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单词 microphone
释义  Related topics: Recordingldoce_223_cmi·cro·phone /ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn $ -foʊn/ ●●○ noun [countable]   TCRa piece of equipment that you speak into to record your voice or make it louder when you are speaking or performing in public 麦克风,话筒,传声器,扩音器 She spoke confidently into the microphone. 她自信地对着麦克风说话。 They searched the room for hidden microphones. 他们在屋里翻找隐藏的话筒。 →5  See picture of megaphone 喇叭筒, microphone 麦克风 →4  See picture of 见图 microphoneExamples from the Corpusmicrophone• Beldock takes her place behind a microphone during morning assembly and surveys 1,200 faces whose heritage spans six continents.• He was handed a microphone, but with an irony that summarised Labour's plight, it failed to work.• The user makes a local call to dial into the Internet, then talks into a microphone.• We shout our hatred of them at public forums and into radio and television microphones.• He sights a bird and aims the microphone in its direction.• In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone.• She can allow speakers to overrun by 20 seconds before cutting off their microphone.• The idea of using two microphones appeals to me because it could stimulate two ears.mi·cro·phone nounChineseSyllable  record to into your equipment piece of a that you Corpus speak




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