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单词 Inversion
1. But three properties do remain unaltered by inversion.
2. An appropriate inversion becomes a deconstructive displacement.
3. Although the inversion rate was low for both age groups, it was significantly lower for the eight-year-olds than for the five-year-olds.
4. So in three dimensions inversion turns an infinite plane into a finite sphere in a one-to-one mapping of every point.
5. Odour emissions are affected by wind direction, temperature inversion, ambient temperatures and humidity.
6. Interest in the scientific potential of the inversion layer was awakened in the late 1950s.
7. A maximum inversion of - 2500 m over the offshore part of Cleveland Hills High is recognised.
8. The systematic inversion practised by the hypocrite is brought out by Shakespeare, almost with an admiration for its trickery.
9. Either reversibility by inversion or reciprocity is sufficient to ensure understanding.
10. For example, inversion to Hospitals, Military will cause this heading to file alongside other headings commencing with the word Hospitals.
11. The effects of the inversion decreases southeastwards and can not be seen at all in the south of Quadrant 53.
12. However inversion would not appear to be particularly appropriate given the actual data involved in this case.
13. A stultifying inversion has snuffed out some of the most ambitious air-quality bills in the Legislature this year.
14. What inversion of values makes us to look upon such aberrations as though they were a reflection of natural laws?
15. The patterns displayed are broadly similar with inversion maxima of - 1500 m recognised on both interpretations.
16. Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
17. the inversion of normal word order.
18. This operation is called inversion and is symbolized i.
19. This inversion of power is indefensible.
20. Nipple inversion is quite common in normal breasts.
21. Anaphase bridges were used as indicators of inversion heterozygosity.
22. The ridge regression method is applied to impedance inversion.
23. A chord of C major with E in the bass is in the 1 st inversion.
24. This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication.
25. It can be used to encourage competition on a racecourse and, by inversion(), to reduce aggression in public places.
26. This simple model assumes no increase in heat flow to accompany the inversion event.
27. Faulting is therefore mostly of Jurassic age although during the late Cretaceous it formed the locus for strong inversion and fault-block readjustment.
28. Those who have never been up a mountain when temperature inversion is at work have missed the most splendid sight.
29. But he also deconstructs the melody,(http://) subjects it to counterpoint and inversion and renders it in ragtime rhythm.
30. Taking place on the trading floor was a strange inversion that be-came more apparent the longer management failed to grasp events.
31. The temperature inversion frequency gets highest in winter.
32. A series of generalized inversion methods and solution assessment index based on generalized inverse of matrix are proposed.
33. Ultraviolet laser - induced ferroelectric domain inversion in nearly - stoichiometric LiTaO 3 was investigated.
34. Inversion results of field data indicate that OCCAM algorithm is characterized by good stability, high accuracy and strong resolution, and can automatically invert shear wave velocity and thickness.
35. Step 5: According to the sound spectrum , inversion of time-domain graphics.
36. A circuit structure with systolic array is introduced in this paper in order to accelerate the speed of matrix inversion, which is quite prone to implement.
37. In these examples, one can not only solve the inversion problems by the method of explicit function, but also make the calculation simple and the result accurate.
38. A transformation that is most useful in the application of the hodograph method is the inversion transformation.
39. The meter adopts embedded computer PCM3370E as the system core for control and data processing, to realize laser, photon counter and gating circuit timing control and visibility inversion.
40. The calcium borate product was prepared with natural ulexite powder, through hydrothermal depolymerization and phase inversion.
41. In this paper, an updating algorithm is proposed for matrix inversion in decorrelating and MMSE algorithm with randomly-accessing users in DS/CDMA system.
42. Using matrix splitting and relaxation method of matrix inversion, two new sparse approximate inverse preconditioners or preconditioning methods are proposed.
43. Enhancement of the second harmonic signal in biological tissues with the pulse inversion technique is herein analyzed, based on the theory of the finite amplitude sound wave.
44. The nighttime radiation cooling was obvious and there occurred temperature inversion around the ground with the air stratification being stable.
45. The resolution of groundwater will be improved if GPR is able to make use of amplitude-frequency information and RS has theoretical progress in quantitative multi-constrained inversion.
46. Mostly applying the STRATA velocity inversion section predicts the distributed field of reefs depth.
47. The continuous radar sounding data show that the radar sounding echoes appear obvious discrepancy when the weather conditions are not alike and the intensity of inversion layer are different.
48. The inversion is detected at twice about the height of 2000 m aircraft ascending and descending on 25 May 1991. There is a peak value of liquid water content(LWC) below the top of the inversion layer.
