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单词 joy
释义  joy1 /dʒɔɪ/ ●●● W3 noun  1  [uncountable]HAPPY great happiness and pleasure 欢欣,愉快,喜悦 the look of joy on her face 她脸上的喜悦表情with/for joy I leaped into the air with joy. 我开心得蹦了起来。 She wept for joy. 她喜极而泣。 I didn’t exactly jump for joy (=I was not very pleased) when I heard the news. 我听到这个消息时并没有特别高兴。► see thesaurus at pleasure RegisterJoy is used especially in literature. In everyday English, rather than say they did something with joy, people usually say that they were (really) pleased/happy/glad to do it: joy尤用于文学作品。在日常英语中,人们一般不说 did something with joy,而是说 was (really) pleased/happy/glad to do somethingThank you for your letter. I was really pleased to get it. 谢谢你的来信,收到时我非常高兴。2  [countable]HAPPY something or someone that gives you happiness and pleasure 使人高兴的事物[人],乐趣joy of one of the joys of travelling alone 独自旅行的乐趣之一 The garden was his pride and joy. 这座花园是他的骄傲和乐趣所在。be a joy to watch/drive/use etc The children’s singing was a joy to listen to. 听孩子们唱歌是一桩乐事。3  no joy British English spokenSUCCEED IN DOING something if you have no joy, you do not succeed in getting something 不成功,没结果 I phoned the pub, but no joy. The landlord didn’t know where she was. 我给酒馆打了电话,但没有结果。老板不知道她在哪里。 COLLOCATIONSphrasesbe filled with joy/be full of joy 充满欢乐I was full of joy at the thought of seeing her again. 一想到要与她重逢,我就满心欢喜。tears of joy 喜悦的泪水She began to cry again, but they were tears of joy. 她又哭了起来,但那是喜悦的泪水。a feeling of joy 喜悦之情A feeling of total joy swept over him. 他顿时感到十分欢乐。a sense of joy 欢欣之感nI’ll never forget the sense of joy that day.a look of joy 快乐的样子nThere was a look of joy on their faces.shouts/cries of joy 欢呼nThey greeted each other with cries of joy.adjectivesgreat joy 巨大的喜悦To her great joy, she became the mother of two beautiful baby girls. 使她万分高兴的是,她生下一对漂亮女婴。pure/sheer/complete joy (=a lot of joy, not mixed with other feelings) 纯粹的欢乐It was a moment of pure joy. 那一刻无比欢乐。overwhelming joy formal (=very great joy) 极度的欢乐nShe experienced a feeling of overwhelming joy.true/real joy 真正的欢乐nHow can I find true joy in life?verbsbring joy to somebody (=make someone feel joy) 给某人带来欢乐Her children have brought her great joy. 孩子们给她带来极大的快乐。give (somebody) joy 给(某人)欢乐His music has given people a lot of joy over the years. 多年来他的音乐带给人们许多快乐。feel/experience joy 感到欢乐He had never felt the joy of watching the seasons come and go. 他从来没有体验过看四季变化所带来的那种快乐。be jumping for joy (=be very pleased about something) 高兴得跳起来She tried to stay calm, but she was secretly jumping for joy. 她努力保持平静,但心里却高兴得直想跳起来。express your joy (=show it) 表达欢乐之情nThey expressed their joy by jumping up and down and hugging each other.Examples from the Corpusjoy• Everyone who knew her said she was a joy and an inspiration.• Taking pride and joy in my work had seemed just a dream to me once.• It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before - so much feeling, so much exquisite joy.• I was so excited about getting the job, I nearly jumped for joy.• If it was so unimportant, why, last night, had she scarcely slept for joy and excitement?• The toys will bring great joy to countless children.• Her optimism, her joy of life in those last hours, had nourished the medical staff.• Anyway, I phoned the pub, and no joy.• They give hope and help to those in need and a sense of joy and self-worth to us.• The sisters hugged and cried tears of joy.• Christmas is a time of joy.• The time we spent together in the Bahamas was pure joy.• It's hard to describe the joy we felt, seeing each other again after so many years.• To recapture the joys and imagination of childhood!• And this joy of discovery can prove among the richest of rewards.• People at the wedding laughed and danced with joy.jump for joy• It is, literally, a jump for joy.• The unions should be jumping for joy after the deal they got.• He hadn't been exactly jumping for joy to have her here in the first place, as she knew very well.• Here he is jumping for joy.• If they jump for joy today hold off until they sober up again.• No one was jumping for joy because they'd finally got the piece they'd been searching for for a joy to watch/drive/use etc• Pitting the hood down is a joy to watch.• For Jack, it was a joy to watch her walk; her step was light and happiness shone from her.• The PowerShot is a joy to use.• The result, although dark and satirical, is a joy to watch - hilariously funny and unremittingly scabrous.joy2 verb [intransitive] literary  HAPPYto be happy because of something 〔因某事而〕感到高兴,感到欣喜Origin joy1 (1100-1200) Old French joie, from Latin gaudiajoy1 noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1joy2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  and Corpus great happiness pleasure




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