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单词 Publishing
(1) She works in music publishing.
(2) Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.
(3) The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
(4) During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies.
(5) This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.
(6) We have to show that publishing this story is in the public interest .
(7) Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.
(8) They are publishing for the young author.
(9) The publishing world is extremely competitive.
(10) The editor's PC should support desktop publishing and graphics.
(11) They are publishing the dictionary on CD-ROM.
(12) She chose publishing as a career.
(13) He's just been appointed director of the publishing division.
(14) There are few openings in publishing for new graduates.
(15) Tony wants to get a job in publishing.
(16) I had a very high-powered job in publishing.
(17) Desktop publishing has become a modern cottage industry.
(18) The magazine became the cornerstone of McFadden's publishing empire.
(19) He works in a small publishing outfit.
(20) Miss Silva will continue as publishing director.
(21) His brother ran a printing and publishing company.
(22) Children's publishing is a fast-growing business.
(23) Pictures play an important part in publishing.
(24) The company is publishing fewer titles than last year.
(25) She's absolutely set on publishing as a career.
(26) She used to be a teacher, but now she works in publishing.
(27) After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing.
(28) When she left college, she got a job as an editor in a publishing company.
(29) She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information.
(30) I had an interview for a job with a publishing firm.
(1) She works in music publishing.
(2) Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.
(3) The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
(4) She used to be a teacher, but now she works in publishing.
(5) During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies.
(6) After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing.
(7) When she left college, she got a job as an editor in a publishing company.
(8) She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information.
(9) This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.
(10) We have to show that publishing this story is in the public interest .
(11) Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.
(12) I had an interview for a job with a publishing firm.
(13) He works in a small publishing outfit.
(14) After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing.
(15) The seminar aims to provide an overview on new media publishing.
(31) Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.
(32) I had a very high-powered senior job in publishing.
(33) Frustrated writers often end up in publishing.
(34) After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing.
(35) She is publishing a history of the war period.
(36) He became a mythic figure in publishing.
(37) Who coined the phrase "desktop publishing"?
(38) a job with a publishing company.
(39) He accused the press of publishing vicious calumnies.
(40) I never knew you were in publishing.
(41) She's a senior editor in the reference department of a publishing company.
(42) The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.
(43) The eighties were a period of great change in publishing.
(44) The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent publishing history.
(45) It took her ten years to build up her publishing business.
(46) As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
(47) The newspaper made the bold move/took the bold step of publishing the names of the men involved.
(48) The hunt is on for potential employees with experience of electronic publishing.
(49) It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing.
(50) Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market.
(51) The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic.
(52) Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onward and upward from there.
(53) The two companies are attempting to carve up a large slice of America's publishing industry between them.
(54) The professor stands accused of stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.
(55) Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house.
(56) They were skating on very thin ice(), publishing the election result before it had been confirmed.
(57) You don't think the paper's a bit out of order in publishing it?
(58) a job in publishing.
(59) The government has sought an injunction preventing the paper from publishing the story.
(60) The newspaper claimed public interest immunity when threatened with prosecution for publishing the story .
(61) The charter states that the press shall be devoted to printing and publishing in the furtherance and dissemination of knowledge.
(62) He was considered as something of a maverick in the publishing world.
(63) He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on.
(64) By publishing the book, they were guilty of infringing copyright.
(65) In a publishing deal, the average split used to be 50:50 between writer and publisher.
(66) Readers for publishing houses see a lot of good stuff and a lot of dreck.
(67) Working in publishing turned out to be less than glamorous.
(68) The Cranfield Press is the publishing arm of the Cranfield Institute of Technology.
(69) Electronic publishing is blurring the boundaries between dictionaries and encyclopedias.
(70) The seminar aims to provide an overview on new media publishing.
(71) publishing in U.S.S.R.
(72) The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.
(73) His publishing house had just begun negotiating for her next books.
(74) The publishing industry may beg to differ.
