the author's father, Canadian diplomat Chester Ronning, whose fluent Chinese made the interpreter unnecessary.
203. Do not use obscenities, slang or too many idiomatic expression when using an interpreter.
204. When the Python interpreter is invoked with the -O flag, optimized code is generated and stored in . pyo files.
205. The Python interpreter provides the only two bool objects needed: True and False.
206. The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data.
207. In this way, the Rhino interpreter can function like a "scratch pad" in which to enter simple blocks of Java code for testing and debugging.
208. Ruby is an interpreted language, so you must associate an interpreter with your environment before the RDT can run or debug your application.
208. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
209. InfoQ: If you have your own interpreter, how does this interact with metaprogramming and other dynamic behavior of Ruby?
210. Forest Service Interpreter Larry Rickards watches a black bear walk past the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau , Alaska, US, on Sept. 6, 2007.
211. IBM has provided all the definitions in a command script, so all we need to do is to run the script inside the runmqsc command interpreter.
212. The lower portion of the definition, bounded by document ... end, is used by the GDB command interpreter to display help text associated with the cls command when you type help cls.
213. There are workarounds, like Ryan Davis' ParseTree which uses the parser of Ruby's interpreter (via a native extension) to get at the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Ruby source.
214. When a module is imported, the Python interpreter processes each line in the module file.
215. Failed: As can be seen: the output in 1.8.x is "42", but in 1.9 becomes "1". (The "RESULT" here is the exit code of the Ruby interpreter).
216. This is dubbed film, do not come over interjectional interpreter of the cock, are you understood?
217. In this model, a proper data structure is developed to store the information of functions, and a tiny programming language interpreter is designed and embedded to analyze the functions.
218. As I did not specify PREFIX in my Makefile.PL, this variable will be gathered from my perl interpreter.
219. The interpreter can then take action dependent on this voice command.
220. systems programming Doesn't know what a compiler, linker or interpreter is Basic understanding of compilers, linker and interpreters.
221. This section will sketch the structure of a grammar interpreter called PARSIFAL.
222. What kind of language interpreter do you require? English to Chinese or vice versa?
223. Translator: A compiler, interpreter or assembler conversion program that translates a high-level language or low-level language into machine language.
224. Jobcentre Plus is run by the Department for Work and Pension and can help with job hunting, claiming benefits and arranging for interpreter.
225. The "backtrace" work mentioned above also enables a feature called "dynopt" which uses information from JRuby's interpreter to turn dynamic calls into direct static Java calls at compile time.
226. The second mode of operation is as a batch command interpreter where an entire NCL script is read in at one time and executed.
227. Due to the its evanescence , people often pay attention to what the interpreter expresses other than how the interpreter makes his decision.
228. Secondly, data monitoring on data from multiple heterogenic databases can be implemented in rule interpreter.
229. The clarity of resolution can be never too good for interpreter.
230. Perhaps the future role of the sedimentary petrologist will be as an interpreter and an arbiter of cases too complex for the machine to decide unaided .
231. Adaptive presentation can be implemented using a set of rules and a rule interpreter that identifies the appropriate rule to be used for particular content, based on the user profile.
232. The Court Interpreter Program maintains a roster of interpreters, available on the court's Web site, for more than 25 different languages.
233. The language interpreter would provide a set of relatively generic facilities, such as variables, control structures, and procedures.
234. It appeals to students who have deaf friends or family, are interested in health care, have a preference for visual learning and even scuba dive, Harmon said through an interpreter.
235. Regina is a native executable, available as Free Software source code, or pre-compiled to a large number of platforms -- install it pretty much as you would any other programming language interpreter.
236. Of course, in the case of a language interpreter, the user is the programmer.
237. Under the covers, the code configures the simulator for the disk (where it loads the LISP interpreter), the card reader (where it reads the job), and the printer (where it emits the output).
238. The judges who apply the law and act as the interpreter of the law have been regarded as the guardian spirit of society and the personification of justice.
239. The English of the lieutenant general is very eccentric, empty insipidity , interpreter official leisurely,[] below drowsy.
240. MOHAMMAD AL - ZAWAY ( THROUGH INTERPRETER ): I assure you, the confession has been happened from the beginning.
241. Allen and Gates sign a licensing agreement with MITS regarding the BASIC Interpreter.
242. When an end-of-line character (such as a newline character) is read, the Python interpreter advances to the next line and continues until there are no more lines of code.
243. The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday.
244. From right: Minister Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic, Interpreter Wang Qian.
245. In regular Python, the eval_frame() function is the inner loop of the Python interpreter.
246. The bytecode interpreter adds about 65MB to the process table (over the maximum heap size for a 128MB heap), and increases in size as does the maximum heap size does.
247. As with other programming languages, like Perl or Ruby, you execute XSLT by running it through a language interpreter.
248. Speaking in Amharic through an interpreter, Alem said the fight that killed his brother was staged.
249. wxBasic is both a Basic language interpreter and a set of wxWidgets bindings.




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