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单词 kettle
释义  Related topics: Utensilsldoce_180_aket·tle /ˈketl/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  DFUa container with a lid, a handle, and a spout, used for boiling and pouring water 〔烧水、倒水用的〕水壶,壶 SYN American English teakettle She filled the kettle and switched it on. 她把水壶灌满,打开了开关。 The kettle’s boiling (=the water in it is boiling). 水壶里的水开了。 Put the kettle on (=start boiling water in a kettle), will you? 烧壶水,好吗? →5  See picture of KETTLE 水壶 →4  See picture of 见图 kettle →4  See picture on 见图 Page A5 Where to eat 吃东西的地方2. American English a large pot, used for making soup 〔煮汤用的〕锅3  another/a different kettle of fish informalDIFFERENT used to say that a situation is very different from one that you have just mentioned 另一回事 She enjoys public speaking, but being on TV is a different kettle of fish. 她喜欢当众演讲,但上电视又是另一回事了。Origin kettle Old English cetelket·tle nounChineseSyllable  




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