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单词 Natural selection
(1) Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
(2) Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation.
(3) Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.
(4) The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.
(5) Instead it will come about through natural selection.
(6) Nabokov, however, denied that natural selection can explain it.
(7) Bacteria show how natural selection builds its defences.
(8) Within its limits, natural selection is an illuminating idea.
(9) The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
(10) No other currency counts in natural selection.
(11) It is all done automatically by ordinary natural selection.
(12) Its history is an object lesson in natural selection.
(13) Dawkins assumes that natural selection will do this selecting job.
(14) This doesn't mean, I hasten to insist, that natural selection is a purely destructive process.
(15) If accurate measurement of quality is in place, natural selection proceeds almost automatically.
(16) Mutation is random; natural selection is the very opposite of random.
(17) That means this belief should be reinforced by natural selection.
(18) The theory of natural selection remains the key to our understanding of the natural world.
(19) Natural selection, the cumulative development of more efficient replicators in a competitive situation(), is certainly an important factor in evolution.
(20) These arguments would not convince a student of natural selection.
(21) For most of the time natural selection must act as a policeman rather than as an architect.
(22) They fit the animal's information-gathering equipment to particular problems and, presumably, they have been subject to natural selection during evolution.
(23) As new species in the course of time are formed through natural selection, others will become rarer.
(24) But the histone H4 document hasn't just been copied, it has been subjected to natural selection.
(25) It is because their hybrids do not survive the scrutiny of natural selection.
(26) The most important mechanism for achieving such self-consistency is natural selection.
(27) Many giant dinosaurs, therefore, would have been very successful in battle, having an important bearing on natural selection.
(28) A recurrent working hypothesis of gene-culture coevolutionary theory is that the epigenetic rules are shaped by natural selection over many generations.
(29) The implication is that it is somehow self-evident that anything so wonderful as this could not possibly have evolved by natural selection.
(30) More important is Huxley's own attitude to the theory of natural selection.
(1) Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
(2) Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation.
(31) Biologists disagree about whether natural selection makes increased complexity probable or improbable.
(32) Darwin's vera causa argumentation shows that natural selection is not tautologous for one reason, ultimately.
(33) In these terms, the original puzzle becomes that of why natural selection does not produce a population consisting entirely of hawks.
(34) They could catch and eat more of their staple diet - worms and insects - surviving in accordance with the laws of natural selection.
(35) This, too, is not unlike certain kinds of natural selection.
(36) This principle of preservation I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection.
(37) Our model, in other words, is strictly a model of artificial selection, not natural selection.
(38) It is therefore possible to give an account of moral altruism by appeal simply to the principle of natural selection.
(39) Any effect that a change in a gene has on its own replication probability is fair game for natural selection.
(40) Natural selection is of traits favourable to the survival, not of individuals, but of successive generations.
(41) Some interpretations, at least, of the hypothesis of natural selection do conflict with the theistic hypothesis on three main counts.
(42) But we have now taught ourselves to see benefits to the organism as incidental, as far as natural selection is concerned.
(43) There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
(44) It was the great achievement of natural selection to explain the even greater variety of living species, including man.
(45) Evolution by natural selection is' the direct negation of organic growth.
(46) If so, much of life is neutral ground upon which natural selection enacts its rare battles.
(47) But as Medawar first pointed out, the natural selection that maintains survival and fertility becomes weaker through the life history.
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(48) Unless such points are maintained, the analogy becomes so strained that little that is distinctive about natural selection remains.
(49) All over the world, natural selection had responded to the new challenge.
(50) They provide most impressive demonstrations of the power of natural selection to put together good designs.
(51) The analogy between scientific progress and genetic evolution by natural selection has been illuminated especially by Sir Karl Popper.
(52) Spontaneous natural selection requires an advanced level of organization at the micro-biological stage.
(53) The Natural Selection offers a helping hand to extend the spirit of a free world.
(54) Natural selection favours those genes that manipulate the world to ensure their own propagation.
(55) The descendants of a very few, transformed by natural selection, make up the world today.
(56) It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory.
(57) It is dangerous to suppose that natural selection wants this or that.
(58) Any adaptation in a male which enables him to copulate with more females will be strongly favoured by natural selection.
(59) Apparently, natural selection favored creatures that could get rid of these tiny quantities of ethanol.
(60) Variety is the raw material of evolution, used up as natural selection takes its course.
