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单词 Magnetic
1. The data is stored on the magnetic tape.
2. The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist.
3. The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.
4. Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.
5. The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.
6. He has magnetic personality.
7. The principles of magnetic recording have been around for a long time.
8. The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.
9. Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.
10. I have a magnetic disc.
11. This magnetic tape should be rewound before recording.
12. North magnetic poles repel .
13. A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.
14. The iron has lost its magnetic force.
15. Now the data is being transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk.
16. The tape was left near a magnetic source,[ ] and the resulting damage was considerable.
17. Protect the magnetic strip on your credit card from scratches, heat(), damp or other damage.
18. The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.
19. The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube.
20. The computer-controlled telescope stores these images on magnetic media.
21. Her glacial beauty is magnetic.
22. Weak magnetic fields have been detected in surface rocks.
23. The compass needle points to the magnetic north pole.
24. Cassette tapes have a magnetic oxide coating.
25. The magnetic hypothesis of homing is not yet confirmed.
26. The changing magnetic fields create an electrical current.
27. That way, every drop goes through the magnetic maelstrom.
28. If we charge it with electricity, it will become magnetic.
29. A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a one-two punch to the magnetic field.
30. The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.
1. The data is stored on the magnetic tape.
2. The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist.
3. The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.
4. Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.
5. The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.
6. He has magnetic personality.
7. The principles of magnetic recording have been around for a long time.
8. The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.
9. I have a magnetic disc.
10. The iron has lost its magnetic force.
11. If we charge it with electricity, it will become magnetic.
31. Rocks may not seem initially to be particularly magnetic.
32. He harvested a magnetic puff of amnesia. 2.
33. It is also possible to use a magnetic separator.
34. It's been to the magnetic and geomagnetic north poles.
35. Believing in your Dreams is a powerful magnetic force!
36. The transfer medium is magnetic tape.
37. The magnetic resonator tests show no damage.
38. A compass needle points to the magnetic north pole.
39. The mineral is weakly magnetic.
40. Some 500 details of people's credit card magnetic stripes were found on computers.
41. It was a magnetic mountain where a compass did not work, and it was easy to lose your bearing.
42. Subject Index. % % % Description: Magnetic resonance has long demonstrated its tremendous versatility in many areas of science.
43. At security checkpoints,[] the metal detection machines were set so high that magnetic strips on credit cards could set them off.
44. The firm designs and sells magnetic and optical sensors for use on factory production lines.
45. But as decades passed, the magnetic charts became less accurate.
46. One is that the light-sensitive pigments of the eye could also act as magnetic sense organs.
47. Magnetic boards are expensive and used in a similar way as felt boards.
48. Maybe it is these that enable them to feel within their bodies the contours of the earth's magnetic forces.
49. The newly created Reclamation Service exerted a magnetic pull on the best engineering graduates in the country.
50. The reason for the low upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is not properly understood.
51. These are referred to as Media Items and include magnetic tapes, disks, etc.
52. In order for a planet to possess a magnetosphere it need not have an internal magnetic dipole moment.
53. Application of the local magnetic variation to the recorded heading will give the true heading.
54. Undoubtedly they were places with magnetic stones and high natural radiation - things much rarer than in our modem technological society.
55. The earth's magnetic field is constantly changing in both direction and intensity.
56. The researchers relied on the ability of the material to repel a magnetic field, a trademark of superconductors.
57. Baker suggests three possible reasons why human sinus bones should be naturally magnetic.
58. Of special interest are the clearly presented sections on spectral jumps, and single-spin magnetic resonance experiments.
59. What had happened was that the passage of electrical current created huge magnetic forces which constricted the tube.
60. To understand this behaviour we must consider the magnetic quantisation in terms of the Landau levels.
61. Reams of data, miles of magnetic tape, but none of it satisfies even my own primitive appetite for answers.
62. Furthermore, some media such as magnetic tapes are subject to storage degradation if they are not regularly used.
63. As the particles catch Lucifer's magnetic field, it is extended into space like a fishing net caught by the tide.
64. Ben Loyal dominates the Kyle of Tongue and holds a magnetic attraction for many hillwalkers.
65. Shorn of its technicalities, the essence is this: You place electrons in a magnetic trap.
66. For the past eleven years, the Sun's north geographic pole has also been home to its north magnetic pole.
67. As credits pass through the clearing system, they are collected in a specially designated account and transferred to magnetic tape.
68. In this case a substantial internal magnetic dipole moment is expected.
69. The characteristics of optical fibre change with temperature, sufficiently to change the required magnetic field period.
