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单词 Covering
1, A hat is a covering for your head.
2, Leave a thin covering of fat.
3, The canvas covering was peeled back.
4, Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
5, The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places.
6, A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.
7, The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.
8, The soldiers dismantled a gun of its covering.
9, Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.
10, Who's covering for you while you're away?
11, Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.
12, The police are covering all road out of town.
13, He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.
14, He's always covering up for her.
15, I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.
16, Send your CV with a covering letter.
17, They rubberized the covering of the stage.
18, I'd just returned from covering the Cambodian war.
19, Several researchers have published articles covering this ground.
20, Sorry,(http:///covering.html) I'm already covering for someone else.
21, These electric wires are protected by a rubber covering.
22, She's covering the American election for BBC television.
23, She's covering the party's annual conference.
24, The artillery gave us covering fire .
25, The coconut has a fibrous outer covering.
26, Please send a covering letter with your application form.
27, The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares.
28, Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.
29, Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.
30, The Official Secrets Act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation, covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots.
1, A hat is a covering for your head.
2, Leave a thin covering of fat.
3, The canvas covering was peeled back.
4, The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places.
5, A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.
6, Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.
7, The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.
8, We gave him covering fire as he dashed across the clearing.
9, The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.
10, The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.
31, I'll give you covering fire while you try to escape.
32, The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject.
33, Concrete had long been utilized as a bonding and covering material.
34, He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.
35, How do we know you're not just covering up for your friend?
36, We gave him covering fire as he dashed across the clearing.
37, He had been punished for covering up for a friend.
38, Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.
39, Over 150 companies will be there, covering everything from finance to fixtures and fittings.
40, . She made a very good job of covering up the damage.
41, "Herb" is an umbrella term covering many types of plant.
42, The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.
43, The protective covering must be insensitive to light and heat.
44, The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.
45, She thought of the tide rushing in(Sentence dictionary), covering the wet sand.
46, The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s.
47, You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft.
48, He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face.
49, We camouflaged the plane by covering it with leaves.
50, One efficient method of covering the roof is to combine twin wall Lexon Thermoclear sheeting with Twinfix aluminium structural glazing bar.
51, We're also wondering why the university is now covering its butt legally with this half-hearted gesture.
52, It is easy enough to imagine brushing away a meter or so of dry dust covering an ice deposit.
53, Otherwise use Venetian blinds in plastic or wood which can be easily wiped, or wooden shutters, or no covering at all.
54, A good starting point is a check list with sections covering criteria for acceptance by all the main company functions.
55, This was a covering curtain with a central aperture which left the arena open to the sky.
56, The Q Scheme Covering holiday caravan, chalet and camping parks.
57, A third man stood there; black tracksuit without insignia, balaclava mask covering the head.
58, Carpet tiles: Rearranging and combining in different patterns and shapes. Table cloth: Covering surface.
59, I am fully aware that setting guidelines is a tough business and that covering all bases is impossible.
60, Martin Bell worked for many years as the BBC's war correspondent, covering conflicts all over the world.
61, In the woods is Halling Park, a large area covering 95 acres, and another of 28 acres called Pasted.
62, The best thing to do is to put down absorbent floor covering in those rooms.
63, Its creeping stock branches very quickly and rapidly make a thick green carpet completely covering the bottom of the tank.
64, Toton and Tinsley are good examples of depots with specific sub-sector allegiances and covering a wide geographical area.
65, Other species of Ophiolebes species have a thickened skin covering the disk and to a certain extent the arm spines.
66, Is it the thin grayish covering, or is it the twelve to fifteen inch layer of blubber which surrounds his body?
67, Chrysalid came from chrysalis, a protective covering, a sheltered state or stage of being or growth.
68, In emphasising the place which the child played in his own learning process, Plowden was not covering new ground.
69, It is backed by a £15 million insurance warranty covering product liability on defective material, damage to property and consequential losses.
70, Measure and mark the fabric to the length of the measurements taken, plus allowances for covering roller and lath.
71, For 1993 we have organised four holidays to cater for students of all levels of experience and covering a variety of subjects.
72, It is mainly used for modelling, but can also be used for covering cakes.
73, Our door is painted a bright green colour with numerous messages using inappropriate language and phrases covering its exterior.
74, She took off her shoes, and lay down fully clothed, covering herself with a heavy quilt.
75, And up from the city of fumes and smoke rose a broiling cloud of steam,(Sentencedict) covering the stars.
76, Supported by four applied science courses covering the biology, entomology and pathology of seeds, and plant breeding.
77, Staff can produce an individual handbook covering specific aspects of care, for example pre-operative preparation or a doctor's preferences for treatment.
78, Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes.
79, Murrell, a grey blanket covering his head, was driven away in a green Rover to begin the motorway dash.
80, Then she kicked it away and sank on to the bed covering her face with her hands.
81, The journal Public Money and Management contains topical articles covering the whole of the public sector.
82, Aquatic birds and mammals, equipped with subcutaneous blubber, may also have a covering of fur or feathers.
83, The bill proposes raising the ownership limit from the current 12 stations covering no more than 25 percent of the country.
84, With a smock artfully covering his paunchy frame, Pavarotti, 56, burst into golden-toned song.
85, Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
86, Covering artists from Byzantine times to the nineteenth century, it should allow scholars to establish underdrawing styles for individual painters.
87, The house is kept in almost total darkness with a special membrane to block out ultra-violet light covering all the windows.
88, Pour fresh cream over the cheese(), covering it completely; serve caster sugar separately.
89, The test booklet accompanying each coursebook contains four tests, each covering twenty units of the book concerned.
