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单词 Spy
1) They expelled a foreign spy from their country.
2) I'm sure my neighbours spy on me.
3) I wonder if you are a spy.
4) Edwards confessed to being a spy for the KGB.
5) The spy whelmed his hat down over his eyes.
6) He denied acting as an enemy spy.
7) The spy stole secret government documents.
8) In the film,(http:///spy.html) he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.
9) He plays a Russian spy in the comedy drama 'Sleepers'.
10) The spy wormed the true story out of a boy.
11) The spy dodged with the lady.
12) His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.
13) She delated him to the police for a spy.
14) He worked as a British spy in Russia.
15) I never agreed to spy against the United States.
16) Secret files reveal an Oxford spy ring .
17) He was a spy for the government.
18) The spy was caught in the act.
19) He nakedized himself a spy.
20) Video spy cameras are being used in public places.
21) Counter-intelligence officers uncovered a spy ring involving twenty agents.
22) The man was accused of being a spy.
23) Can you shake that spy?
24) The police had planted a spy in the gang.
25) They have tracked down the spy.
26) A spy used cunning means to find out secrets.
27) "She thinks you're a spy," Scott said matter-of-factly.
28) The spy is onto us,we'd better hide.
29) This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.
30) He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy.
1) I'm sure my neighbours spy on me.
2) I wonder if you are a spy.
3) Edwards confessed to being a spy for the KGB.
4) He denied acting as an enemy spy.
5) In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.
6) He plays a Russian spy in the comedy drama 'Sleepers'.
7) He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy.
8) The spy was caught in the act.
9) The man was accused of being a spy.
10) A spy used cunning means to find out secrets.
11) His assignment was to follow the spy.
12) When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man.
13) The spy never told his family about his underground activities.
14) He was the first to spy the horseman in the distance.
31) The spy wormed in the meeting-place.
32) He was later discovered to have been a spy.
33) The police detected a spy.
34) His assignment was to follow the spy.
35) I spy someone coming up the garden path.
36) She had always wanted to write a spy thriller.
37) They made several ham-fisted attempts to spy on her.
38) The spy doesn't know we have him pegged.
39) The organization had been penetrated by a spy.
40) She sent you to spy on me,(/spy.html) didn't she?
41) We must assume that the spy kept the negatives.
42) Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.
43) The spy was caught by a policewoman who posed as a prostitute.
44) It is said that he was a spy during the war.
45) When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man.
46) Her book is a hilarious send - up of a conventional spy story.
47) Elliott unmasked and confronted the master spy and traitor Kim Philby.
48) The gunners took aim at the enemy spy plane and brought it down.
49) The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents.
50) I generally like to spy out restaurants before I go to eat in them.
51) The spy never told his family about his underground activities.
52) The spy insinuated himself into the confidence of important officers.
53) I was ordered to spy on the information of a firm.
54) As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
55) He feared the ignominy of being exposed as a spy.
56) The young man looked embarrassed, as if he were a spy whose cover had been blown.
57) We drove around the area where our new house is to spy out the land.
58) The man was accused of being a spy in the pay of the enemy.
59) The British spy, Kim Philby, defected to the Soviet Union/defected from Britain in 1963.
60) Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.
61) He was the first to spy the horseman in the distance.
62) His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.
63) The inspector insisted the meeting be held, in true spy novel fashion, in the open air.
64) The FBI were called in to hunt for the spy.
65) By their cutbacks you shall spy them out.
66) He saw a college spy, madly in love.
67) Hollis was almost certainly a Soviet spy.
67) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
68) They thought he was a Soviet spy.
69) There must be a spy story in here somewhere.
70) A sort of known and often welcome spy.
71) Oh, what a little clairvoyant spy I was!
72) "Shepherd" was a slang term for a spy.
73) Nurse Edith Cavell was shot as a spy.
74) He went there as a spy.
75) Minox is the world-famous spy camera.
76) Mike Myers heads the cast of this spy spoof.
77) So did our successful interception of your spy plane.