70. But a feature of each solar cycle is that the magnetic poles reverse.
71. Such all-embracing inventions as the transistor, X-rays and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy all come into this category.
72. This is not to say that these termites have no perception of the earth's magnetic field.
73. But most existing transparent magnets - which are usually made of iron borate - are not actually all that magnetic.
74. Both the magnetic and capacitive systems work on having a series of wire grids embedded in the baseboard of the tablet.
75. No magnetic sense organ has been identified,[Sentence dictionary] but two hypotheses have been put forward.
76. Rotosound have been experimenting with a new type of nickel plating which gives an exceptionally bright sound thanks to increased magnetic response.
77. To do that, however, they must run a gantlet of seismic and magnetic sensors buried along the border.
78. In a few rare cases, lava flows on land have taken place just as the magnetic field was undergoing a reversal.
79. In addition, researchers did magnetic resonance imaging scans of the women's legs to look for increases in muscle size.
80. Similarly, mines can be fitted with various types of sensors, whether seismic, magnetic, acoustic or infrared.
81. The upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is only 0.00005 of that of the Earth.
82. Only certain people are capable of achieving it; those people possessed of magnetic centre, about which we have already spoken.
83. The magnetic field that led to its discovery had vanished at the moment of that radio shriek.
84. Were the magnetic field to be found, Newtonians would celebrate a sensational victory.
85. They might, for example, be mixed with pigments to make magnetic inks for colour printing.
86. The unique magnetic clamp which holds the blade in place has been specially developed and patented by Martek.
87. Club 2000 features an Access Control System which enables members to book and use facilities with a single magnetic strip membership card.
88. At first we thought it might be an outcrop of magnetic rock, but all the geological evidence was against it.
89. Iron might not have melted and sunk to form the liquid core, and the magnetic field would never have developed.
90. Data were downloaded on to magnetic tape for long term storage.
91. At this time the Yohkoh images showed faint X-ray emission from a large closed magnetic field structure above the prominence.
92. All this occurs in magnetic fields very much above the maximum tolerated by the superconducting state.
93. This could show a severe magnetic storm but a higher sensitivity is desirable for serious observation.
94. The rotation depends on the scalar product of the electric dipole and magnetic dipole transition moments.
95. The main instruments for tracing buried features using magnetic methods are magnetometers.
96. Like a lighthouse beacon, this magnetic field has guided ocean voyagers for hundreds of years.
97. Maximum resonance occurs at a specific conjunction of microwave frequency and magnetic field strength.
98. They sank a drill in the exact center of the magnetic field to get a core sample for study.
99. The voltage induced in the pickup coil by this waveform is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic induction.
100. None the less, the earth's magnetic field is a much more reliable guide.
101. At the upper critical field the magnetic field completely penetrated the sample and it reverted entirely to its normal state.
102. The field at these sites is particularly intense, as if the magnetic flux lines have been tied into tight bundles.
102. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
103. The solution was a watch with a magnetic field strong enough to undo a zip.
104. Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids.
105. The second he used to take its magnetic bearing, which he then scribbled into his daily log.
106. This was expected to be a clue to changes in stellar magnetic fields.
107. None of the modules specified by CONTAINS-SOURCE-OF can be removed from magnetic storage as long as the package exists in magnetic form.
108. They sear across the ice, moving in unison as if some magnetic force holds them together.
109. True magnetic north, as measured by compasses, is several hundred miles to the east.
110. It is linked to the magnetic field of the transmitted wave - not the turns of the coil.
111. The flow of a magnetic field is taken from magnetic north pole to magnetic south pole.
112. The left hand can also be used to demonstrate the magnetic flux surrounding a wire carrying a current.
113. During magnetic storms the intense electrical currents that f ow in the upper atmosphere heat the air, causing it to expand.
114. First there is a long-term trend caused by fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field strength.
115. It does raise the question of how pigeons detect the magnetic field.
116. Each tooth has a separate winding which produces a radial magnetic field when excited by a d.c. current.
117. In contrast to Roberts, Henriksen is magnetic without being mannered.
118. Self closing doors with magnetic gaskets make sure that the door shuts and stays shut.
119. To all intents and purposes, though, magnetic north remains north.
120. When electrical currents flow they produce magnetic fields and so it is possible that these two therapies amount to the same thing.
121. Small files that demand multiple-key handling are usually stored on magnetic tape and processed sequentially.
122. The magnetic field is thus one aspect of the earth that scientists have studied in detail for centuries.
123. That's ... that's because chromosomes are affected by electric and magnetic fields.
124. They say that the concentrated magnetic fields in sunspots spread out all over the sun somewhat after the maximum of solar activity.