90, They moved constantly and furtively, covering their tracks and contacting nobody.
91, We held our breaths, covering our nostrils and mouths with our hands.
92, They could be responsible for managing services covering 4,000 households, a large inner city estate or several former pit villages.
93, Start by covering the base of the tank as fully as possible with undergravel filter plates.
94, Services organized across large District Health Authorities covering 200-300,000 people can not possibly provide a local, friendly, easily accessible service.
95, In it sat Marita, thin, head down, hands in her lap, her shiny hair covering her face.
96, The privilege is much wider than procedural matters, covering every aspect of the internal functions of the House.
97, The plaintiff was assessed to corporation tax for accounting periods covering the years 1977 to 1985.
98, It is a useful addition to the growing volume of material available covering spreadsheet techniques of interest to scientists.
99, It is normally circulated under covering letter and will incorporate a confidentiality agreement.
100, The materials used to construct biosensors, and their covering layers, are important in determining the practical success of the biosensor.
101, Aunt Margaret cowered in her chair, covering her eyes, awaiting the end.
102, Mellow orange pantiles seemingly cascade at many angles, surmounting buildings of varying heights, covering lower and higher ground.
103, This process involved the establishment of international laws and regulations covering prices, currency dealings and banking systems.
104, We rode our camels or walked alongside them covering between 20 and 30 kilometres a day.
105, I went up to the bed, took a deep breath,(http:///covering.html) and turned the covering back.
106, He was picked up by police while covering a funeral of two leftists killed in a prison clash, according to colleagues.
107, On the other hand, if the firm falls short of covering its fixed costs, a loss will be incurred.
108, Other co-operation agreements were signed, covering economics, trade, transport, technical affairs, culture and drug policing.
109, Prevent pine-needle fall-out from covering your floors when removing your Christmas tree.
110, Continue rolling out all the rounds, covering them with a damp cloth. 5.
111, It was a broken hulk, millennia of dust particles covering the displays and floors.
112, These should be regarded as best practice guides, covering matters of importance to the membership.
113, It was a seminar covering all aspects of family planning.
114, Somehow news correspondents covering the administration, including me, never grasped the full extent of the guerrilla war within the administration.
115, By the early seventies the firm was employing over 1,000 operatives covering every aspect of building works.
116, A decision which would produce an all-Highland single-tier authority covering 10,000 square miles may seem contradictory to that objective.
117, The complete retail sales force attended the conference where presentations were made covering all aspects of selling.
118, He laid out the newspaper on the carpet and stripped off the bowl's clingfilm covering.
119, Clear definitions covering fields of accountancy, marketing, production and business administration.
120, Her knees were drawn up to her chin and her head rested on them, her hair covering her face.
121, Covering derelict land with trees, replacing long-cleared woods and forests, holds a great attraction.
122, I like looking at the clods of earth hitting their faces, covering their chests, hiding them, completing something.
123, All that remains is to wrap the covering material round and glue it down to the boards.
124, From about the time of the invention of red-figure some black-figure vases are given a white slip covering the orange clay.
125, In other words, a topic is included if there is an information centre, source or service covering it.
126, As he sucked in his breath, the hand covering her mouth fell.
127, Covering is the response of officials enjoying substantial autonomy to efforts at organizational control.
128, A bilateral co-operation agreement, covering trade, education, cultural affairs and aviation was signed during the visit.
129, He sampled 50 white clover clones from a grid covering the whole field.
130, Officials in rural districts covering a large area may drive long distances to perform their regular duties.
131, They introduce the concepts of rhyme and wordplay, as well as covering basics like alphabet and spelling.
132, In fact, the plastic or cloth covering can come apart, exposing the foam padding.
133, A final covering of aluminium foil or carbon paper reduces the risk of detection by X-ray machines.
134, The ironwork has hearts, stars of David and crosses, covering as many bases as possible.
135, The ban is a blanket ban covering all marches or all marches of a particular class such as political marches.
136, Judge Walker set Nov. 14 as the date for hearing arguments on a preliminary injunction covering the same subject matter.
137, It can help decipher the messages of propagandists, who seek to mislead by covering up their own argumentative contexts.
138, The guide contains commonsense recommendations covering situations such as meetings in strangers' offices and homes, walking home alone and car breakdowns.
139, He laughs more, covering his toothless mouth with his yellow cloth.
140, However, many agreements included provision covering the possible effects of technological change on working conditions and the quality of working life.
141, Junior moved aside to reveal what the third guy was also covering.
142, Later still it was found covering extensive areas of the sea floor south of Ireland.
143, The courts were generally reluctant to construe an exclusion clause as covering cases of breach of fundamental term or fundamental breach.
144, There are separate books covering level 2 through to level 5.
145, Fat is deposited as an external covering of the body, within the abdominal cavity, and between and within muscles.
146, Thus it ensures a continuous process of review covering all permissions.
147, Kennedy is one of the combatants in the Congressional struggle to reform federal law covering both illegal and legal immigrants.
148, So keep up the heat in your compost heap by covering it with black plastic sheets, old carpets or sacking.
149, He belonged to the old-fashioned generation which believed in covering itself carefully from the sun.
150, However, in some states it went into a fund that also paid for some television advertising covering political themes.
151, A valuable work, covering many aspects of social structure and population distribution, is that edited by R.E.
152, Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.
153, They devoted their entire airtime to covering the storm.
154, Have you ever seen such a bunch of self - righteous , arse - covering prigs?
155, The dural is the fin tissue covering the inside of the skull.
156, Salt water corroded the light alloy frames and the fabric wing - covering.
157, All buried lines are coated with a protective covering to save them from corrosion.
158, Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles.




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