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单词 toboggan
释义  Related topics: Toysto·bog·gan1 /təˈbɒɡən $ -ˈbɑː-/ noun [countable]  DHTa light wooden board with a curved front, used for sliding down hills covered in snow 平底雪橇 → sledgeExamples from the Corpustoboggan• Ernest Hemingway is reputed to have considered the descent from Monte in a toboggan one of the strongest emotions of his life.• Weekly highlights at the Girasole include a toboggan race, a slalom race, a kids' disco and a torchlight descent.• This was what it must be like on a toboggan roaring down the snowy slope of a mountainside.• Trashmore, a local toboggan hill built atop a garbage dump.• For the adventurous there is a double-track summer toboggan run, where you can race new found friends!• They then jump on to the runners behind the toboggan, steering and restraining it with ropes.• White-suited drivers, wearing straw hats and Madeiran boots, run alongside, pushing the toboggan to gain momentum.• The toboggan consists of a wide wicker basket with a cushioned seat, set on wooden runners.Related topics: Outdoortoboggan2 verb [intransitive]  DLOto slide down a hill on a toboggan 坐平底雪橇滑行 —tobogganing noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableOrigin toboggan1 (1800-1900) Canadian French tobogan, from Micmac tobagun “sledge made of skin”to·bog·gan1 nountoboggan2 verbChineseSyllable  curved used Corpus wooden front, with a a board light




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