125. Spacecraft electronics systems are vulnerable to damage by high-energy charged particles and are at particular risk during magnetic storms.
126. Two people standing at distant points on the globe would have completely different ideas about where the magnetic north pole lay.
127. Turns on to headings will be made at the standard rate, but using the stop-watch, not magnetic compass.
128. This latter case will favour the use of a sequential magnetic tape file.
129. Occasionally users still require their data on magnetic tape and so this facility remains available.
130. Others use magnetic resonance imaging, like those used to find tissue damage in humans, to detect explosives.
131. Remember that the magnetic compass, clock and stop-watch are your most important navigation instruments.
132. Until recently geophysicists thought that at this low point the magnetic field would also go haywire.
133. Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
134. Electronic cameras record light as a series of digital impulses on a magnetic disk.
135. This may explain some of the magnetic variations that mystified old-time sailors.
136. A strong magnetic field made the electrons swirl around and so shed energy in the form of radio waves.
137. He felt as if he were pressing against a strong,[http:///magnetic.html] polarised magnetic force.
138. They compared these numbers to precisely determine muon's magnetic moment.
139. Magnetic ink a magnetized ink that can be read both by humans and by electronic machines.
140. It isn't nuclear radiation but electro magnetic and magnetic fields that are causing the worry.
141. However, the weaker the magnetic field, the lower the frequency needed for a given ion mass.
142. But several areas, notably nuclear magnetic resonance, are less satisfactory.
143. Neutral atoms enter this cloud rather than Io's torus because they are not influenced by magnetic forces whereas charged particles are.
144. Induced-polarisation and resistivity measurements were made in the boreholes, and magnetic susceptibility logs were compiled from data recorded from core.
145. High-speed trains operating on magnetic levitation exist in experimental form only.
146. The magnetic bipolar nature of the features is now firmly established.
147. Tell me, does the magnetic virtue of the needles of the compasses of all those ships attract them thither?
148. The trick is to pack as much magnetic punch into as small an amount of seawater as possible.
149. This unusual complication is best imaged by computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance and needs conservative treatment.
150. New media offer many advantages over the magnetic tapes that they replace.
151. The accuracy of global field models depends on the worldwide network of magnetic observatories.
152. These are simple small disks made out of magnetic material which are small enough to be carried in a briefcase.
153. Ground magnetic surveys were continued in the Exeter district to investigate anomalies seen on aeromagnetic contour plots.
154. The other acts as a pickup coil producing a voltage proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linking it.
155. After undergoing a magnetic resonance imaging test yesterday at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, Gagne was told what doctors had already suspected.
156. The virtual particle can interact with the magnetic field and affect the moment of the muon.
157. At these higher frequencies, radio uses a mixture of vibrating electric and magnetic fields instead of fluctuating sound waves.
158. More strikingly, it demonstrated that a toroidal discharge in a toroidal magnetic field established its own stable configuration.
159. Among them was Christopher Hitchens, the Washington-based writer, a figure of magnetic charm and great volubility.
160. All magnetic material was excluded, and the insulating elements of the balance were plated with metal to eliminate any electrostatic effects.
161. The effect of these gradients s to cause the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to form a series of spin echoes.
162. Coiling the wire into a loop permits directional flow of the magnetic flux through the loop.
163. They cooled the sample below its critical temperature so it became superconducting,[] then applied an increasingly strong magnetic field.
164. The present P10 flat fare using tokens will be replaced by a graduated fare structure using stored-value magnetic stripe cards.
165. Internal injuries are detected through magnetic forces which are then relayed on to computer screens.
166. Results of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were normal.
167. Observations by Mariner 10 have demonstrated that Mercury does have an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment.
168. They are using a type of magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate consciousness in comatose patients.
169. The developer hopes it would link with the existing Magnetic Imaging Centre, which already operates a sophisticated body scanner.
170. Pedal pushers in Darlington often go unnoticed by a magnetic loop system at a pedestrian crossing on Parkgate.
171. A dozen flying machines and their pilots would be no more than a blip on a piece of magnetic tape.
172. Not surprisingly these force patterns resemble the pattern of magnetic field lines across the aperture of a quadrupole magnet.