(75) The magazine became the cornerstone of MacFadden's publishing empire.
(76) Some are almost indistinguishable from desktop publishing systems.
(77) Paperback publishing was considered beneath contempt.
(78) Master production using desktop publishing equipment.
(79) Researchers are forming alliances, holding conferences, publishing.
(80) Now it is shifting fast into electronic publishing.
(81) Q.. You have a reputation for publishing liberal views.
(82) An order form is enclosed with Publishing News.
(83) Schools have experimented with desktop publishing in English classes.
(84) The books were donated by a local publishing company.
(85) At last it is becoming possible to include production quality scanned images in desktop publishing.
(86) Despite the hostile reaction, Prusiner continued his research, publishing papers and giving lectures that some called near-religious experiences.
(87) In the 1920s Pearson resumed his acting career but also began publishing short stories, essays, and journalism.
(88) Jonathan Burnham, editorial director of Chatto, will become publishing director for the imprint, with Alison Samuel as his deputy.
(89) To research, prepare and implement an initial publishing programme through exploiting and developing publishing rights held by the Group.
(90) His travels and publishing efforts brought fame, and in 1880 fame brought him a bishopric.
(91) It is their word-processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database and graphics applications programs that dominate the market.
(92) Non-fiction publishing, to take a related case, is in general afflicted by similar problems of information overload and shrinking domestic markets.
(93) In 1981, he became an administrator at the publishing company Hachette before expanding his interest to the Filipacchi group in 1984.
(94) Usually there are a number of these which makes it necessary for the accountant to visit the record or publishing company.
(95) If you doubt this admittedly bold assertion, consider the impact of the company's decision to cease publishing mainframe prices.
(96) Li and Mao are retired, but their dismissal from the academy bars them from publishing and teaching.
(97) Today's desktop publishing software is as good as, if not better than, any Third Wave composition system ever was.
(98) But so far, media buyers in California see no sign of the publishing heir.
(99) Experienced in taking responsibility for publishing programme development and management, including planning, budget setting and control.
(100) It is getting harder by the day to isolate the various segments of the electronic publishing industry into neat little compartments.
(101) Twenty years later Channel Four, originally conceived as a publishing house for independent producers, succumbed to the same institutional pressures.
(102) Chunky Leaflets Spectrum are now publishing hand knitting pattern leaflets.
(103) Frame Technology Inc believes the next generation of desktop publishing systems will utilise electronic document publishing as their cornerstone.
(104) The balance of Maxwell's group was rather different,[http:///publishing.html] with origins in printing and in magazine and trade publishing.
(105) He held a chair in physics from 1937 until his retirement publishing more than 150 papers on atomic and nuclear physics.
(106) Senior Labor politician Tony Benn has been publishing diary installments for decades, providing a vivid account of Parliament.
(107) Due to lack of space we will be publishing the forum in two parts.
(108) For those who go on to read postgraduate studies, there is the further problem of publishing any research findings.
(109) Desktop publishing acts as an integrator of the output from other office automation packages.
(110) The leading Stockholm trade publisher Norstedts, also included in the 1990 takeover, has a significant legal publishing department.
(111) The national news agency and the major publishing houses struck.
(112) The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is publishing a booklet with interviews with the artist.
(113) The most successful postgraduate course in terms of both applicants and admissions was the MPhil in Publishing Studies.
(114) Take, for example, the problems that the electronic publishing industry is currently facing with fonts.
(115) The paper would have a defence if it could show it had acted reasonably in publishing the articles.
(116) It must be rare for a publishing house to be sent a manuscript twice after an interval of 62 years.
(117) To Carol Wilson, however, it became fairly obvious that Copeland wanted to sign Sting's publishing to his own company.
(118) When you start talking about large conglomerates publishing fewer books, it makes people nervous, because it smacks of censorship.
(119) Once an obscure backwater of the publishing business, computer books have gone mainstream.
(120) He works in the rights department of a small publishing company and has two children from his first marriage.
