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单词 South china sea
1. The ship beat about, and headed for South China Sea.
2. Trouble is brewing in the South China Sea.
3. Lee, a native of the South China Sea people.
4. Kuroshio; Intrusion; South China Sea; Counter current; cyclonic circulation.
5. Consider Malaysia's South China Sea island of Tioman.
6. They come from a south china sea north.
7. How is the situation in the South China Sea?
8. The power balance in the South China Sea also has an enormous impact on security in Japan's surrounding waters, namely the East China Sea and Philippine Sea.
9. At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea.
10. The South China Sea Islands are made up of the East Sand Islands, West Sand Islands, Middle Sand Islands, South Sand Islands and Yellow Rock Island.
11. Q: The Philippines plans to rename the South China Sea as "West Philippine Sea".
12. The 169 000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.
13. The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other.
14. Shankou mangrove reserve is the conservation of marine vascular plant ecosystem diversity in South China Sea.
15. On Monday, US Senator Jim Webb urged Congress to condemn China's recent behaviour, saying that Washington has been too weak-kneed on the South China Sea issue.
16. Yet Mrs Clinton has laid a trap for Beijing the South China Sea.
17. Mr. Aquino said the ship will be used, among other purposes, to guard exploration efforts in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.
18. The two nations also have stakes in ensuring sea-lane security, as well as shared concerns about Chinese access to the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
19. The existence of this branch is of prime significance for the South China Sea hydrographic structure, water self-purification and air-sea heat transfer.
20. As a response we're saber rattling with our Naval muscle in the south China Sea and Korean Peninsula.
21. Based on the method of composite analysis, the onset process of summer monsoon over South China Sea (SCS) is investigated.
22. The enhanced U.S. presence may serve as a counterweight to China as it asserts territorial rights to the oil-rich South China Sea that are disputed by other Asian nations.
23. Radiolaria in surface sediments from 100 stations in the South China Sea are analysed and 276 species are identified.
24. The accuracies of latent heat flux (LHF) and sensible heat flux (SHF) in South China Sea (SCS) are needed to check firstly because of the poor quality of datasets.
25. An actual model is designed for W12-1 offshore production platform sited in South China Sea using this method and a satisfactory result is obtained.
26. Radiolarian distribution in surface sediments of the northern and central South China Sea.
27. Paleocene - Eocene terrigenous deposits, deposited in grabens and half-grabens, constituted the lower tectonic layer of the sedimentary basins of South China Sea.
28. Consistent with customary international law, legitimate claims to maritime space in the South China Sea should be derived solely from legitimate claims to land features.
29. Which an amphibious landing exercise near the location of the South China Sea area.
30. Based on data collected during the TOGA cruises No. 1-5 and 8, and scientist research of the south China Sea, analysis is made on the air sea heat exchange over the Tropical Western Pacific.
31. It consists of two geographical regions, West and East Malaysia, divided by the South China Sea.
32. In 1988, the low frequency eddies over middle and high latitudes propagate southward to the South China Sea although the wave train is not so active as in 1985.
33. A spokesman for President Benigno Aquino said Monday that henceforth, his government will refer to the area of the South China Sea surrounding the disputed Spratly Islands as the West Philippine Sea.
34. The propagation paths of tidal waves from the Pacific to the northern South China Sea and the regional distributions of sea bottom sand ridges and sand ripples are described.
35. Vietnam is also buying six Kilo-class submarines from Russia to help expand its reach in the South China Sea and also help counteract China's growing naval power.
36. The eight-day exercise is being held in the South China Sea, where both navies will conduct maritime surveillance, air defense and anti-submarine warfare exercises.
37. The dragon had gone to the South China Sea to host a rainmaking ceremony.
38. What other nationality is chugging around in the South China Sea?
39. Carrier Strike Group 11 ships and aircraft lead by the USS Nimitz (far left) operate in formation in the South China Sea.
40. The tuned ages for several planktonic foraminifer bio-events also agree well with published dates, and new ages for some other bio-events in the South China Sea were also estimated.
41. In spring, when the South China Sea Water influenced this study area, most tintinnid ciliate species were randomly distributed through out the water column.
42. The formation, development, and distribution of reef facies carbonate rocks were controlled in extensity by the South China Sea evolution tectonic setting and great deltas coming from continents.
43. And the South China Sea in various property management companies have signed term contracts.
44. A peninsula of western Luzon, Philippines, between Manila Bay and the South China Sea.
45. China stands ready to make concerted efforts with all relevant parties to implement the DOC and safeguard peace and stability of the South China Sea in real earnest.
46. The Philippines just demanded the South China Sea be called "the Philippine Sea.
47. Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Environmental Dynamics, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
48. After the Clinton shock, which all Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries secretly cheered, China appeared to have been isolated on the issue of territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
49. The United States should also join Indonesia and Vietnam in protesting China's expansive U-shaped claim of sovereignty in the South China Sea.
50. The recent carbonate sediments of the South China Sea are mainly biogenous.
51. The dispute stems from a standoff Sunday in the South China Sea , where U.
52. Adjacent to the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangzhou is the regional center, transport hub and trading port[http:///south china sea.html], as well as the largest coastal city in southern China.