173. For convenience, this information is not stored in human form, but in some magnetic or electronic device.
174. If this is simply a directional gyro it must be synchronised with the magnetic compass at frequent intervals.
175. For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
176. In the case of the human body, that steady field is the Earth's magnetic field.
177. Together with differential rotation, this causes a large amount of mechanical energy and magnetic flux to pass through the surface.
178. This included new forms of magnetic tapes, each of which could hold hundreds of intercepted microwave communications channels.
179. Earth has an actively convecting dense metallic core that produces and sustains a strong magnetic field.
180. To store more data and programs when the power is off, most computers use magnetic discs.
181. Intermagnetics, of Santa Monica, California, has been a well-known name in magnetic tape for several years.
182. During the past year we have been conducting a magnetic survey of the region, from a low-level satellite.
183. These oligonucleotides were attached to Dynal magnetic beads coated with streptavidin according to the manufacturer's instructions.
184. After an initial slice selection procedure, the nuclear magnetic resonance signal is subjected simultaneously to two modulated magnetic field gradients.
185. Or magnetic rugs for men who have metal plates in their heads?
186. The radio waves, magnetic field and computer technology combine to produce vivid images of the body's soft tissue.
187. Cut magnetic seal to length and insert into the slot in the drainage sill.
188. Sinclair Research has promised to produce a small magnetic storage unit for its Spectrum computer.
189. The scanner, made out of a large magnetic tube, gives detailed medical checks without surgery or side-effects.
190. When lava solidifies, its tiny ferrous particles align themselves, like magnetic needles, with the earth's magnetic field.
191. In a magnetic field, a moving charged particle is deflected from the straight path along which it was travelling.
192. Search times are usually slower than magnetic disks, because the reading head has to follow a track.
193. The main enemy of these pumps is limescale, so consider a magnetic device on the feed into your pump.
194. From 1945 onwards there were steady improvements in magnetic tape.
195. Media item One item of a particular media type, for example, one disk or magnetic tape.
196. The present disclosure provides a magnetic memory element.
197. In communications, a disturbance in the ?earth's? magnetic field, associated with abnormal solar activity, and capable of seriously affecting both radio and wire transmission.
198. We investigate the 1D atomic gas BECs loaded in two different near harmonic potentials, namely BEC guided by magnetic waveguide and condensed atoms trapped in cigar-shaped con.
199. The unbalanced magnetic pull(UMP) in a three-phase generator, caused by relative eccentricity , is calculated theoretically, and its effect on vibration of an eccentric rotor is studied.
200. The principle and method for measuring the resistance under zero background magnetic field, critical current density and mechanical intensity are presented and some results are given.
201. We must know, magnetic monopole is the origin of spin .
202. The utility model is composed of an annular permanent magnet (1), a magnetic conductive gasket (2), and a cooling tube, which are arranged in a circular column target pipe.
203. In this paper, a cryopump applyed to the superconducting magnetic mirror machine is described.
204. The results show that the magnetic anisotropy of soft magnetic materials with very low coercive force can be measured successfully with ring-shaped sample according to the law of approach to satura...
205. Number of binary code recording on magnetic tape per unit length.
206. A non - magnetic substance cannot be made into a magnet.
207. The stress and grinding mechanism of a single magnetic abrasive grain in the magnetic abrasive finishing are analyzed. The required properties and preparation technologies of MAGS are discussed.
208. It is significance that research consequences to improve metal belt drive with magnetic force dynamic character and to prevent generating sympathetic vibration of system.
209. The improvement of the original 1.2m cyclotron to enhance its accelerated particles-energies with increasing main magnet exciting current and reshimming the magnetic field is described.
210. This paper made a comparison of functional parameter of M2483 and M2488. The compatibility of M2483 and M2488 and main features of their magnetic tape unit are also introduced in this paper.
211. This paper analyzes the formation of the output wave from a dynamic detector, the relation between the output wave and the magnetic field distribution and the effect of the armature reaction on them.
212. The vertical component of terrestrial magnetic field can be got with the vertical current.
213. This paper is dealt with the fluidization of cohesive particles under transverse rotating magnetic field.
214. An example is periodic motion, such as the precession of a particle with intrinsic spin and magnetic moment in a constant magnetic field.
215. Streptavidin system and magnetic beads isolation technique, providing a new way to study DNA?
216. The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic domain with frequency.
217. At the solar surface, convective motions of heated gases jostle the magnetic field line.
218. Zhang Tianlin, coach at the club, said the magnetic pull of Parkour lies in its relaxing quality.
219. To clarify the precise displacement of the popliteal artery(PA) during knee flexion using magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).
220. Earth's magnetic tail is the part of the field that's stretched out like a windsock by the sun's steady bombardment.