(61) Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, stressed the role of competition.
(62) So natural selection pushes the population even further towards the Always Defect extreme.
(63) And is natural selection the only factor to account for the observed apparent improvement in biological adaptation and complexity?
(64) The difficulty with natural selection which Taylor raises repeatedly is that it explains evolution by chance.
(65) Natural selection does not properly claim that more complex organisms will be favoured.
(66) Natural selection favours the habit in stickleback males because female sticklebacks will only mate with territorial males.
(67) As far as Poulton was concerned, the fact that many animals possessed protective coloration proved the effectiveness of natural selection.
(68) Thus, the logic of natural selection ceased favoring the extremely mild strains and now increasingly favored the most aggressive ones.
(69) Natural selection favoured those ancestral caddis genes that caused their possessors to build effective houses.
(70) The better the host defends, the more natural selection will promote the parasites that can overcome the offense.
(71) And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
(72) The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology[], and therein lies its significance.
(73) Nature experiments through natural selection: the evolutionary process rewards new adaptations that work.
(74) One qualification is that some evolutionary changes occur by chance, without natural selection.
(75) In that case, evolution by natural selection occurred, but did not create a new species.
(76) Are we simply following some algorithm-no doubt favoured over other less effective possible algorithms by the powerful process of natural selection?
(77) These create a combinatorial explosion of possible genotypes on which natural selection acts.
(78) The final multifaceted perfection of mimicry has been put together by the summed natural selection provided by many different species of predators.
(79) Natural selection, which normally works on the margins(http://), suddenly alters the core of the system.
(80) It follows from all this that natural selection can not be the sole explanation of evolutionary change.
(81) Both would interfere with the natural process of evolution and natural selection which ensured social progress.
(82) It may seem odd that sterile animals can evolve a variety of forms, but this too comes from indirect natural selection.
(83) Aggression would have given a survival advantage in cave dweller days and earlier and so would have been favored by natural selection.
(84) I am not convinced that the principle of natural selection alone makes the emergence of rational beings probable.
(85) Its laws are as elegant as is the idea of natural selection.
(86) It has, therefore, through natural selection, become part of the behavioural repertoire of the house martins.
(87) But what about the caddis house? Natural selection favoured those ancestral caddis genes that caused their possessors to build effective houses.
(88) He concluded that these expressions evolved through natural selection.
(89) Evolving through natural selection is about time and numbers.
(90) Why should it prevail against natural selection?
(91) Natural selection is a grim natural reaper.
(92) Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection?
(93) Natural selection has tended to reduce this randomization.
(94) the theory of natural selection, first propounded by Charles Darwin.
(95) The root cause of these can explain by the Lysenkoism of natural selection of Darwin.
(96) It affords, says Morgan, " a good'illustration of the operation of the principle of natural selection. "
(97) The scientific endeavour itself is founded on values which natural selection would have seemed unlikely to foist on a bunch of violent, gregarious upright apes.
(98) Thinkers as far back as Empedocles, a Greek philosopher born in 490BC, are known to have suggested that natural selection might explain why animals were adapted to their surroundings.
(99) From this drunken riot of claims, however, Dr. Akey believes that it is reasonable to assume that any region identified in two or more scans is probably under natural selection.
(100) This shift is rapid and does not depend on natural selection.
(101) The grand mediocrity of today everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.
(102) English natural scientist whose 'On the Origin of Species' formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882).
(103) Natural selection can also, sometimes an agent of genetic uniformity.
(104) Next symbiosis became a major mover and shaker feeding off the change produced by natural selection.
(105) Although it was gone through evolution by artificial selection and natural selection, Allium tuberosum kept little differentiation from Allium ramosum .
(106) Some divergence may be attributable solely to natural selection of landrace traits, other differences may be attributable to selective breeding .
(107) The Linnaean Society of London listens to the reading of a composite paper on how natural selection accounts for the evolution and variety of species.
(108) All life appears to be designed, and evolutionists have failed to adequately explain why. Adaptation to environmental changes, mutations, and natural selection has not validated macroevolution .
(109) When he conceived of natural selection, he didn't plan a 10-volume lifework.
(110) The trick is not to allow Pseudomonas to use natural selection as a weapon against us.
(111) In this case, natural selection would tend to add to the stature of the plant.