(121) You can also receive an introduction to Web publishing that starts you well on the way to creating your own home page.
(122) He got a new agent, and Random House bought the book, publishing it in January 1994.
(123) S., it is economically impossible to produce extra copies after our scheduled publishing date.
(124) Like Franklin, they see their activities as electronic book publishing.
(125) Indeed there seems to have been little diminution in this publishing bonanza up to the present time.
(126) The School Book Award, which rewards excellence in educational publishing, this year focused on science, with 49 entries.
(127) The reality is that, for better or worse, the world of publishing has changed.
(128) We also maintain close links with the electronic publishing division of a large conglomerate.
(129) The table shows which companies are publishing the Colour Index Generic Names in their catalogues or on their colour charts.
(130) Desktop publishing is one of the most seductive executive toys that can currently be found on any computer system.
(131) Paul and I are the only Grunwalds who are not publishing a book this month.
(132) He buried himself in books on comparative religion, and began publishing scholarly tracts and books about the goddess.
(132) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(133) Its author Tom Holt began, if I remember right, by publishing his collected poems at the age of 12.
(134) Desktop publishing forms just one part of the electronic publishing market.
(135) Perhaps the best example of the problems that this approach can cause is the Atari desktop publishing system.
(136) It is essential to realise at the outset that desktop publishing software is totally unlike any other software product category.
(137) How can we then translate the success of its print-based activities into electronic publishing?
(138) A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge.
(139) From No. v on it was an enormous success, and inaugurated monthly shilling numbers as a method of publishing new fiction.
(140) The 19-person start-up was funded by Colorado-based desktop publishing software makers Quark Inc.
(141) Her knowledge of publishing trends, literary history, and books of every description and genre, however,() filled rooms.
(142) The companies said the merger would create a powerful company in publishing, multimedia and entertainment.
(143) The standards will eventually form the basis of all multimedia video communications services and publishing.
(144) Forbes to the eponymous publishing empire created by his flamboyant father, Huffington to oil-and-gas millions made by his dad.
(145) He's now dead, but Wright and Round has ensured his music will live on by publishing the piece.
(146) Its activities cover programming, installation and maintenance, staff training, desktop publishing as well as graphic art and video production.
(147) Sem Dnei plans to continue publishing Itogi, using an entirely new editorial team.
(148) I wanted to find out more about careers in publishing.
(149) Even with these extras it is still less capable for spreadsheet publishing than its higher priced rivals.
(150) Technical standards unite this cottage industry of desk-top publishing with the presses of newspaper and magazine publishers.
(151) On the back of the title page you will find reference to the publishing history of the book.
(152) Even in the years of his greatest fame, he continued with the routine business of publishing.
(153) Ever since leaving college, Susan has lived for publishing and worshiped Simon.
(154) Mr Chandler is now director of the company's newly formed publishing division.
(155) If I thought it was worth publishing, he would give in to my judgment.
(156) The maker of publishing software also said it is losing one of its biggest Postscript customers.
(157) It has been organized around the three major publishing functions: editorial, production, marketing.
(158) My first move was to contact Stuart Green, an editor at one of the larger publishing houses.
(159) Instead academic publishers compete in duplication the same market, publishing different editions of the same small selection of writing.
(160) Desktop publishing is, despite all the hype and glossy advertising, not yet all things to all men.
(161) It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum.
(162) It also broke precedent by not publishing the name or location of the company that will manufacture the drug.
(162) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(163) This may not be the high-minded stuff that nudged this soft-spoken Barnard College graduate toward a career in publishing.
(164) The spreadsheet program can produce graphics and you would like to put these graphics into your electronic publishing system.
(165) To make life easier in the future, will you be publishing an index?
(166) Section 1 gives absolute protection against any civil or criminal action to anyone publishing papers printed by order of Parliament.
(167) You could tell by who was at his memorial service, from the publishing executive to the receptionist from 10 years ago.
