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单词 hail
释义  hail1 /heɪl/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive] to describe someone or something as being very good 把…称赞为,把…誉为hail somebody/something as something Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece. 朗的第一部电影立即就被誉为杰作。be hailed something The new service has been hailed a success. 新推出的服务被认为很成功。 A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children. 今晚,一位青年因为救了两个孩子而被称为英雄。2  [transitive]HELLO to call to someone in order to greet them or try to attract their attention 呼喊;大声招呼 She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby. 她探出窗户向一个路人大喊。hail a cab/taxi The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you. 酒店的门童会替你叫出租车的。3  it hails if it hails, small balls of ice fall like rain 下冰雹 It’s windy and hailing outside. 外面风很大,还下着冰雹。4 hail from something phrasal verb old-fashioned COME FROM/ORIGINATEto have been born in a particular place 出生于 And where do you hail from? 你在哪里出生?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushail• She raised her hand to hail a cab but the Paris traffic was zooming by at its usual break-neck pace.• Rachel left the office and ran out on to Des Voeux, hailing a taxi to take her home.• Two decades later, it was home to more than 100 boys and was hailed as a model facility for troubled youth.• Induction cooking has been hailed by many as the cooking revolution.• The 2-hour meeting was hailed by some as the beginning of the end of the crisis.• Only these taxis should be hailed in the streets.• Some would prefer to be hailing New Jersey Sen.hail a cab/taxi• At the third attempt I gave up and hailed a taxi.• He wanted it all to go smoothly right down to hailing a taxi.• He hailed a cab and went to the Montrose.• She raised her hand to hail a cab but the Paris traffic was zooming by at its usual break-neck pace.• CabCharge customers can phone or hail cabs displaying a distinctive blue decal.• McCready waited ten minutes, strolled to the cab rank on Tunistrasse and hailed a cab for Bonn.• Converse walked the several blocks to Pasteur Street and hailed a taxi, taking care not to signal with the Offending Gesture.• Rachel left the office and ran out on to Des Voeux, hailing a taxi to take her home.Related topics: Naturehail2 noun  1  [uncountable]DN frozen raindrops which fall as hard balls of ice 雹,冰雹 heavy showers of rain and hail 夹着冰雹的阵阵大雨► see thesaurus at rain2  a hail of bullets/stones etc PMWa large number of bullets, stones etc that are thrown or fired at someone 一阵弹雨/像雹子般袭来的石块等 The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire. 飞机遭到一阵炮火的袭击。3  a hail of criticism/abuse etc CRITICIZEa lot of criticism etc 一顿痛批/痛骂等 The proposals met with a hail of criticism. 这些建议遭到一阵痛批。Examples from the Corpushail• Hail the size of golf balls fell in Andrews, Texas.• He advanced again, but was driven back by a hail of blows.• She ran him off in a hail of pellets.• Houses collapse, hail shatters windshields, lightning fries golfers.• She conducted me from the hail.• A distant cousin had once ended up in the hail.Origin hail1 Old English hagal, hægl hail2 1. (1200-1300) HAIL32. Old English hagalian, from hagal; → HAIL1hail1 verbhail2 nounChinese  as something to someone describe or Corpus




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