221. Based on inductance models, the universal analytical models on synchronously revolving magnetic suspension force were derived.
222. In the AMB system, a power amplifier which provides magnetic coil with exciting current to produce electromagnetic force, is one of the main components.
223. The relationship between the high peak power junction circulator and the bias magnetic field is described and a method to improve the temperature characteristic of this circulator is given.
224. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectrum were used to study the changes of whole brain and frontal area and hypothalamus area separately.
225. The results show that magnetic memory testing is suitable for pipeline and pressure vessel.
226. She had an indescribably magnetic attraction to her father's world.
227. After the occurrence of flares either the arrangement of magnetic polarity or the neutral line of the longitude field tends to a relatively stable state.
228. Finally, magnetic tape offers little in the way of random access.
229. In the fifth series of the Renminbi on positive number is magnetic ink to printing.
230. The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to residual magnetism.
231. After discussing in this paper about the various kinds of wheel transducers, the author proposes a new type of active transducer based on the magnetic bridge effect.
232. Researchers say their study could provide fresh clues to explain biomagnetism – a phenomenon in which some birds, insects and marine life navigate using the magnetic field that encompasses the Earth.
233. Uses:Used as important raw material for making praseodymium metal. Also used to make RE permanent magnetic alloys.
234. Using superposition principle of magnetic field , a formula of magnetic field on Helmholtz' coils has been obtained.
235. G manual magnetic ore separator: Uses the artificial high - quality goods the river sand magnetic separation machinery.
236. Through the examination experiment on four tube pieces crack part, the relation of crack width, the maximum of leaking magnetic field and differential coefficient K is found out.
237. In this study, prepares c-BN film by a new method, DC magnetic control sputtering method.
238. It is shown that during the main phase of a magnetic storm the electrons drift outward, the pitch angles are decreased, but the height of the mirror points is increased.
239. Apple is also announcing peripherals, including an HDMI adapter for high-definition video output ($39), and Smart Covers, a new kind of magnetic cover with a bendable flap.
240. So, a new approach for the industrial tests on magnetic media of high gradient magnetic separator is proposed.
241. Recently, helicity study in solar magnetic fields become active, because of great progress of observations and data processing.
242. The filtration technology with adsorbent precoat for waste magnetic suspending liquid is introduced.
243. And if the plasma have high density and electron collision frequency, the influence of magnetic can be neglected.
244. By using magnetohydrodynamics, it may be explained that the asymmetry rotation of these asters is due to the asymmetry of magnetic brake.
245. Objective To probe into the value of clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning technique in the diagnose of cochlear nerve and vestibular nerve lesion.
246. The relations among the substrate impurity, magnetic domain characteristics and disk errors are further studied by the mathematical model.
247. Two passive magnetic bearings were devised to resist the attractive force between the motor coil iron core and rotor driven magnets.
248. Removal rates of COD from the acid black 10B dye simulated wastewater in different conditions of magnetic-assisted reaction time, intensity of magnetic field, catalyst oxidation were studied.
249. If the magnetic field is fixed, the time evolution of the entanglement is periodic and is a sinusoidal function.
250. The formulae of force and moment of force acted by an arbitrary coil in non-uniform magnetic field are deduced with Feynman's model.
251. The commercial value of fresh post harvest grape could be enhanced by processing with the alternating magnetic field.
252. Aeromagnetic data downward continuation to sea level instead of marine magnetic survey data can improve use capability of survey data.
253. Applications: non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases; mean field theories for real gases, binary mixtures, magnetic systems, polymer solutions; phase and reaction equilibria,[http:///magnetic.html] critical phenomena.
254. Becuase the disk drive has to burn holes on the disk, so the magnetic head damaged easily when reading the disk.
255. Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
256. The technology of magnetic scale control has been applied into industry and agriculture, which has brought obvious economic benefit in these areas.
257. Therefore, further increase of magnetic recording density is largely confined by the writing ability of the magnetic head.
258. OBJECTIVE:Study the feasibility of using an alternating magnetic field from induction heating furnace to heat the NITI stent.
259. The EM response function from a conducting (both electric and magnetic) sphere in a dipole field is calculated by using the continued fraction technique(), and the resultant data and diagram are given.
260. Early magnetic resonance imaging features were nonspecific for neoplasm and not distinguishable from mycetoma .
261. The main specific of the machines lies in that the pole centers are not alined with the axes of the fundamental wave of the magnetic fields.