(168) Publishing a paper in a small town, where readers know precisely what they want, is a big headache for Harold.
(169) As part of the exhibition, the celebrated publishing house will be showing six films it has produced on the Catalan artist.
(170) And you're still dreaming this impossible dream about you and some fantastic job in publishing.
(171) The annual booksellers convention is usually the place to learn what may be hot in the fall publishing season.
(172) It refers not to truncating the inquiry but to the timescale before appointing an inspector and publishing the report.
(173) He asked the court to prohibit Weisser from publishing the notes and to award him a sum of money as damages.
(174) Even using the narrow definition it is clear that desk top publishing is a complex and technical area!
(175) I would work for one of the major charities, perhaps, or maybe go for a job in publishing.
(176) Everything l needed was right here libraries, newspapers, publishing houses, lectures, even a Writers' Club.
(177) Ralston dismissed Calloway's sales projection, but acknowledges that no auction for Barnes publishing rights was held.
(178) And it is with fonts that the low cost desktop publishing system really does have problems.
(179) Take, for example, a desktop publishing system based on an Apple Macintosh.
(180) I knew that in the history of literature a great many writers had begun their careers by publishing in such little magazines.
(181) It would be a film producer, an electronics company, a retailing outfit and a publishing house.
(182) Presentation Graphics Hardware Desktop publishing is dead, or so the marketing men would have us all believe.
(183) Desktop Publishing Hardly an issue of a computer magazine goes by without some mention, editorial or advertisement, of desktop publishing.
(184) But the academic publishing world has been hit just as hard as the rest of the academic world.
(185) Callinicos' own apology about publishing yet another study of an over-worked subject not withstanding, it remains an important contemporary debate.
(186) Not, of course, that such a victory for diligence in publishing will make much difference in the bulb marketplace.
(187) What do you tackle first, the spreadsheet graphics or the electronic publishing system?
(188) His next moves were to acquire a major London publishing house and the prestigious London Times newspaper.
(189) Linn responded by donating the Prolinn name to a nonprofit foundation and publishing the formula.
(190) She was thirty-two, an editor with a distinguished publishing house, married to an investigative journalist.
(191) In particular, we will neglect audiotex and fax-based publishing altogether since neither look like having a significant role in multimedia applications.
(192) Rather than produce a catalogue, the Ruskin Programme is publishing a collection of scholarly essays to mark the occasion.
(193) At times he was reduced to publishing acrostics in newspapers begging money for his wife and children.
(194) Internal reports are also becoming better illustrated, and therefore more informative, through the introduction of desk top publishing.
(195) Nearby, DayStar Digital was selling its pricier, super-performance Mac clones for high-end publishing and editing.
(196) The most misused of these is page makeup or page layout software while the second is just described as desktop publishing software.
(197) Journalists rallied to the Ortizes, publishing a full-page ad decrying the firings as a blow to freedom of expression.
(198) The simplest form of electronic publishing is word processing with a typographic style of output; office publishing, if you will.
(199) InConcert is independent of other applications and requires no proprietary imaging, office automation or publishing software.
(200) He had tried farming and publishing and failed miserably at both.
(201) The aim, says the blurb, is to develop other publishing and ancestor-tracing businesses.
(202) That means publishing research, collecting data on morality in factories and constructing some forum where consensus can be agreed by negotiation.
(203) So, we were hardly novices at the print and publishing game, both conventionally and electronically.
(204) Some weeks later, another meeting with the Reichmanns took place in which the new owner of my publishing company participated.
(205) Neither television nor the publishing establishment were blind to the possibilities.
(206) Other publishing houses in other countries will naturally prefer artists who are already internationally well known.
(207) The government is taking out an injunction against the newspaper to try to stop it publishing a secret report.
(208) And, being designed to treat everything as graphics, it was readily adaptable to applications such as desktop publishing.
(209) Loretta Barrett, our literary agent, was a successful editor at a major publishing company.