(112) Frequency-dependent selection - A form of natural selection in which the fitness of an individual's genes is dependent upon the relative frequency of that gene in the population.
(113) In this paper, proposed a Evolution Strategies to EEG source localization, which based on the agamogenesis natural selection of biology.
(114) Organisms can also develop detoxication mechanism for excreting Al and the internal equilibrium protection mechanism by mutation, natural selection and self-organized latent energy.
(115) The development of species was the result of natural selection.
(116) The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed, and natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation.
(117) He agonised over whether the exquisite beauty of life on earth was worth the pain of natural selection.
(118) Its credibility depends largely on the reflected glamour of natural selection which biology proper is said to legitimise.
(119) Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.
(120) Alfred Russel Wallace was young and brash. When he conceived of natural selection, he didn't plan a 10-volume lifework.
(121) The assumption of belief in God being favored by natural selection is sophomoric.
(122) The result, once natural selection had done its work over the course of millions of years, was the now familiar cast of Allosaurus, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex.
(123) As regards natural selection, depigmentation allows greater penetration of the skin by ultraviolet B (UVB), which is needed to synthesise previtamin D3.
(124) Along with English botanist Joseph Hooker, Lyell was one of a small handful of people Darwin had shown early drafts of his own work on natural selection.
(125) The British philosopher Herbert Spencer described this struggle as "survival of the fittest." But biologists use the term "natural selection" to describe the evolutionary process.
(126) Nature grants long periods of time for the work of natural selection.
(127) On Ray's first run of Tierra, random variation, death, and natural selection worked.
(128) Rudimentary organs, from being useless, are not regulated by natural selection, and hence are variable.
(129) The grand mediocrity of today--everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring--means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribe.
(130) Natural selection has led to the reduction of this male canine tooth very, very early in time, right at the base of our branch of the family tree.
(131) Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a global optional algorithm, which is based on the random seeking of the theory of evolution, natural selection and the theory of inheritance.
(132) Natural selection merely selects away the deformed wing, the unseeing eye.
(133) In the space of all possible computation and learning, then, natural selection holds a special position. It occupies the extreme point where information transfer is minimized.
(134) Abundant work over the past four decades has begun to show that self-organisation plays a role along with natural selection in the order in biology.
(135) From a Darwinist perspective, some anthropologists believe that men were attracted to women with pale skin for reasons having to do with natural selection.
(136) These signals are then acted on by natural selection to minimize risk to the signaler.
(137) Cloud beginning snow heart is unclear embarrassment, to the Jin natural selection, she actually nowise understands and knows not a entity.
(138) From prolonged thought and study, he was able to intuit how evolution worked without having access to all the subsequent scientific knowledge that others required to be convinced of natural selection.
(139) Most critics of natural selection concede that Darwin survival of the fittest right.
(140) What was true of the hypothesis of the research?A) Our apelike ancestors were anatomically different but had the same gaits. B) Bipeds with natural selection had an advantage over quadruped.
(141) Natural selection becomes now the overall name for inequalities of survival or of productive rate.
(142) He suggested that bees which make hexagonal cells evolved in steps from bees that made round cells, under pressure from natural selection to economise wax.
(143) The Darwin natural selection theory thought that it is promotes the organic evolution the important attribute.
(144) Herbert Spencer, in the decade after Darwin, summarised natural selection as "survival of the fittest" – a slogan -Darwin only later adopted.
(145) Genetic algorithm is a search algorithm based on mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. It uses probabilistic transition rules to guide itself toward an optimum solution.
(146) In sharp contrast to the Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection.
(147) This article supports the role of purge of recessive deleterious allele, our results show that under self-fertilization, deleterious recessive alleles can be purged more quickly by natural selection.
(148) Darwin used the term natural selection for this process of discrimination.
(149) Through natural selection, weeds have developed efficient mechanisms of root and snoot growth.
(150) All base their arguments on the same tenets of natural selection.
(151) Now the core of natural selection is the claim that phenotypic traits are selected for their adaptivity, that is, for their effect on fitness.
(152) And over time, the economic analogue of natural selection operates as the market determines which firms are profitable and which are unprofitable, and tends to winnow out the latter.
(153) Natural selection is a slower process with man than with any other creature.
(154) Because the risk is so much lower, Nunney argues, natural selection cannot drive the spread of new defenses against retinoblastoma.




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