49. At present, technologies such as liner inversion system , HDPE tube interpenetration, pipe explosion methods etc.
50. An inversion analysis method for improvement of CCD imaging resolution is proposed.
51. In rare instances, " inversion " cannibalism has also occurred.
52. A three-dimensional linearized elastodynamic inversion method to reconstruct the shape of scatterer has been investigated in this paper.
53. For this reason, the inversion of Q-value for weathered layer is necessary.
54. The Meso Cenozoic Jiyang depression is an assemblage of the negative inversion basin, dextral transtensional basin and active rift with four evolutionary phases.
55. The precision of wave impedance inversion can be improved by applying the new genetic algorithm.
56. The application of DSP in the inversion system is expounded in detail, as well as sampling and control sequence.
57. The atmospheric refractivity profiles below the height of the GPS receiver are obtained with this inversion technique, as well as the bending angle of rays.
58. In London, Tokyo, New York and other cites, a weather condition called a temperature inversion allows smog to hang over the city for several days at a time.
59. The results indicate that the changes of cold and warm levels in the inversion layer and the change of low-middle humidity are the main factors which generate freezing rain.
60. Wave impedance inversion is essential in predicting reservoir properties and sand-body distribution, and plays an important role in seismic survey.
61. A stable microemulsion of Chinese lacquer(MECL) was prepared with a phase inversion by blending the polymer emulsions of polyvinyl formal(PVFM) and styrene-acrylate copolymer(SA).
62. And thirdly with stochastic subspace inversion method it reduces the number of dimensions of inversion.
63. The effective range of linearized equation is examined. A set of radiosonde data is numerically inverted. Several factors that influence the inversion accuracy, and the limitation of remote sensing ...
64. By introducing the prior information constraint in the objective function, we can solve the ill-posed problem and band-limited problem for the impedance inversion.
65. The magnetic field data generated by a square current coil was used to verify electromagnetic inversion process, and the result agreed with that of the model created by ANSYS.
66. By using the Tikhonov Regularization numerical inversion of black body radiation are discussed.
67. In the paper, inversion methods of Lame constant are introduced and used actually in the inversion of 4D seismic monitoring data.
68. The PVA CA blend ultrafiltration membranes were prepared by phase inversion from the casting solution consisting of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA), cellulose acetate(CA), acetic acid and water.
69. An arithmetic unit, which can perform all dual Galois fields' arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, squaring, inversion and division, is designed for the ECC.
70. This material inversion excites irregular, and as a consequence passionate, concern.
71. This is a sample SPL application that initializes the MATLAB runtime, performs a matrix inversion via the ml::inv function, and finalizes the MATLAB runtime.
72. The necessary population inversion can be achieved in a variety of ways.
73. The linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) algorithm based on the power inversion array and its iterative formula are deduced in the paper, which avoids the complexities of matrix inversion.
74. The flow structure and the phase inversion have great influence on the flow measurement in vertical and inclined upward oil-water two-phase flow.
75. That the Japanese, in thrall to China from time immemorial, should try to subjugate their vast neighbor seemed an inversion of the cosmic order.
76. Facts are capable of such curious inversion and interpretation, honest and otherwise.
77. A method of gravity inversion for calculating basement of sedimentary basin using the data of seismic velocity spectrum, gravity anomalies, and water depth was built up.
78. Geophysical inversion is a computational process to restore subsurface geological structures and petrophysical properties from observed geophysical data.
79. According to the characters of Dynamic Inversion method in making multivariable control system decoupling, we design a set of control law for every direct lift control mode.
80. The data were processed by means of both finite difference inversion and refractor wavefront imaging technique in terms of Hagedoorn principle and the fine upper crustal structure was determined.
81. Affection of Arc - weld Inversion Power's Frequency on Weld Grain's Thinning.
82. The method is applied to study a double BSR in the eastern Nankai accretionary wedge, and the results show that the full waveform inversion is an important tool for gas hydrate research.
83. Above the inversion point the temperature in the bore hole decreases as the depth decreases.
84. In terms of the temperature inversion algorithms, background noise subtraction and the wavelet denoising algorithm are used to enhance the signal to noise ratio.
85. Maintenance-free brushless drive motor with frequency inversion, has high start torque and short acceleration time.
86. However inversion will bring the problems of multiple solutions. Therefore, we established CBM fracturing parameter database. In this way, we solved the multirole-solution of method of inversion.
87. Stainless steel composite strips were made by using inversion casting method and then rolled. The differences of the microstructures and shear strength were studied.