(210) This is in marked contrast to desktop publishing programs where almost every element has to be created externally and then imported.
(211) This burst of activity marks a major turnabout in the publishing industry.
(212) They pay for the ads that keep obesity journals publishing.
(213) Universities by contrast have a tradition of publishing and disseminating the results of their research for peer approval.
(214) The company's five-year business plan includes publishing their own partworks while continuing to package continuity series and books.
(215) Well-developed knowledge of all publishing and production procedures and processes. Good knowledge and understanding of distribution management.
(216) Because of the very nature of desktop publishing this should come as no surprise.
(217) It is also helpful to have some knowledge of trends in publishing.
(218) The publishing of misleading advertisements was a contravention of section 47 of the Act.
(219) The new post-Occupation magazines and publishing houses were run from bars.
(220) The craft of writing, the business of publishing, the great mystery of literary success remained to be pursued.
(221) Terms Gordon Wright Publishing of Edinburgh has increased its minimum order on credit invoice to 25 retail value.
(222) When Einstein's centenary came along in 1979 there was a flurry of publishing activity.
(222) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(223) A publishing company named Lucifer was established in 1922, which distributed the writings to an increasing network of New Age groups.
(224) Any delay in publishing an article in Perkin Trans. 1 is on the side of the author.
(225) But Thursday's friendly gesture sat oddly with the government's ban on publishing the report.
(226) Is this a commentary on our reading habits or the publishing industry?
(227) After all, matrix printers were designed to handle typefaces for word processing, not desktop publishing.
(228) This result was an embarrassment following the headlines of January, but there was no hesitation about publishing it.
(229) Just in the past year, the party has banned dozens of books and closed numerous publishing houses.
(230) Many companies use Intranets to distribute internal documents-in effect publishing Web pages for their own private use.
(231) But even notoriously conservative newspaper publishers recognize that the Web is a radical and powerful publishing medium.
(232) Quality, of design and typography rather than editorial matter, is a burning issue as far as desktop publishing is concerned.
(233) The Delegates meet at intervals to determine policy, in particular publishing policy in the academic field.
(234) It is proposed that hypertext systems go some way towards providing students with alternative structures for organizing their knowledge of electronic publishing.
(235) The need to understand design is often heavily stressed during conversations or articles about desktop publishing.
(236) But for publishing, these characteristics take second place to the creative side.
(237) It has begun publishing an annual report providing for the first time a rough indication of how much military hardware Britain exports.
(238) The Sony platform has struck a strong chord among normally highly conservative publishing organisations.
(239) How other institutions will search you out, because publishing an exceptional paper from an unexpected source is more dramatic.
(240) The question of management and legal representation for aspiring new-comers is just as valid in publishing as it is in recording.
(241) A sign of the recession or fear that these impressionable young booksellers might be contaminated by their publishing counterparts in some way?
(242) He is far from dismayed by the prospect of achieving financial independence at a time of a publishing recession.
(243) I can now see that old people are a real pain, wandering around in their leather jackets and publishing offensive material.
(244) He may have done so, but conclusive evidence for this wider publishing role is lacking.
(245) Deborah Manley trained as a social worker but has spent most of her working life in publishing.
(246) Did I make any deals, brush up any publishing contacts?
(247) Even with the addition of the Morning Post to the publishing empire in 1924, Die-hard journalism was fighting a losing battle.
(248) It is often assumed that the world of desktop publishing begins and, for some people, ends with the Apple Macintosh.
(249) Print-on-paper publishing remains the dominant force in the information industry more widely but electronic media have established practical, affordable alternatives.
(250) Dissemination through publication Indeed, the origins of both traditions lay more in publishing activity than in organizing mass political movements.
(251) In his newspaper publishing career, Munsey succeeded in killing off eight or more newspapers.
(252) Within those five years desktop publishing has, or so it seems,[http:///publishing.html] become an integrated part of the electronic office.
