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单词 autopsy
释义  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etc, Deathau·top·sy /ˈɔːtɒpsi $ ˈɒːtɑːp-/ noun (plural autopsies) [countable] especially American English  an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death 尸体剖检,验尸 SYN British English post mortem an autopsy report 验尸报告Examples from the Corpusautopsy• It was the smoke, an autopsy revealed, that killed Evan, not injuries from the crash.• Often the police were vindicated before autopsies were completed.• Appalling Others show real-life autopsies, filmed for medical purposes, showing the removal of human eyes, tongues and scalps.• He conceded to Franceschelli that actually being present during the autopsy might have given him better information to form an opinion.• If she died of a drug overdose, it will show up in the autopsy.• Clark based his opinions on reviews of the autopsy reports and other information from the case.• If that had happened to Riddle, when Franks performed the autopsy he would find it.Origin autopsy (1600-1700) Greek autopsia “act of seeing with your own eyes”, from auto- ( → AUTO-) + opsis “sight”au·top·sy nounChineseSyllable  body an to a dead examination Corpus of




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