53. "Our country's biggest maritime patrol ship patrols the South China Sea, " said a headline in the official Beijing Daily.
54. Cheung Chau is a beautiful, fascinating South China Sea island, in western Hong Kong.
55. That was the early spring in 1998, in a room very close to the South China Sea, I wrote the essay "In the ethereal divinities", that is the afterword in my poetry collection "The homeland of heart".
56. JYC the South China Sea Shanhua pneumatic components factory automation components honorary launch the brand.
57. The factory located in the Pearl Island machining center - the South China Sea.
58. On the basis of resistivity, sonic logging, density data and geology data in ODP184, there exist gas hydrates in the continental slope of the South China Sea.
59. Japan, meanwhile, has its own strategic interests in the South China Sea, which is a critical sea lane through which 90 percent of its imported oil passes.
60. Since the middle Miocene, the South China Sea had subducted beneath the Philippine Sea Plate along the Manila Trench, and the subduction prism came into being.
61. Distribution of nutritional composition in muscle tissue was analyzed for rough-toothed dolphin ( Steno bredanensis) from the South China Sea coast.
62. After all, the South China Sea is a recognized international waterway, unlike the Sea of Okhotsk.
63. Besides, China has recently sent a maritime patrol ship to Singapore. Is this action conducive to peace and stability of the South China Sea?
64. Borders the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea.
65. A hosepipe fight between US and Chinese sailors in the South China Sea has put a temporary dampener on the feelgood glow created by secretary of state Hillary Clinton's recent Beijing visit.
66. This is the website of South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS.
67. The development of South China Sea warm pool is closely related to the gyre activities in the sea and imported warm water from Indian ocean (Java Sea) besides radiative warming.
68. The Chinaware was recovered from a shipwreck in the South China Sea.
69. South that inscribes " the horizon ", " the cape ", "south a day column ", " the sea sentences the day " the megalith to tower shore of the South China Sea, for Hainan one certainly.
70. Of the 74,000 vessels, carrying one-third of global seaborne trade, that passed through the Strait of Malacca last year, most also plied the South China Sea.
71. What are China's territorial rights in the South China Sea?
72. Marine sediments on the continental slope of the NE South China Sea have appropriate thickness, methane-generating potential, and occur in a suitable pressure temperature regime to host gas hydrate.
73. The South China Sea monsoon bursts earlier, the formation and landing numbers of tropical cyclones are less and their active time is shorter in the peak year of sunspot.
74. During the past eighteen months, China and some of its neighbors have criticized each other for claiming territorial rights in the South China Sea.
75. Rangea broad : East Africa to northern South China Sea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and New Caledonian.
76. Tensions between China and Vietnam escalated over the weekend as each nation accused the other of violating its sovereignty in the oil-rich South China Sea.
77. There may be many deep submarine fans with excellent prospectiveness of hydrocarbon exploration in South China Sea, with LW 3-1 gas field discovered in Baiyun sag, Pearl River Mouth basin.
78. The analysis approach was verified in the drilling of 5 wells at an offshore drilling platform in Weizhou, South China Sea in November, 1997. The comparison of the ...
79. The South China Sea Fane is a nonesuch which syncretizes of Ling Nan culture and culture of china and occident.
80. From advocating a more aggressive military posture in the South China Sea to denouncing the Chinese government's continued purchase and holding of U.
81. In 2002 won the South China Sea area " Education and Lifetime Achievement Award. "
82. Q: Vietnam carried out live ammunition military drill yesterday in the South China Sea. What is China's comment?
83. This paper is based on photographs which were detected by a colour-sounder surveying demersal fishes and DSL rhythmic vertical migration in the northern part 'area of South China Sea.
84. Separately, the US and the Philippines are holding joint military drill in the adjacent waters of the South China Sea. What is China's comment?
85. Japan and the Philippines held consultations, declaring a joint interest in sea-lane security in the South China Sea.
86. China has claimed mineral rights around the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea and argued that foreign navies cannot sail through the area without Beijing's permission.
87. Its repeated claims over all of the South China Sea and ostentatious sailing of a small flotilla between Japanese islands all add to a deepening sense of unease in Tokyo.
88. A! simple mindedness to the bottom of the South China Sea.
89. Physical - biological oceanographic coupling influencing phytoplankton and primary production in the South China Sea.
90. Even as he draws a long arc across history, he does not find a way to explain China's more recent actions, from economic mercantilism to its aggressive posture in the South China Sea.
91. When the typhoon comes, in other ships hide time, is precisely the South China Sea Rescue Bureau's salving vessel busiest time.
92. The South China Sea has already been declared a "core national interest," and deep-water ports are projected in Pakistan, Burma and Sri Lanka.
93. The main fracture of the western margin fault zone of the South China Sea is originated from the Mesozoic basement fault, continuously developed into dextral strike-slip fault zone in Cenozoic.
94. The Philippines recognizes that critical to the peace and stability of the West Philippine Sea is the full and faithful implementation of the ASEAN-China DOC on the South China Sea.




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