78) Any takers for a satellite to spy for peace?
79) And for hints about the way you spy.
80) Guillaume was exposed as an East German spy.
81) He's asking awkward questions, he's probably a spy.
82) It is not uncommon for one licensed dealer to send a spy to work in another.
83) During the Cold War, U-2 spy plane pilots installed rear-view mirrors on the aircraft to monitor their exhaust.
84) He was wrong. Newly discovered papers reveal that behind his bumbling front Betjeman was an exceedingly good spy.
85) As spy chief, Mr Montesinos visited Guzman at the naval base on several occasions to question him.
86) Tolstoy, Hemingway and Hardy, thrillers and spy stories, historical novels, light romances.
87) Even small children were used as instruments in the regime, encouraged to spy on and report their parents.
88) Yeltsin picked Yevgeny Primakov, a spy chief, for foreign minister.
89) She enticed into her house the party Odysseus dispatched to spy out the land, and there she changed them into swine.
90) In any case, I don't think I'd make a very good spy.
91) They were here to defend the heavens against high-altitude spy planes.
92) Newspapers admonished citizens to report any suspicious activity, encouraging them to spy on each other.
93) All they could hear was one of the spy planes.
94) In that case, researchers located debris with helicopters, infrared scanners and spy satellite photos.
95) The magazine also contains a problem page, church spy, stories, poetry and horoscopes.
96) He was a spy for the Soviets in Los Alamos, during the atomic bomb project.
97) It suggests there was an Oxford spy ring in the 1930s which passed secrets to the Soviet Union.
97) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98) Unlike his predecessor, Bienvenu managed to survive his own spy scandal and its ensuing shake-up.
99) The Commission will, of course, have a spy beam on our conversation.
100) At one point U.S. military and intelligence services had 17 spy planes over Escobar's home city of Medellin.
101) But everyone gave the spy plane, nicknamed the Dragon Drone, high marks for simplicity and usefulness.
102) It was at that point, according to court papers, that his alleged spy career went dormant.
103) It is a little more complicated to copy a spy plane, but George Bush has a similar problem right now.
104) They say he is a spy, but nothing could be further from the truth.
105) Both men had reason to prefer the gloom, for one was a traitor and the other a spy.
106) At one hospital, Kimmons installed a spy as a housekeeper.
107) It is bad to play around with other people's wives and bad also to spy on President Amin.
108) Hernandez, as the chief spy, is facing a murder conspiracy charge for their deaths.
109) This was his hobby, sketching vertical monstrosities, though he might easily have been a spy.
110) Only later did I find out conjecture was rife that I was a government spy.
111) If federal officials had their way, the defendants in three high-profile spy cases would change their pleas of not guilty.
112) Government lawyers have been encouraged by a 1997 Appeal Court judgment preventing the spy George Blake from receiving royalties on his autobiography.
113) Well, he kept taking a few sips and peeping around the door to spy out the whereabouts of the principal.
114) All those who scoff at Ian Fleming's spy fantasies should think again.
115) His expulsion is probably more justified in terms of his considerable long-term potential as a spy than in terms of his current status and responsibilities.
116) The incriminating conversations that followed were recorded using hidden spy cameras.
117) In its view, there is not the time, the manpower or even the need to spy in the conventional sense.
118) It was very small, and in the best spy stories wouldn't have been noticed.
119) A spy pays for himself twice, because there's always the reward when we turn him in.
120) They used miniature cameras to photograph secret documents and shortwave radios to receive coded messages from their spy masters, prosecutors said.
121) In the face of such damning evidence Jakobs had little defence against the charge of being a spy.
122) She'd flattened herself against the outside wall like some one in a spy movie.
123) He was rescued by chief minister Robert Harley, who put him to work as a government spy and propagandist.
124) Corvino was the sixth member of the spy ring to be arrested for stealing high-tech secrets from several silicon valley firms.
125) She had been reduced to using ploys straight out of spy stories.
126) There was no way I was going across to follow Ewen Mackay to spy on his activities at the house.