88. The fast subsystem control law is designed by dynamic inversion.
89. The mechanisms of one foreshock and four aftershocks of Yushu earthquake were determined by the wavelet domain inversion method.
90. The hardware implementation of arbitrary dimension matrix inversion would have more widely application prospect in digital signal processing field.
91. These are three major parts: well - log inversion volumetric analysis , broadband - constrained inversion, and lithology - constrained inversion.
92. Another nonlinear inversion controller was designed for the slow variables. It allows the pilot to control the slow dynamics, the angle of attack, side-slip angle and the velocity bank angle.
93. Polar vectors and axial vectors are distinguished by their inversion properties.
94. Seismic inversion problems must be solved by non linear global optimization methods.
95. The mission of computer is to limit the defect error, suppress the accidental error and minimizes the influence of these errors to the inversion result.
96. The present study was aimed at verifying the influence of chromosome 9 inversion on human spermatogenesis.
97. This book is made up of 6 chapters - comparisons , relatives, negatives, subjunctive mood, inversion, and exercises.
98. Seismic impedance inversion throve from the 70s of 20 century, and change conventional seismic data into lithology data, which provide important information for oil-gas prospecting.
99. The spontaneous emission spectrum is numerically calculated by using harmonic expansion and matrix inversion.
100. A pressure predicting model is established by synthetically using the data of seism, well logging and well drilling in combination with statistical matching method and nonlinear inversion.
101. We have then to find not only a simple act of transcendence but a double inversion.
102. The remanent displacement method is presented in this paper using the kinematic inversion for position analysis of over two-grade Planar Linkages.
103. The results of filtering and then inversion for the surveyed data show that it is feasible and useful to carried out filtering on apparent resistivity data.
104. PES and SPSF base membranes were prepared by the phase inversion process using polyethersulfone and the blend of sulfonated polysulfone and polyethersulfone respectively.
105. We use Fortran 90 to program the homologous programs, and try to calculate the affection of different burial depth, section length, dot pitch and magnetic intensity to the inversion of the same model.
106. The deep inversion layer is actually the transitional level of NE and SW wind.
107. An analysis is also made of the stratification curve of the lower tropical atmosphere and an inversion layer also existing in the tropical atmosphere is indicated.
108. A new type of method for estimating extinction efficient boundary values with least square fitting for inversion of slant angle lidar measurement is reported.
109. The undulation shape of inversion interface can be correlated to that of sounding data at known borehole, the average depth error being 10%, and the minimum depth error being 2% only.
110. In order to protect tea plants from frost damage in early spring, it is necessary to know temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of near ground temperature under temperature inversion.
111. The lamp house has been installed standard light sources, with all in their fixed position, they can't be inversion.
112. The lithology seismic inversion technique utilizes logging data with high vertical resolution, and accomplishes the constrained inversion of seismic data nearby wells.
113. Inversion of the tank results from the unstable condition of a single support.
114. The inversion method of apparent amplitude frequency data was introduced.
115. Inversion results show that quick calculation, steady convergence, little request for inversion starter and veracious results are the characteristics of this method.
116. The 32 major anomalies consisted of 19 reciprocal translocations, 9 Robertsonian translocations, one large inversion, two triple-X females, and one Turner mosaicism.
117. The relations of impurity profile in the inversion layer and the maximum channel potential versus dose,() width of SiO_2 and gate bias are analysed.
118. There are much better compression algorithms; this is just a demonstration of how inversion lists can be applied to wider channels than a single bit string.
119. A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where air temperature increases with height.
120. If, at the time , the British had not feared inversion, it would have been completed.
121. The resistivity images derived from the data inversion shows good geological results in the analysis of hydrocarbon distribution and reservoir recovery states between wells.
122. The babies with the inversion were born with no phenotypic abnormalities.
123. Based on the principle of the spatial inversion, this paper proposes a new method of determining the stroke of the slide block of the spatial slider-crank mechanism by way of descriptive geometry.
124. The other problem in seismic inversion is that the frequency information and amplitude real value recorded by seismograph are incomplete and severely absent.
125. The GA inversion algorithm is valuable for both NMR core analysis and NMR log interpretation.
126. It includes 6 chapters : Comparisons, Relatives , Negatives , Subjunctive Mood , Inversion, and Exercises.
127. The occurrence of temperature inversion leads to the departure of normal temperature gradient.
128. This article analyzes the influence of band spectral response function and band width to land surface temperature inversion.
129. Extended Euclidean Algorithm is selected to realize inversion from the standpoint of saving time.
130. The turbulent characteristics in convective boundary layer topped temperature inversion were numerically investigated in terms of large eddy simulation.
