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单词 Evenly
1. She was fast asleep, breathing evenly.
2. Arrange the tomato slices evenly on the top.
3. Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly.
4. Make sure the surface is evenly covered with paint.
5. Sprinkle sugar evenly over the top of the cake.
6. Apply the glue evenly over both surfaces.
7. The teams were evenly matched until two quick goals from Robson tipped the balance in favour of England.
8. Congress is still evenly divided on the issue.
9. Space your words evenly when you write.
10. Turn the fish over so that it cooks evenly.
11. Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.
12. Government ministers are fairly evenly divided on this issue.
13. The financial burden will be more evenly shared.
14. Apply the cream evenly over the skin.
15. For security, use three evenly spaced bolts per post.
16. The parliament was evenly balanced between the two parties.
17. Wealth is not evenly distributed between age groups.
18. They agree to divide evenly.
19. No two players could be more evenly matched.
20. Apply the varnish evenly over the whole surface.
21. The two teams are very evenly matched .
22. She disrtibuted the ointment evenly over the wound.
23. He was breathing more evenly now.
24. He stood there breathing deeply and evenly.
25. The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.
26. The paint should be applied thinly and evenly.
27. Spread the butter evenly over the toast.
28. The teams were evenly matched.
29. I'll try to spread out the work evenly.
30. The two candidates are fairly evenly matched.
1. She was fast asleep, breathing evenly.
2. Arrange the tomato slices evenly on the top.
3. Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly.
4. Make sure the surface is evenly covered with paint.
5. Sprinkle sugar evenly over the top of the cake.
6. Apply the glue evenly over both surfaces.
7. The teams were evenly matched until two quick goals from Robson tipped the balance in favour of England.
8. Space your words evenly when you write.
9. The parliament was evenly balanced between the two parties.
10. They agree to divide evenly.
11. No two players could be more evenly matched.
12. Apply the varnish evenly over the whole surface.
13. The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.
14. I'll try to spread out the work evenly.
15. Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.
16. Don't make the paste too thick, or it will not spread evenly.
17. Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.
31. Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.
32. Divide the mixture evenly between the baking pans.
33. Distribute the topping evenly over the fruit.
34. Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.
35. Spread the nut mixture evenly over the bottom.
36. Succuss the medicinal liquid evenly before drinking.
37. Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed.
38. He looked at Ellen, breathing evenly in her sleep.
39. The teams were very evenly matched.
40. The two teams seemed evenly matched but Arsenal came off second best .
41. The prospects for the country are fairly evenly balanced between peaceful reform and revolution.
42. Incidence of the disease is fairly evenly spread across Europe.
43. The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.
44. If the paint is too thick, it will not spread evenly.
45. 'I warned you not to phone me,' he said evenly.
46. The colour will not be evenly fixed unless the cloth is first properly wetted out.
47. The blood vessels in the skin are not evenly distributed around the face and neck.
48. We want to try and distribute the workload more evenly.
49. Make sure the weight of the load is evenly distributed .
50. Support for the Liberals is fairly evenly spread across the country.
51. We tried to spread the workload evenly between the departments.
52. Don't make the paste too thick, or it will not spread evenly.
53. This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides.
54. Apply the plaster evenly.
55. Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.
56. The committee is evenly balanced, with six members from each party.
57. Apply the lacquer evenly.
58. The profits will be split evenly between the three of us.
59. They want the country's wealth to be more evenly spread .
60. They must choose between two evenly matched candidates for governor.
61. Add nut mixture and spread evenly.
62. Pour over the trout and turn to coat evenly.
63. For overcrowding is not spread evenly throughout the system.
64. Dip quail in cornstarch mixture until evenly coated.
65. Spread evenly with apple and peel mixture.
66. These birds are not evenly distributed along the coast.
67. Spread the coating evenly over the entire surface.
68. Pour egg mixture evenly over bread slices.
69. These dull metals absorb the heat evenly and well.
70. Drizzle oil over polenta and brush to distribute evenly.
71. Outside, the sexes are more evenly matched, I admit.
72. Press Y to select evenly spaced columns.
73. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both legs.
74. The scales can be fairly evenly balanced.
75. Moreover, unemployment has not been evenly distributed.
76. The money was divided evenly among all four brothers.
77. Each panel distributes sound evenly in all directions.
78. "You can do whatever you like," she said evenly.
79. Spread mustard coating evenly over browned rabbit.
80. These jobs are not evenly distributed over the country.
81. Apply the lotion evenly over the skin.
82. When the heat is at the correct temperature, food cooks more evenly.
83. Simply apply them evenly through towel-dried hair, comb through and set hair as usual.
84. The party's aim is to distribute power more evenly among the people.
85. Even if the cars were evenly matched,(http:///evenly.html) he knew he couldn't out-drive the police.
86. Teams were evenly matched with experienced players and beginners carefully balanced.
87. As a result, the two parties ended up being fairly evenly matched.
88. This aroused the resentment of almost the whole front bench, but Wigg's hostility was not evenly spread.
89. Unlike the greenhouse gases, which spread evenly across the globe, sulphur dioxide's effects are short-lived and regional.
90. When evenly blended, stir in the parmesan cheese, pepper, mustard and lean bacon.
91. Such regular joint patterns appear to develop when the centres of contraction are evenly spaced.
92. Failure to optimise the level of support to the caring team will undermine efforts to distribute annual leave evenly among nurses.
