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单词 milliner
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Clothesmil·li·ner /ˈmɪlənə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  BODCCsomeone who makes and sells women’s hats 制作和销售女帽的人,女帽商Examples from the Corpusmilliner• Bellingham practised as an insurance broker and his wife as a milliner.• Do you know any milliners who might need a sales assistant?• With attentive milliners advising sooner rather than later, the hat hunt for whatever date in your diary looms largest should be over.• Her hat will be chosen from than 250 made by her personal milliner, John Boyd.• Hand-made by top milliners, they represent a colourful souvenir of the sixties.Origin milliner (1500-1600) Milan city in Italy from which women's clothing was bought in the 16th centurymil·li·ner nounChineseSyllable  and who sells makes someone hats Corpus women’s




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