131. The results show that it is feasible to use Lame constant inversion into 4D seismic monitoring.
132. In the present paper, asymmetric PVC/PMMA alloy microfiltration membranes were prepared via alloying of membrane materials and L-S phase inversion.
133. Finally, the causes of formation for the anomalies are probed, and the conclusion is that they are probably produced by atmosphere temperature inversion phenomena, not by the earthquake.
134. But sometimes there is an unusual weather condition called a temperature inversion.
135. Finally, gas - bearing tight sandstone can be effectively identified by inversion of the reasonable log curve reconstruction.
136. For the two-dimensional gate current component originated from the subbands in the inversion layers, a transmission calculation is performed.
137. And the procedure of the inversion method is presented step by step.
138. The PVDF - HFP ( poly vinylidene fluoride - hexafluoropropylene ) porous membrane polymer battery was prepared by a phase inversion process.
139. Constrained sparse spike inversion is conducted to predict the general distribution of reservoirs before GI, and the results including wavelet and 3D acoustic impedance(AI) can be used later.
140. At his core, Swiz is a simple inversion of control framework.
141. The phase inversion characteristics of emulsions can be studied by the standard phase inversion line or dynamic phase inversion line in the formulation-composition maps.
142. The inversion device of high-voltage generator is convenient to assemble, easy to manufacture, and effective to increase work efficiency and reduce false assembly.
143. Chemical laser is characteristically energized by an exoergic chemical reaction which produces the necessary population inversion of lasing species.
144. Inversion of Control ( IoC ) pattern has moved to the center stage recently after a long gestation period.
145. Matrix inversion can be avoided, in comparison with conventional hybrid element, the method is more convenient in practical application.
146. This paper describes the reservoir distribution in wells and predicts 3-D reservoir distribution of Archaeozoic reservoir in the Chengbei-30 burried hill with 3-D seismic inversion.
147. The samples section now contains a matrix inversion example which loads and executes several CUDA kernels to perform a Gauss elimination.Sentencedict
148. You will write a simple MATLAB function that performs matrix inversion.
149. In inversion, the slowness at points on ray path can be calculated by using three order polynomial primary function.
150. Non-linear inversion has more advantages over linear inversion in aspects of solution space's property and state for studying the reservoir with complex wave.
151. Then inversion of the advanced detection is caried out by least square method.
152. The basement membranes for ultrafiltration process are prepared by using L-S phase inversion method with PSF and PES as membrane materials, water as internal coagulant agent.
153. Tectonic inversion may re-suit in various effects on petroleum accumulation and exploration.
154. That the surface's radiation cooling affects on the ground layer temperature inversion is presented as the relatively strong echo peak value corresponding to the temperature variety's valley value.
155. The tomographic inversion of seismic data is better shown in the Talimu Basin and it revealed obvious lateral velocity variation in shallow levels.
156. Methods:The duration of T wave inversion of 40 AMI patients were monitored and radionuclide ventriculography was performed within 3 4 weeks after infarction to test the left ventricular function.
157. The method of fault geometrical parameter that to bring about tectonic deformation through known deformation characteristic is go by the name of structure inversion.
158. The inversion of seismic wavefield based on elastic wave equations is an interesting issue for seismology.
159. The inversion shows that the method of effective density leads to the depth of basin smaller than the actual's, and the width of basin is more significant than the density contrast in computation.
160. Spline function method for nonlinear inversion of 2-D single magnetic interface depth is suitable to the case where residual magnetism and induced magnetism have different directions respectively.
161. Compared with the standard phase inversion line, the dynamic phase inversion line shows clear hysteresis phenomenon.
162. The total variation constraint item is added to the wave equation inversion objective functional, to improve the stability and the resolution of inversion.
163. In TM mode, the distortion of phase is less than apparent resistivity, so the weight of phase in inversion can be increased.
164. Self-Organizing Fuzzy Cerebella Model Articulation Controller (SOFCMAC) neural network is used to correct the nonlinear system inversion error due to modeling uncertainties and disturbances.
165. The circuit is suitable for three phase fully controlled rectification, inversion and voltage regulation etc. where the wide pulse, double narrow pulse or pulse string to trigger are needed.
166. The evolution and deduction of function can be done through connection, mapping and inversion, which is called RMI Principle.
167. A further advantage of SEPIC converters is that almost any low-side regulator or controller can be configured as a SEPIC without the need of polarity inversion or level shift circuitry.
168. Different allels mey be acquired within the invented segment after the inversion poly morphism is established.
169. The extract of seismic wavelet is the base of wave impedance inversion and forward modeling.




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