93. Edward felt that he and the malign force were fairly evenly matched.
94. The windows were clean, the bed was neatly made and his four chairs were set evenly spaced around the table.
95. When evenly blended, stir in the parmesan cheese, pepper, mustard and lean bacon. Leave to cool.
96. Spaced evenly from the bottom up, concentric rings of black crow feathers rise to the top of the cairn.
97. If you dampen your piece of paper before you start painting it will be easier to paint evenly.
98. The twenty slides are evenly distributed by gender, with a good mix of age and race.
99. Parents typically equate fairness with equality, seeking to evenly split the wealth they bequeath among their offspring.
100. Respondents backed equal rights for gays and lesbians, but they were about evenly split on the morality of homosexual relationships.
101. It is fair; it spreads the burden evenly, providing proper discounts and proper control of local authorities.
102. In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione 
103. The large crowd at the meeting was nearly evenly divided between those supporting the ban and those against.
104. The dough should be elastic, soft, tacky, but not sticky and the seeds should be evenly distributed.
105. But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
106. Leukopenia tends to cluster early in the course of treatment, whereas aplastic anemia occurs fairly evenly throughout the first year.
107. So you won't have to chop and change your chops to make sure they're done evenly.
108. Ipswich scored 2/5, with one game, which is evenly balanced, to be adjudicated.
109. In the early stage the sides were evenly matched effectively cancelling each other out.
110. The tax base should be widely and fairly evenly dispersed. 2.
111. This pattern of irregular loading subjects the vessel to quite different stress from that exerted by an evenly distributed load of coal.
112. Keep the turns close wound on the internal diameter and reasonably evenly spaced on the outside.
113. We now know the suicides were evenly male and female and from all age groups.
114. Trail System: 40 trails, evenly mixed for ability level; 2 chairlifts, 3-bars.
115. Staff seemed evenly divided - we received some smiles but also caught some rather unsavoury glances.
115. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
116. It has 13 rounds evenly spaced, with two races in most months from April to September.
117. Add vanilla, ground almonds, flour and salt, stirring until mixture is evenly combined.
118. There also seems to be agreement that our new Congress will be more evenly split, and thus dysfunctional.
119. Teams were evenly matched and all games proved to be very close affairs with penalties deciding many of them.
120. Pensioner's incomes are not, of course, evenly distributed and important inequalities exist.
121. Trees evenly spaced, at regulation height, and all plumb vertical, must be avoided like the plague.
122. Knead the fondant or marzipan thoroughly, using a circular motion to spread the colour evenly.
123. And he is blessed with a beautiful, evenly produced, voice.
124. Asked to evaluate how Congress is doing its job, the public divides evenly, 46 percent to 46 percent.
125. Drizzle oil over polenta and brush to distribute evenly. Sprinkle with cheese.
126. For these boats a sail which allows them to compete more evenly under handicap rules has obvious advantages.
127. Although power is widely spread it does not necessarily mean that it is evenly spread between all groups.
128. Check the bowls periodically and give them enough water if necessary to keep the compost evenly damp.
129. All adjoining panels should be pressed evenly together ensuring all the panels are aligned squarely to each other.
130. Democratic party rules require that state delegations to the convention be split evenly between men and women.
131. They surveyed 1, 598 organizations in 40 different industries about evenly split between manufacturing and the service sector.
132. Only in the old industrial states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island was opinion evenly split on this issue.
133. On the issue of abortion rights, Texans split evenly with 46 percent favoring abortion rights and 46 percent opposing abortion.
134. In a separate bowl, coat the cakes in the reserved bread crumbs until evenly coated.
135. Other more constructive workers split evenly between those favoring casual and those preferring declared.
136. If women were evenly distributed across the spectrum of employment, their pay levels would be much closer to those of men.
137. Admittedly, Norton-Taylor castigates the food industry as well as the landowners and the farmers - he spreads his castigation very evenly.
138. Flow is experienced when people perceive opportunities for action being evenly matched by their capabilities.
139. But, as we know(), demand for seats is not evenly spread.
140. Yocum may have been helped by the fact that the chamber audience was more evenly divided in allegiance.
141. Table 4 shows further that ethnic / nationality groups are not evenly distributed through subject areas.
142. Break rice sticks into small pieces and distribute evenly among lettuce cups.
143. When heat styling, use a vent brush which allows hot air to circulate through the brush, spreading the heat evenly.
144. The nutrients have to be evenly mixed with this carrier to ensure that they are well distributed throughout each dose.
145. In a large skillet, melt clarified butter and saute rabbit over moderate heat until evenly browned.
146. Sprinkle the top evenly with chocolate chips and serve at once.
147. This group of work-inhibited students was quite evenly divided in terms of birth order.
148. I said evenly, keeping my gaze level and steady and my posture perpendicular and upright.
149. The live recording shows few signs of an audience present and is evenly balanced between voices and orchestra.
150. Royal icing takes a little practice to spread evenly and pipe, but the results are well worth the effort.
151. Unfortunately, these 13 million words are not evenly distributed across the 10 superfields.
152. And 86 to 90 percent comes from vehicle exhaust, evenly divided between diesel and gasoline engines.
153. In fact, the original version is virtually split evenly into two blocks of Orientation and Complicating Action.
154. Pour the caramel topping evenly over the Twinkies, and smooth with a knife.
155. Distribute the paint evenly over the wall.
156. Admittedly both the dodgy assets and the loss - absorbing buffers are not spread evenly.
157. The dorsal surface of its cuttlebone is yellowish and evenly convex.




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