127) Newly discovered papers reveal that behind his bumbling front Betjeman was an exceedingly good spy.
128) Waving the spy photos, making jokes about the air samples the plane had allegedly been sent to gather.
129) He had a spy camera stashed in a seabag at the bottom of his closet.
130) He winced at the memory as he hammered on the steel and then looked through the spy port.
131) Now you spy it, now you don't, like some mirage.
132) Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy, and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
133) But if he gets it into his head that you're a spy ....
134) "Austin Powers" is a spoof on spy films of the '60s.
135) I wade chest-high in bleached ryegrass murmuring in the wind, and spy down the rugged coast of California.
136) By his bed was the same spy thriller, still open at the page where he had left it.
137) Certainly he would have gone down there alone to spy out the land and check on his property.
138) We had been involved in an historical adventure as gripping as any detective tale or spy thriller.
139) The CIA succeeded in unmasking the spy who sold military secrets.
140) The main culprit is the Pioneer, a smaller, less advanced spy plane that the Hunter was supposed to replace.
141) He was then imprisoned as a spy by his unknowing uncle, the governor.
142) He was suspected of having been a spy during the war.
143) He has written a spy thriller that recalls Fleming's James Bond series.
144) Somehow, the plans fell into the hands of an enemy spy.
145) The spy scandal involved two cabinet ministers and several civil servants.
146) At a London performance, a spy was sent out to research audience opinion.
147) But he wanted to spy on the person he was spying for.
148) It is generally believed that the earliest Soviet military use of photographic imaging spy satellites was in 1962.
149) Brothers' officials suggested the man was a spy that had infiltrated their group.
150) These bats are like miniature spy planes, bristling with sophisticated instrumentation.
151) And who could be sure that such secrets could be kept from the spy network still strong in every dormitory and classroom?
152) Why not try some of the Hollywood chat-ups recently reported by Spy magazines.
153) During the Kosovo conflict, the thick cloud meant that some unmanned aerial vehicles took more useful pictures than spy satellites.
154) The only thing really official was the fact that if captured, he was certain to be shot as a spy.
155) Jane had always thought that an eccentricity but now it occurred to her that it was what a spy would do.
156) Some of them, good patriots, agreed to spy for the West.
157) She would spy out the lie of the land and write to him.
157) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
158) Perhaps Tatyana Nowak took her life for fear of the ignominy of exposure as a spy.
159) Her brother, Solomon, a spy operating under the alias Barsad.
160) Hsu admits that it is somewhat ironic that technology designed to help democratise the internet is also allowing the spooks to spy.
161) I heard over the voice of america that they released Powers the U2 spy plane fellow.
162) As for myself, in that dripping instant I knew what it was to act the spy!
163) These spy satellites were to be in place within a few years to monitor all Soviet military activities.
164) It's wrong to spy into people's affairs.
165) Journalists sometimes spy into the affairs of the celebrities.
166) What right have you to spy into my affairs?
167) We must not spy into Amy's diary.
168) The following year America blew up a malfunctioning spy satellite, USA-193, using a ship-launched missile (pictured).
169) However, what makes it cool is the 640 x 480 camera disguised as a jacket or shirt button, which will make spy aficionados, assorted pervs and some Geek Squad employees very happy.
170) Out back, spy shots reveal the Crossman will use a twin-door setup, similar to the one used on the Clubman .
171) It weighs 300 kilograms, similar to the Israeli spy satellite Techstar, which was launched by an Indian space craft in late 2007.
172) Officials in India have repeatedly accused Pakistan's military-controlled spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, of helping to "design the terrorist attacks".
173) Let's begin with examples of how to use the Runtime Spy to diagnose and correct a startup coding error.
174) They are clearly using the ISS as a spy station, to triangulate the position of Planet X.
175) It is now the headquarters of Russia's ubiquitous post-KGB spy agency, the FSB or Federal Security Service.
176) The ugly bureaucrat, the evil invader, the sinister and ruthless spy, all eyes covetously to the Chinese Olympic Games first person, wants to set at it in the deathtrap.
177) Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.
178) She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees.
179) The spy is shy of tsimilarg shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.
180) How much do they pay you to spy on your own kind ? Getting a clear signal?
181) This is a particularly young spy because his dad is lifting him up so he can get his chin onto the chin rest here.
182) One of the best-known honey traps in spy history involves Mata Hari, a Dutch woman who had spent some years as an erotic dancer in Java.
183) "Accidents happened all the time," the historian says. "That's one of the challenges of being a spy or case officer."
184) Leaked U. S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
185) Allegedly part of an 11-person Russian spy ring, Chapman regularly passed secrets to a Russian government official and was picked up in an FBI sting operation.
186) He is in fact Sir John Sawers, diplomat and spy, currently the British ambassador to the United Nations and soon to be the chief of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service.
187) Vivien Leigh and Conrad Veidt star in this dashing spy thriller set in Sweden during the First World War.
188) One built-in tool of XML Spy that felt like actual magic was its automatic DTD/schema generation.
189) "The Jordanian and American intelligence services offered me millions of dollars to work with them and spy on mujahadeen here," he said.
190) Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a dream snatcher. He's an industrial spy, who steals secrets when his victims are at their most defenceless: when they are asleep, and dreaming.
191) Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
192) Spy expert Henry S. A. Becket writes that some germen spies worked in London during the war also worked for the British.
193) The navy may have to wait another day before launching a heat-seeking missile to shoot down a spy satellite.
194) The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.
195) Not surprisingly, China's test of an antisatellite weapon in January 2007 – followed by the US Navy's downing of a crippled US spy satellite in February – chilled cooperative overtures.
196) He established a spy ring in 1780 to reveal that Major General Benedict Arnold was a traitor.
197) Last year, India put an Italian satellite in space for a fee of $11 million. Earlier this year, it launched an Israeli spy satellite.
198) In our fantasy life we court paranoia, lapping up 8 crime thrillers and spy novels.
199) Iran also occasionally claims to have evidence of involvement by Israel's Mossad spy agency and British intelligence.
200) As a "Mongolian spy odd-job man", serving in the Japanese Army and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was engaged in spy activities in Mongolia.
201) The Taiwanese spy network is believed to be still active in Burma, particularly in Rangoon, Mandalay, Myitkyina, Lashio and in border towns.
202) A government "sanitation" team uses heavy equipment, including bulldozers and cranes, to remove all traces of the A-12 spy plane from a 1963 crash site in the Utah desert.
203) From a typeless XML document, XML Spy can do a remarkably good job of inferring the underlying DTD (and creating and attaching it).
204) Now, Pressel is free to speak about his life's work: designing cameras for a top-secret U.S. government spy satellite.
205) Ever since Ian Fleming began penning his James Bond series in 1953, spy adventures and espionage have been hot topics for cinema and television.
206) Given that hundreds of thousands of people had access to the cables, the sensitive stuff will already be in the hands of many a spy service.
207) Looking just as snazzy as his teacher, Glee's prep school spy plays the part – and dashingly!
208) "This is the opposite of a spy satellite, " Brender said in a phone interview. "Spies don't put info on the internet and sell imagery.
209) Pressel says he never expected to come to America, much less become an engineer on a top-secret American spy satellite.
210) Earlier this year, India launched an Israeli spy satellite into space.
211) Some describe the American spy plane missions along the Chinese coastline as in-your-face intelligence collection and an ostentatious display of power.
212) The nearly century-old red-brick structure and clocktower are where the film's patriotic students hatch their plan to assassinate a Japanese-allied Chinese spy.
213) There, they will spy boys in tight, pink jeans and girls with errant bum cheeks flopping loose from sawn-off denim shorts.
214) Markus saw some of the sea ice images last December when the committee reviewed the scientific value of the spy satellite data.
215) Eight of the 11 suspects in the spy ring were teams that prosecutors say were handpicked and put together as married couples to cozy up to American policymakers.




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