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单词 kleptomaniac
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryklep·to·ma·ni·ac /ˌkleptəˈmeɪniæk/ (also klepto /ˈkleptəʊ $ -toʊ/ informal) noun [countable]  MPsomeone suffering from kleptomania 有盗窃癖的人,偷窃狂Examples from the Corpuskleptomaniac• Okay, so I was looking for a politically active, fat, drunk kleptomaniac.• She must be some kind of kleptomaniac -- she can't go into a bar without coming out with a stack of glasses.• For about the hundredth time, I cursed whatever kleptomaniac curmudgeon had walked off the train with my bag.klep·to·ma·ni·ac nounChineseSyllable  kleptomania Corpus someone from suffering




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