(253) In the colonies there were no publishing houses or distribution systems.
(254) Music publishing companies are always alert to the possibility of signing new songwriting talent.
(255) Apple still dominates several computer markets, including graphics and publishing.
(256) Next up the quality ladder is desktop publishing of which much has been written over the past two years.
(257) Treatment of material I have developed a simple analytic treatment which can be applied to the main areas of electronic publishing.
(258) Book publishing is another important aspect of the print media to which private organisations and the government should pay serious attention.
(259) Thus, once text could be copied at the click of a mouse, the traditional publishing industry would face trouble.
(260) Although only a recent development, it is already being used extensively for interactive publishing.
(261) Forman gives us a version of Flynt as an impish, natural man, the Bart Simpson of the adult publishing world.
(262) The economics of electronic publishing have yet to be worked out.
(263) Time Inc., the publishing unit of Time Warner has shown tentative interest in black magazines.
(264) It is recommended for publishing students as it gives a useful background to advanced work.
(265) It is often the case that the quality of the documents produced by some one adopting desktop publishing goes down rather than up.
(266) These include the global hypertext publishing concept, the universal reader concept, and the client-server concept.
(267) Next year, the new publishing firm of Charta will be issuing a complete catalogue of the works of Burri.
(268) Founded in 1981, Softbank concentrated on two domestic markets: publishing and computer-software distribution.
(269) Publishing information as part of everyday business activity and publishing for profit are only two of the three mainstream publishing activities.
(270) Primary Primary publishing remains a strong growth area, with most of the major publishers producing new courses.
(271) Newspaper publishing is capital-intensive, and the product is vulnerable to even short-lived strikes.
(272) They act as a counter balance to the national and global news conveyed by the major publishing empires.
(273) Like vanity publishing, vanity radio is usually not economically beneficial for those who pay for it.
(274) Similarly, desktop publishing packages can take text from a whole range of word processors, graphics packages and other sources.
(275) Whether the conservative, hidebound publishing establishment will treat such works with the seriousness they deserve is of course another matter.
(276) Brailsford and Beach adopt a general view, regarding electronic publishing as the use of computer science and electronics to present information.
(277) Desk-top publishing already promises exciting possibilities for reducing the cost of publishing excavation reports.
(278) I will send you copies of both the Publishing and Collateral Agreements when we have the latter signed and sealed.
(279) In this area there is a surprising lack of desktop publishing software as it is obviously a prime candidate.
(280) However, we are as yet unable to provide the complete simulation of electronic publishing that we have successfully organized for print publishing.
(281) The flat tax is the biggest plank in publishing heir Steve Forbes' platform.
(282) I have been asked to comment particularly on the applicability of some of these to the publishing trade.
(283) Tomorrow's desktop publishing systems certainly won't look like today's page makeup software.
(284) Two-Can is to become one of the early publishing entrants into the multimedia market this spring.
(285) Desktop publishing was only the opening salvo of a fusillade of developments that would change the way people worked.
(286) The development of colour desktop publishing is a classic example of this in action.
(287) The publishing magnate is challenging front-runner Dole by attracting largely middle-class suburban voters seemingly alienated from the political process.
(288) There has been some misunder-standing of our publishing aims.
(289) Specify alias and path for a new publishing point.
(290) He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house.
(291) CAD and desktop publishing continue to be improved with ever new and faster PCs.
(292) Any obituary added runs through the next six editions until the publishing cycle has been completed.
(293) Textbooks represent another major portion of the book publishing industry.
(294) The publishing house reportedly retorted that geographically speaking,[/publishing.html] north China is correct.
(295) Chronological Biography of Fu Baoshi. Shanghai Rarebooks Publishing House, 2004.
(296) The organizer reserves the right to select and edit materials for publishing.
(297) New Dictionary of Social Anthropology ( eds. ), People's Publishing House, 2003.
(298) Some may not fit the specialty of a particular publishing house.




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