262. The 183 W nuclear magnetic resonance technique has played an important role in the investigation of polyoxometalates.
263. The mechanism of magnetic memory effect on ferromagnetic material under loading was studied.
264. Objective To assess motor function of the extremities before hemispherectomy by transcranial magnetic stimulation motor evoked potential (TMS-MEP).
265. Hysteresis loop and thermal magnetic analysis sugest that ferrimagnetic minerals are primarily composed of magnetite.
266. Small flexible plastic disc widely used for magnetic storage of information on micro computers.
267. In the range of same frequency, compared with silicon-steel sheet components, the bulk amorphous metal magnetic component of the invention has greatly improved performance characteristic.
268. You may file your Nebraska State W-2s by magnetic media if you choose to.
269. Based on it's working principle, we determine the arc-suppression coil with magnetic bias methods.
270. A magnetic attraction might be fleeting, but it could be worth exploring.
271. Magnetic heading is an important parameter in GPS locating system.
272. In allusion to these problems, a plasma sheath model in an oblique magnetic field, which has one dimension coordinate space and three dimensions speed space, has been build.
273. The reason a mobile controller station was set up in the first place is that the magnetic flux around the Montes Volans interferes with the link signal from Hell's Gate. They need to be closer.
274. This paper discusses the existence of the magnetic monopole, the conclusion of which is that the magnetic monopole does not exist in the material world but exists in the hypothetical vacuum world.
275. One of the effective ways to improve the area recording density of magnetic media has been to reduce the size of recording unit.
276. Developing new type of magnetic recording media is most important for the recording density of magnetic recording to keep its speed of increasing.
277. It is an effective way register electroencephalograph ( EEG ) to magnetic resonance image ( MRI ) in functional brain imaging.
278. The divergence factor, magnetic field direction and phase difference were educed. The far-field scattering was solved with physical optics integration at the final reflection point.
279. The conventional demagnetizing method is not good at inner demagnetization using direct or alternating magnetic field.
280. The magnetic fluid sealing pressure is mainly related to the magnetic flux density of the magnetic gap, and also related to the structure.
281. To unify the magnetic field level of the whole area in marine geomagnetism surveying, the base value of the secondary base station must be reduced to the main base value.
282. A coupled magnetic - circuit - fluid thermal finite element model is proposed for thermal analysis of dry - type air-core reactor.
283. Field properties of magnetic quadrupole lenses and electron beam transport are studied in this paper.
284. The finish oil content of PET filament was measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The application of this analysis method in production process was discussed preliminarily.
285. The reaction rate of non-leptonic quark weak interaction and the bulk viscosity of quark matter in the magnetic field are investigated.
286. When strain waves pass through a ferromagnetic bar, owing to piezomagnetic effect,[http:///magnetic.html] a nonuniform magnetic current will be stimulated by the strain wave simultaneously.
287. The results show that the microstructure of Fe-Si-Mn cast steels can be remarkably changed through magnetic field treatment, from a mixture structure to only one pearlite or martensite structure.
288. The specially designed magnetic drum controller allows the Chinese fonts on the drum to be retrieved not by drum address but by character codes match.
289. This paper presents a biological cell model to analyze the action of oscillating electric field, oscillating magnetic field(OMF)and the induction field induced by OMF on cells.
290. The relationship between hardness depth and magnetic coercive force was studied. Based on this relationship we develop a new type of electromagnetic nondestructive measurement instrument (DWY - 1).
291. Magneto-optical glass containing rare earth is a new type of functional material, which is mainly used in optical isolator and magnetic sensor.
292. Taking into account properties of the geomagnetic field, a new PD magnetic control law using the feedback information of attitude angle and attitude rate is developed.
293. The transformer in this converter needs no magnetic flux reset coil and has high utilization factor of the magnetic core.
294. The measuring method and results of the ECR plasma properties taken from hard X-ray pinhole camera on the MM-2 magnetic mirror are presented.
295. Using single amorphous-core and double-winding as the sensitive element excited by multivibrator bridge, a kind of weak magnetic sensor with small size and high performance is developed.
296. Magnetic particle inspection method can be applied to the surface of magnetic materials in iron or near the detection of cracks and other defects uneven.
297. This paper puts forward magnetic balanced inspection method, and designs DC earthing inspection system based on magnetic balanced method.
298. For processing fine, feebly magnetic minerals, such as hematite, limonite, ilmenite, wolframite, tantalumniobium, red sludge and etc.
299. The key to moving magnetic domains is the domain wall that exists wherever two domains with different directions of magnetization meet.




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