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单词 jobless
释义 Word family  noun job jobless adjective jobless  Related topics: Employmentjob·less /ˈdʒɒbləs $ ˈdʒɑːb-/ adjective  1. BEwithout a job 无业的 失业的 SYN unemployed► see thesaurus at unemployed2. the jobless [plural] people who are jobless 失业者Examples from the Corpusjobless• The factory closure will leave 3,000 workers jobless.• It would have meant seven hundred vacancies and work for the jobless.• The jobless rate a month ago was 8. 6 percent.• The jobless rate dropped to 8. 1 percent, the lowest in five years, the Bureau of Statistics today reported.• When he left office, the jobless rate was a record 12 percent.• the jobless rate• Young women, fine; and no doubt plenty, in these jobless times, would volunteer.• The bill would allow the jobless to collect 4 to 20 weeks of additional benefits.• The Liberal Democrats have stated they would cut the national jobless total by 400,000 within a year.• Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats agree that radical measures are needed to stem the growing jobless total.• jobless workers• Jobless youths are a major cause of concern.From Longman Business Dictionaryjoblessjob‧less1 /ˈdʒɒbləsˈdʒɑːb-/ adjective without a jobSYN UNEMPLOYED1000 jobless workers have still not received their cheques.Britain’s jobless total (=the number of people without a job) rose to three million. —joblessness noun [uncountable]Joblessness is steadily rising.joblessjobless2 noun [plural] people without a job considered as a groupThe prospects for the country’s jobless are not good.job·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus job Business without a




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