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单词 Bemoan
1 The farmer bemoaned his loss.
2 She is always bemoaning her lot.
3 He bemoaned his father's death.
4 Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.
5 Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds.
6 Instead of just bemoaning your fate, why not do something to change it?
7 He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much.
8 They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance.
9 He put the kettle on, bemoaning the lack of business.
10 White suburbanites bemoan the loss of their cities to crime, drugs and-by extension-black neighbourhoods.
11 For years, parents and teachers have bemoaned the fact that we do not have a national childcare policy.
12 On the one hand, he bemoans the development of a political underclass as demonstrated by poll-tax refuseniks and Los Angeles rioters.
13 I suspect that Labour has bemoaned unemployment vigorously and at length during every period of opposition.
14 Bemoaning the difficulty is no solution, even though lack of attendance will be to the inconvenience of both parties.
15 I get letters from single women bemoaning the absence of men; and from single men bemoaning the absence of women.
16 Journalists and economists justifiably bemoan the obscene compensation packages awarded to corporate officers.
17 So it seems our old Antiquary bemoaned the lack of a bridge.
18 Did he lie back and bemoan his condition?
19 This state I oft bemoan; but what's to do?
20 Teachers often bemoan the lack of respect from students.
21 Purists bemoan the corruption of the language.
22 The Tao of JunkPundits bemoan our trade deficitwith China. But those container ships aren 't heading home empty.
23 Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind.
24 And Carr is not the first to bemoan this development.
25 Software security practitioners bemoan the over - reliance on crypto fairy dust as a reaction to this problem.
26 The rich especially the older rich will bemoan the great refuge for secret stashes.
27 The auction houses quite wisely retreated, leaving specialist dealers bemoaning what they alleged were short-sighted policies.
28 These would hit the popular audience - the old-style Mirror readers who wrote in bemoaning the trivialization of their paper.
29 Business no longer understands the examination system and its grades and it bemoans the continually changing scene.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:16:24